her left eye is unusual

Chapter 287 The Entrustment of Xiaoyao Didie: Ghost Hunting 1

Chapter 287 The Entrustment of Xiaoyao Didie: Ghost Hunting 1
Shi Feng: Is there any more?

Xiaoyao Didie: Yesterday I went to the snack street opposite the school. When I passed the traffic lights, my mobile phone rang suddenly. When I took the mobile phone out of my bag, I paused for a moment. Almost at the same time, a big truck came from me In front, it almost passed my nose.I found out afterwards that the brakes suddenly failed for some reason.I took out my phone and checked, but there was no message or caller ID on it.I thought that if I hadn't been so slow at the time, I would have been involved directly.

Shi Feng: These are quite coincidental.

Xiaoyao Didie: Also, when I went upstairs just now, I was leaning against the railing, and the railing suddenly collapsed, and I almost fell down the stairs. I don’t know who put the mattress there, so I was just shocked, and I didn’t Injuried.

Xiaoyao Didie: I feel that he is helping me secretly. I have read many stories about ghosts before, and I know that if ghosts want to help people, they need to consume their own energy.He helped me like this... I just want to see him, okay?Also, why are you avoiding me so much?
Shi Feng: Did you have any of these strange experiences before you met him?
Xiaoyao Didie: No, you want to say that he did it?No, it's not possible.

Shi Feng: This is just speculation.Whether it is to harm you or help you, or is it still entangled.

Happy Die Die: No, this is absolutely impossible.My first requirement for forming a team is that you help me find him.

Shi Feng: In that case, have you read our price tag?Pay a deposit of [-] in advance...

Xiaoyao Didie: I know, I will send the money right away, can you come over as soon as possible and help me take a look?

Shi Feng: You'd better take the time to come to our detective agency, there are a lot of questions to understand before it's too late.

Happy Die Die: Good.

... After Su Xin read the chat records, Shi Feng's voice sounded: "Xiaoyao Diedie has sent the money over, do you want to make an appointment now?"

Su Xin replied quickly, "Appointment."

Two hours later, the client arrived as scheduled.

Xiaoyao Didie looks to be in her early twenties, with slightly curly hair in a shawl and light makeup, her expression is haughty and distant, and she looks refreshed with a hint of sadness.

The two sat down, and Su Xin took the initiative to introduce: "My name is Su Xin, and I will be in charge of your case. Please introduce the situation first."

Xiaoyao Didie said: "My name is Fei An, and I am now a senior at S University. I would like to ask you to help me find a... person. Let's put it this way, I probably have already mentioned the situation in QQ before."

Su Xin hummed, "I've read that message, I have a few questions I want to ask you, please answer me truthfully, okay?"

Fei An nodded, sat upright, and looked at Su Xin.

Su Xin: "How long have you known him? When? Where? Why did you know him?"

Fei An: "About two months ago, I went home for the National Day, and saw him when I went to school."

"Did anything special happen during this time?"

"It is nothing special."

"Did you know that he was a ghost from the beginning or did you realize that he was after he behaved? Don't you feel scared?"

"I saw from the very beginning that he was a ghost. What's so scary about that?"

"And then, how do you get along?"

"It's very simple, just chat, accompany me to study by myself or something."

"Did anything unusual happen before he suddenly disappeared?"

"No, he sent me back to the dormitory the first night, and he never showed up the next day."

Su Xin looked him up and down, and said: "To be honest, there is no trace of yin energy left on your body. So there are only two explanations, one is that he doesn't exist at all..."

Before Su Xin finished speaking, Fei An became excited, "Impossible, he is here, he is always by my side..."

Su Xin waited for the other party to finish speaking, and then continued what he said just now, and continued: "Secondly, he deliberately did not provoke you. After all, people and ghosts have different paths, Yin and Yang are separated, and getting too close will have a great impact on each other. However, you Although there is no Yin Qi, there is..."

Fei An directly interrupted Su Xin and said, "Can you find him? I just want to know why he left suddenly, and what happened? If I can help him, I will."

Su Xin could only follow the other party's question, and replied: "Judging from your current situation, I don't know where he is."

With a trace of impatience, Fei An said, "If I knew, would I come to you? Don't you know how to summon ghosts? You can cast a spell or something."

Su Xin frowned slightly, "Please ask the ghost to summon the soul? Who told you that you can summon the ghost you want to find by casting a spell? He is not with you now, and you don't know his mark. The ones you recruit will only be ghosts." A lonely ghost with ulterior motives."

Fei An's eyes were a little evasive, "Okay, do whatever you want."

Seeing that the other party still has some important things to hide, Su Xin felt that she should speak clearly.

"Looking for a person in the underworld is the same as looking for a person in the yangworld. You must know all his information. If you don't have it, you can only find out bit by bit from what happened to you."

Fei An waved his hand impatiently, "That's enough, I know what you mean, but I had to do it out of necessity, I just want to know if he is okay? Where is he? I just asked someone for rice. But I I already knew that what she said was wrong, so I found you here."

Su Xin: "Are you sure you didn't say anything, didn't promise anything?"

"No, no, how many times do I have to say it, I didn't know you guys have so many twists and turns."

Su Xin wisely ended the topic, and said: "Well, if possible, I need to be by your side, so that I can confirm whether the accidents you often encounter these days are real accidents or have reasons."

Fei An looked at Su Xin, rolled his eyes up and down, "It's no problem, I'll find a school uniform, and I should be able to sneak into the dormitory."

Su Xin was stunned for a moment, and replied: "Okay."

Just tidy up a bit and go straight away.

Su Xin followed Fei An for two days, but she didn't find any special people or things. If it wasn't for the fact that the other party spoke clearly in the chat records and later conversations, and she also sensed that the other party was not lying, she might have suspected that all of this was her. I imagined it myself.

Su Xin said: "It is true that he is not with you. I think something may have happened. Since he came to you after you returned home, you might as well go home again to see if there is a new one." Discover."

Fei An seemed very conflicted on his face, thought for a while, as if he had made up his mind, "Okay, as long as we can find him, then go home again."

Su Xin pretended to be her classmate and went back to Fei An's house together.

(End of this chapter)

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