Chapter 286 (Addition for the leader of the Momo Grand Alliance)

Those "experts" that Zou Tao invited several times before said in their mouths: helping him settle this thing will cost them a lot of life.

In fact, it means asking for more money as an excuse.

So Zou Tao took it for granted that it was normal to lose his life essence.But I don't know, most of the people who say how much life they have to sacrifice their lives are scaremongering.

People who really know how to continue their lives would not say that.Unless you don't want to live anymore.

Su Xin said: "Okay, since you mentioned the entrusted task. We happened to bring the agreement signed at the beginning. You only said that you would help you see the miner surnamed Zhou, and did not say that you would solve other people's problems. Yesterday Xiao Jin suddenly fell ill, and we will help you deal with it without saying a word, don't you think all this is natural?"

"I have made this matter very clear before, and I even covered it with a plastic rope to keep them from looking at it. He can't control his own hands and eyes. Who can blame him? I'll tell you the truth Well, he frightened his soul away, his soul is incomplete, that's all he can do."

Zou Tao's spine shivered when he heard this, and his body trembled involuntarily.

Su Xin knew that what she said was a bit heavy, after all, she and the other party were only entrusted and entrusted.

The actual situation is that this person's soul is trapped on the altar, so he can only bear the fear he saw last.

Of course, Yi Suxin's current ability is not impossible to guide his soul out, but why?
Probably because this day is really dangerous and dangerous, and she has tried her best to prevent others from being harmed.

For this reason, she, Shi Feng and Mo Li are all working hard, but these people still want to die, who can blame them? !
Su Xin remembers setting off firecrackers during the Chinese New Year when she was a child. Children like to pick up the unexploded firecrackers and play with them.

The general way to play is to get out the gunpowder powder inside, spread it on a wooden board into the shape of a character or a flower, and then ignite it. The flame will burn in a certain trajectory, and then leave traces of characters.

However, some children like to light firecrackers and throw them at the feet of others, and even throw them on others. They have also had accidents. They were warned not to do those dangerous things, but they never changed their ways.

If things get serious, the parents of the children will stand up and cover them up, saying "children are ignorant" and "what can happen to a firecracker"

But once something really happened, a child reached a new level of play and even threw the lit firecrackers into the septic tank.

Then I heard a loud "bang", the cement cover on the entire septic tank was overturned, and all the feces below were blown up everywhere.

The child was crushed under the concrete slab on the spot...

Afterwards, the child's parents went to the owner of the septic tank and said, why did you repair the septic tank.

That family is also very innocent. How can they explain that their cesspool was destroyed?

There are so many people in the village who have built septic tanks. Besides, if they repaired on their own cesspit, what does it matter to others?
Because human life is at stake, it is useless to send people from above to mediate, and they still have to pay the parents of the deceased to settle the matter.

That's right, that unlucky family is Su Xin's family.Moreover, the parents of the dead child were very violent at that time, threatening to make them risk their lives. If it weren't for the support of the uncle and Brother Donghai, they might have been blackmailed by that family.

So now, Su Xin really doesn't want to reach out to those who are willing to die by themselves, and their lives are at stake.

Zou Tao asked Su Xin again and again: "Are you really all right?"

Su Xin nodded, "You are not the initiator of that ghost, so you are fine."

Hearing what the other party meant was the end of the matter here.But that ghost hasn't really been dealt with?
Zou Tao stammered, and wanted to ask something, but found that he didn't know where to start.

He transferred the rest of the money to Shi Feng's account, and he was relatively savvy about the market, so he made a final payment of 20.

Then he personally sent Su Xin and the others to leave. Just as the car drove out of the mine, a cross-country wind came oncoming.

In the instant of staggering, Su Xin inexplicably sensed a trace of coldness.

Suddenly said: "We seem to be in trouble."

Shi Feng subconsciously turned his head to look at the cross-country going away, leaving only black smoke and dust billowing all the way.


After the three of Su Xin returned to Shili Lane, they began to investigate the mine.

Because the female ghost died in a terrible state, and was later refined into a ghost, it can be seen that there must be a huge grievance behind it.

Su Xin didn't plan to refine her directly, but planned to investigate the matter clearly and calm down the resentment.

As for the murder she caused, it won't be too late to talk about her grievances.

According to the information provided by Zou Tao, the previous owner of the mine, Zhang Wei, was just a middleman.

According to the ID number, the place of origin was found out, and the three went to investigate.

After discovering that Zhang Wei didn't know anything about the mine, Mo Li saw that he wasn't lying.

In other words, his identity was falsely used, and the clues of the investigation were completely cut off here.

The only thing left is to start with the mine itself and check its previous owners.

This is much more difficult to check, because from discovery to mining, there are countless links in the middle, and a boss needs to be replaced every few years or even one or two years.

It is not ruled out that some of them will also use other people's ID cards because they are willing to dare not disclose their identities.

On the other hand, Su Xin was also trying to kill the ghost's resentment, and then see if she could extract useful clues from her repeated tragic memory fragments.

Its resentment is still too strong now, Su Xin dare not directly sense it, so he can only take it slowly.

Li Gui's affairs have not progressed, but the business must continue.

From dozens of pieces of information, Shi Feng selected a message that might become the client.

Seeing Su Xin sitting in front of the computer to look up information, he forwarded the chat information to her.

Xiaoyao Didie: Are you Zero Zero Detective Agency?

Shi Feng: Yes.

Xiaoyao Didie: I've heard of you, can you really... hell?

Shi Feng: May I ask what problems you encountered?Let's see if we want to accept this commission.

Xiaoyao Didie: I want to ask you to help me find someone... oh, no, or a ghost.

Shi Feng: Looking for... a ghost?

Happy Die Die: Yes.A week ago, I suddenly couldn't see him, but some inexplicable things suddenly appeared around me.

Shi Feng: What's the matter?Say and see.

Xiaoyao Didie: The day before yesterday I passed by the dormitory downstairs, and the flowerpot on the balcony suddenly fell. I seemed to step on something at the time and slipped, so I was a little slower, so the flowerpot fell to the ground in front of me and shattered. If I walk normally, I must be hit;

 I am grateful for the generous gift of Mr. Momo, and pay tribute to the first chapter leader! !

  Thanks to pink, there is no cure for the late stage of the second disease, co^0^co, Lois·W, village return, mint with ice ツ, hometown of cat's claw i, 135weiwei, LTS911, rtjhrsdgvsdv, crossrain200, Mimier 520, moonlight lightning In 2016, one day late, Yi Huo's reward and support.Many darlings have tipped several times, and the cumulative fan value far exceeds the genuine subscription value!Thanks to all the friends who voted for Wenwen! !
  The only way for Pepper to be grateful is to work harder to update the code words. If you have any comments and suggestions, please tell Pepper. Pepper will definitely work hard to improve and strive to be better!I love you, and I wish you peace and health!

(End of this chapter)

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