her left eye is unusual

Chapter 297 Chapter 308 The Entrustment of Xiaoyao Didie: Ghost Hunting 11

Chapter 297 Chapter 11 The Entrustment of Xiaoyao Didie: Ghost Hunting [-]
Feeling that Fei An was in danger, Ping Sen said eagerly: "An An is in danger, I'm going to save her, please let me out."

Su Xin's thoughts were pulled back, and she said seriously: "These evil spirits are just taking revenge indiscriminately based on instinct. Fei An has Fei Cheng's blood in him, and he has also accepted his nurturing grace, so in their eyes Taking revenge on her can also dispel their grievances. If you go, you may be attacked by them in groups, or even wiped out..."

Before she finished speaking, Ping said without hesitation: "I know, I just want her to be well, please..."

Before he could say the last word "you", Su Xin let him out without hesitation.

Anyway, she has already told him the pros and cons clearly, she is not a good person, she can't stop others from being a good person, right?

At this moment, Su Xin sensed a strong energy fluctuation coming from the side and rear.

Just as he was about to hide and retreat, he heard a cold voice: "Why do you leave in such a hurry, fellow daoist? Why don't you leave after watching this excitement?"

Following the voice, a tall woman wearing an ankle-length beige coat leaped in the air, the hem of the clothes fluttered, and her black hair fluttered.

Two strands of hair were picked out from the temples and tied behind the head, with raised eyebrows, long and narrow red phoenix eyes, a small upright nose, plump lips, and creamy skin, like a beauty carved from white jade.

Su Xin quickly took two steps back, nodded slightly, "My name is Su Xin, I just passed by here, and I don't mean to offend seniors."

The other party's cultivation base is two levels higher than hers, so there is no harm in being humble.

Jingxi's eyes rolled slightly, sweeping over Suxin, "Loose cultivator? Ability level two? So you are that Suxin. Don't call me senior, do I look so old? My name is Jingxi."


Su Xin responded, observing the other party's expression nervously, and found that the other party's expression was as indifferent as ice, and he couldn't see anything.I don't know if it is compassion or what to see these ghosts taking revenge on the living.

But these are not important, she just wants to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

Ping has already gone to find Fei An, so strictly speaking, his mission has been completed.

Su Xin was about to leave when she heard several fluctuations of spiritual power. In an instant, three practitioners landed next to them one after another.

One of them said: "What a vicious ghost, Jingxi, is this how you calmed down one side?"

There was a condescending reproach in his tone.

Jingxi didn't care, and said in an indifferent and calm voice: "You can't see what I'm doing, you can use your own method to solve it, go, there are still half of the people inside waiting for you to save."

"You—" Of course he saw that these people had extremely heavy karma, and he was not a fool to ask him to rescue them.

Another gentle female voice came: "In any case, these people are not guilty of death, we can't just watch them be killed by ghosts, can we?"

It was such a familiar voice, Susu subconsciously followed the prestige, but said who it was, it turned out to be Hui Xinjie.

Did not expect to meet again here.

Now she just wants to make herself disappear into the air.

As Hui Xinjie said, she stepped forward, pushed her hands forward out of thin air, and a white sheet was spread out in front of her.

As soon as she moved, she jumped on it and crossed her legs. The white cloth surged like white waves, exuding holy brilliance.

It turns out that this white sheet is a magic weapon.

She closed her eyes and began to chant. The clumsy notes passed through the waves and turned into energy ripples, which spread to the surroundings.

Those fierce ghosts are passed by these energy waves, and the resentment on their bodies will disappear.

As the energy waves surged layer by layer, the resentment on them became weaker and weaker...

On the other hand, Hui Xinjie, her face is getting whiter and whiter now, with beads of sweat rolling down her face, and her already delicate body is even more precarious when she sits cross-legged on the Dharma blanket.

Yu Chijing hurried forward, her nervousness and concern were beyond words.

But there is nothing that can be done.

Su Xin was slightly startled, she was using her own energy to appease their grievances!This completely overturned the impression that she was just boasting about kindness.

Cultivation has its own way, and it's not easy.

Here are all the experts of the special case team, Su Xin had nothing to do with her, so she left quietly and wisely.


Ping desperately defended Fei An.

Fei An has been able to stand strong here for so long, the only obsession in his heart is to see Ping again.

I didn't expect to wait until it really came, and I felt that the whole world became full and vivid.

She already understood that the accidents and miracles that happened in the past few days were the result of him secretly guarding her. At this moment, how could she be willing to let him bear the pain for herself alone.

So she no longer shivered in the corner, no longer flinched, but used her best to fight against those crazy ghosts.

She wasn't afraid of death at all.She has long wanted to get rid of this life that she has been unable to choose and change since she was born.

In the life-and-death battle of ecstasy, at some point, everything around became quiet.

A soft voice came: "Humans and ghosts have different paths, you should go where you should go."

Hui Xinjie finally converted all the evil spirits and fierce ghosts, and the remaining one could not be converted no matter what.

He found that his obsession was with this girl, so he tried to persuade her.

Fei An subconsciously put Pinghu behind her, and found that she had swiped her hand across the opponent's body, but these were not important, she still stood in front of Hui Xinjie persistently, and said: "He has never hurt anyone, even countless times. Help me, can't you stay like this?"

"No, ghosts have ghosts, and human beings have order. You will only harm her if you insist on staying with her. If you really care about her, you should let her live better."

Ping's heart began to waver, he was really reluctant to leave her, he wanted to stay by her side forever.

But if he would only hurt her by staying, he would rather bury this feeling deeply.

Hui Xinjie continued: "If you give up your obsession now, I am willing to save you from hell."

Fei An showed a trace of contempt and relief, and suddenly said: "Wait a minute..."

She took out her mobile phone and clicked on WeChat transfer, then, without warning, picked up a piece of glass on the ground, and scratched it hard on her neck.

Hui Xinjie was shocked and wanted to step forward to help.

Blocked by the other party's bloody hand, he stared at her and said, "If you dare to save me, I will hate you and curse you for the rest of your life. If you really want to help me, then you can fulfill me and bring me together with him." crossed..."

Behind the seemingly glamorous and well-fed life, it is like a marionette, a raised pig, which may be raised and slaughtered at any time.

His blood flows in her body, what she wears, what she eats, everything is provided by him... She has no choice.

If she hadn't seen that scene when she was a child, if she didn't know her fate, maybe she could be like her other brothers and sisters, at least happy and enjoying life before those accidents happened.

But... everything can't go back.

The cold world suddenly gave her a glimmer of sunshine and warmth, and she would rather repay it with everything she had.

Ping is her sunshine and warmth, and she is willing to live and die with her.

(End of this chapter)

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