her left eye is unusual

Chapter 295 Chapter 306 The Entrustment of Xiaoyao Didie: Ghost Hunting 9

Chapter 295 Chapter 9 The Entrustment of Xiaoyao Didie: Ghost Hunting [-]
Because of fear, Fei Cheng's body trembled like chaff.

That's right, karma, karma is about to be repaid on yourself.

If no one transfers karma to others for him, the retribution will be directly on himself.

No, he doesn't want to die yet.

All the wealth was earned by him through hard work, he provided them with food and clothes, and he gave them everything, so why not let them stand in their way? !
But those who claim to be righteous insist that he is against the law of heaven and ethics.

Fei Cheng knew he couldn't hide it any longer, "Yes, I was waiting for someone. But I don't know the specific situation."

"It was a classmate brought back by my daughter. She said something inexplicable. I didn't know what it meant, so I asked Master Feng to discuss it with Feng Bin."

"He... He did all of this, and later, he became like that."

"I really don't know anything, I don't know... Please save me, Master, I don't want to die, please, I will agree to whatever you want."

Fei Cheng picked himself up completely, but it's a pity that he found the wrong partner.

Because people don't care whether what he said is true or not, they have a pair of eyes that can see through appearances.

The beautiful face is as cold as ice, giving people the feeling that strangers should not enter, Jingxi said coldly: "It seems that you still don't want to tell the truth, but it doesn't matter, this case can be regarded as karma, and someone has already brought it to you." Those evil spirits have been cleaned up, and no innocent people have been affected, so it can be considered complete. So be it.”

When Fei Cheng heard it, all the strength in his body seemed to be taken away in an instant, and he knelt down to Jingxi with a plop, "Please help me, I don't want to die, I..."

Jingxi ignored it and left without looking back.

After leaving the door, the superintendent in charge of the case said to her in a bit of embarrassment: "Oh, that..." "You can just call me by my name."

"Oh, that Jingxi, it's... that's the end? These two people are involved in a lot behind the scenes, should we give an explanation to the outside world?"

Jingxi snorted coldly, and glanced at him with lowered eyelids: "Confession? How to explain? The life debts these people carry are unknown, why didn't they give an explanation to those who were killed and their parents and relatives? This is their Retribution, if you don't know how to write, you can write my words on the file, I don't care."

After saying that, he left without looking back.

The superintendent looked at her back and asked, "Then what about this person?"


Heh, only now do I know that I am afraid, that I will suffer retribution?Why did you go early?
From his tone, could it be that he still needs to provide shelter to that scum?
Whatever it is, it's his business if he wants to get into trouble, it has nothing to do with him.

Jingxi snorted softly, thinking that she was a majestic fourth-level supernatural being, but was assigned to such a small place, in the euphemistic name of assisting the local government in solving cases and quelling local grievances.

They are all dogs, if you want to let go of your hands and feet, let's do something, all kinds of rules and regulations.Even if you know that those people are doing things that are harmful to nature, you can't do it.

Because there is no "evidence", besides, even if I tried my best to find the evidence, I wanted to go straight to the law, but people said that this is a society ruled by law, you can't engage in lynching, you must hand over to the law to sanction them, if you dare to act without permission, then It is to violate this and that.

Her only privilege is that she can directly destroy the genitals, and for strangers, she must be sanctioned by the laws of the world.

So the final result is that the bad guys killed the good guys, and after turning into ghosts, they were beaten to death by these supernatural beings.

Let these people go unpunished, and let those who died wronged be thrown into a place of eternal doom.

This time, that person was able to pull out these two scumbags, it was a joy.

Therefore, she just asked routinely. If the other party didn't say it was just right, she didn't bother to pursue so much.


Su Xin sneaked back to the hotel quietly, and she even prepared a lot of excuses to prove her alibi.

But after waiting for a long time, everything was calm.

All the things received from Feng Bin were also sorted out.

Those jade bottles are all clean bottles, in short, they are used for refining ghosts.

It's just different from refining little ghosts, this is to directly collect ghosts in it and refine it into a puddle of clear water.It is similar to Suxin's Lingyan, but the effect is much worse.

Clear water is the energy form of ghosts, but there are many impurities in it, so it must be used for alchemy and processed again before it can be taken.

Feng Bin didn't have the ability to make alchemy, so he just collected ghosts, traded them to others, and then exchanged them for the elixir he wanted.

Two of the jade bottles were already full of water, and the other two were half full.Su Xin received all these in the Lingyan, and there was only one translucent bead about the size of a soybean left in one of the jade bottles, exuding a faint fragrance. From the memory of Feng Bin's soul, I learned that this It was the panacea he had exchanged for.

His current cultivation is all thanks to the accumulation of spiritual pills.One can imagine how many ghosts have been collected!
Xiao Tao passed Feng Bin's memory to Su Xin.

Rest assured, this person is Xiao San'er's illegitimate son, because he has been bullied coldly since he was a child, so he has a paranoid personality.

When he was 16 years old, by chance, he picked up a book on refining ghosts in a cave dwelling. He used the above method to refine all his parents, siblings, and make them into little ghosts, completing the accumulation of the first pot of gold.

Then by means of this method, he directly helped those rich people to settle the things that righteous people disdain to settle, and became a hot figure.

He doesn't trust anyone, so he has no relatives, no friends, and no disciples.

Seeing this, Su Xin was completely relieved.

Other information is about how he collected those wronged souls, how he refined them into his own little ghosts, and how he helped those powerful and powerful people settle down the endlessly entangled vengeful ghosts.

Su Xin only extracted the relevant information about the female ghost in his refining mine, and erased other worthless information.

Rather, the half book on ghost refining that flashed through the soul of the other party was somewhat similar to the half book on Feng Shui formation that Su Xin had seen in his memory.

Come to think of it, they were originally a book, half of which explained how to set up formations to collect other people's luck, and the other half used these luck to refine ghosts, and even humans, to achieve the unity of heaven and man.Open up a shortcut for mortals to directly log in to the fairy gate.

Probably because the records in the book were too heaven-defying, it was torn in half and passed on to different people.

The half of Feng Shui Formation has been destroyed by Su Xin, and the half in Feng Bin's hand was also destroyed after he read it and mastered it completely.

Therefore, there is no way to verify the specifics of this strange book.

(End of this chapter)

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