her left eye is unusual

Chapter 296 Chapter 307 The Entrustment of Xiaoyao Didie: Ghost Hunting 10

Chapter 296 Chapter 10 The Entrustment of Xiaoyao Didie: Ghost Hunting [-]
From Feng Bin's memory, he learned that when he was refining the female ghost in the mine, she had become a vengeful ghost.

Su Xin recorded the general information of the people who had contact with Feng Bin, and planned to deal with the case in hand before looking for clues.

Xiao Tao has basically dispelled the resentment from the male ghost. This is a very delicate task, and thanks to Xiao Tao, he can regain his consciousness.

Su Xin then asked what was the relationship between the male ghost and Fei An.

The male ghost said: "I forgot my name. It was as if I had slept for a long time, and then I was suddenly woken up. I saw them take my body out of the tomb and transport it to the tomb. One place, open the chest cavity, stuff a black thing inside, and then sew it up."

"I felt a pain in my chest. I told them not to put things in it, but they didn't listen to me. Later, a man came, and he seemed to feel my presence. I told him, but he took Something came towards me, and I instinctively felt fear, so I ran away."

"When I got outside, I ran into someone, and I followed."

Su Xin interface: "That person is Fei An?"

"Well, she gave me my name, Ping. The two of us together are peace, and I just want to live a peaceful and peaceful life. I thought I was the loneliest person in the world, only to find that she is... She pretends to be strong, but her heart is the purest and kindest. It is she who makes me no longer alone and feel the only warmth from this world."

... Su Xin always felt that this sentence seemed to have been heard somewhere, oh, yes, it was what Fei An said when he entrusted the task, "He made me feel the only sunshine and warmth in this world."

Su Xin asked again: "...Fei An said that during the few days when you suddenly disappeared, she had accidents one after another. Did you do it?"

Ping fell into deep thought, and said with doubts: "I don't know what's going on, it's as if there is some kind of power controlling all of this in the dark, those things happened around An An inexplicably. The things should have started from It started the night I separated from her, and I sent her back to the dormitory on the surface, but actually followed her secretly."

"I don't know who dropped the soap on the ground that day. She didn't pay attention. She stepped on it, and her body fell directly backwards. And someone behind her put a sculpture of a sharp cone on the ground. I felt bad at the time. I put another The classmate pushed her over to block her."

"On the second day and the third day, many coincidences happened one after another, but I didn't sense the same kind of aura. Everything happened as if it was normal. I don't want her to suffer even the slightest harm."

Su Xin took a deep breath, the world is full of true feelings.

This karmic retribution, just like the case she encountered before, all the deaths were coincidences.And behind this coincidence is also the impetus of some mysterious force.

"Then I felt a force pulling me, dragging me into a dark tunnel, and later, I found myself back in my body, but I don't know why, it hurts so much, my whole body feels like being trapped Numerous bugs gnawed at him, suffered the same pain as Ling Chi, but couldn't leave anyway, and then..."

Ping's narration is consistent with Feng Bin's memory information extracted by Su Xin.

Feng Bin helped Fei Cheng to pass on his karma to his children. This time it happened to be Fei An's turn.

After casting the spell a few times, they found it was unsuccessful, and the karma was still hovering over Fei Cheng's head.

After careful inspection, Feng Bin found that there was a dark force secretly protecting Fei An, so he found Ping's body, worked on it, and sealed it in the tank.

Then Su Xin came.

That's the way it is.

Su Xin understood the ins and outs of the matter, and was moved and heavy at the same time.

I was moved by the mutual warmth and protection between An'an and Heping, but I was heartbroken when I thought that a father would push his children out to protect him from disasters for himself.

In this way, it also explained that according to the information Shi Feng found earlier, Fei Cheng had many wives and lovers who gave birth to many children for him, but most of his children would die because of this or that accident.

It turns out that the crux of the matter is here.

Su Xin tidied up a bit, intending to settle the worries between Ping and An, so she called Fei An.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the call was connected, I heard an urgent cry for help from the other party, "It's Su Xin, right? Fei's villa, save me, come and save me..."

When Su Xin heard the whimpering wind coming from the microphone, her heart moved, and she thought of a possibility - karmic retribution.

Didn't expect it to come so soon!

Put down the phone and rush over.

At this time, the entire Fei family villa was shrouded in a cloud of lead.

The black clouds surged, as if there were countless monsters roaring and charging inside.

Not only karma, but also countless wronged souls.

When Fei Chengdang knew that he could not survive this hurdle, he used the excuse of dividing up the family property to have all his children, wife, including his lover, the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth... all recalled to the villa.

Then shut everyone in the hall and courtyard, and himself in a separate room in the middle.

Even if those evil spirits come to take revenge, those who have a certain blood and skin relationship with him will help him block it.

In the field of vision of the left eye, countless ghosts screamed, shuttled freely from the person, and some even opened their mouths directly, biting a piece of flesh from the person... It was simply a carnival feast of revenge for evil spirits.

However, none of them found the real object of revenge.

Su Xin was a little dazed when he saw this vivid scene of fierce ghosts cannibalizing people.There was no such shock in the Ten Thousand Ghosts Formation back then.

She wanted to use the Lingyan inkstone to collect these wronged souls directly, but he decisively cut off this idea as soon as it arose.

These ghosts are all coming for revenge, and the ghosts of revenge are different from ordinary wandering ghosts.

The latter harm innocent people and should be eradicated, so they will not suffer karmic backlash.

As for the former, they all carry extremely heavy karma. If you forcibly accept it, then all the karma on them will be directly transferred to you...

That is to say, there will be various "death coincidences" in oneself, inexplicably encountering some unknown dangers, or even inexplicably dying.

Su Xin suddenly thought of a saying, "A good man's life is not long, but a disaster will last a thousand years." There is a certain truth in it.

Because good people have good intentions, they want to help others in everything, and help others to replace them.

That’s right, you have helped someone, but the karma from the other person will be transferred to you. If you want to help, well, then you should bear it on behalf of the other person.

Su Xin took back the Lingyan inkstone she had taken out.

(End of this chapter)

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