her left eye is unusual

Chapter 298 Chapter 309 Fair——

Chapter 298 Chapter [-] Fair——


Shi Feng, who was concentrating on sorting out the information, glanced at his phone. It was a WeChat notification. When he clicked on it, a person named Xiaoyaodie transferred him [-] yuan.

Xiaoyaodie is exactly Xiaoyaodie, the client who accepted the request a few days ago.

She is transferring the final payment later, which means that Susu's task has been completed?

Generally speaking, Susu will call him to tell him when the task is completed, and then after a day or two or even longer, the entrusting party will be belatedly call over the balance.

When things went wrong, he immediately called Su Xin.

When Su Xin returned to the hotel, she saw that it was midnight, and she originally planned to call Shi Feng the next day, but she didn't expect the other party to call her so late.

Quickly connected, Shi Feng's slightly eager voice came, "Susu, how is your side?"

Su Xin replied: "It's relatively smooth, the task is basically completed, I was planning to call you early in the morning."

Shi Feng breathed a sigh of relief, so he said: "Xiaoyao Disc has already transferred the final payment through WeChat, [-]."

Su Xin immediately replied, "Fifty thousand?"

Because [-] is the current maximum amount for WeChat transfers.

"Well. The key is that according to the previous agreement, the balance payment of [-] yuan will be paid after the task is completed, so..."

Su Xin was also slightly puzzled.

Thinking about the tasks that I did before, except for a few really "professionals", everyone else negotiated the price first, and the price could not be lowered. When the final payment was made later, it was delayed again and again. So simply and neatly giving more to so many people.

Because of the abnormality, it's no wonder that Shi Feng called himself in such a hurry to confirm the situation.

Su Xin said: "I found new clues about the female ghost in the mine, and it may take two or three days before I can come back."

Shi Feng: "It's just right, I asked Wang Yang to check the criminal and disappearance cases that occurred in X province in the past ten years. Although one of the cases has been closed, it looks a bit strange. I have photocopied all the materials and will send them to in your mailbox."

The data package is relatively large, and Su Xin downloaded it very slowly on her mobile phone.

While waiting, there was a knock on the door.There's no way room service was there in the middle of the night.

With a thought, the consciousness swept across the door.

is her?

She subconsciously buckled two talismans and went to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, Hui Xinjie stood outside the door with a pale face. Before Su Xin could speak, she was a little weak, but said in a disdainful tone: "Don't be so wary of me. Don't worry, I'm not here to look for you." It’s troublesome. Although you were the one who caused all of that. I’m just here to convey a word to you for her..."

When Su Xin saw the other party, she thought of the scene where she desperately tried to drain her spiritual power to quell those grievances, and the scene where she questioned herself aggressively for the sake of those cursed villagers. The pictures overlapped, and only One thought: This guy is really hardworking.

Su Xin said "Oh".

Hui Xinjie was a little annoyed when she saw the other party's indifference and indifference, "Why are you so indifferent, don't you want to know who she is? Don't you want to ask her how she is now?"

Su Xin followed the good example: "Who is she? How is she doing now?"

Hui Xinjie's chest rose and fell violently, and she pointed at Su Xin "you" for a few times without saying a word. Yu Chijing next to her gave Su Xin a hard look, with murderous intent and resentment.While rushing forward to help her, she took advantage of the situation and leaned against the other's strong arm.

Yu Chijing's deep voice sounded: "For this kind of person who is originally indifferent, she doesn't understand this at all, and she doesn't know how to be bound or worried about the other party at all. Obsession? This will only hurt yourself..."

Although Hui Xinjie was very disgusted with Su Xin's attitude, she looked very stubborn. She stared at Su Xin and said word by word: "Fei An is dead."

She paused for a moment, seeing that there was no surprise on Su Xin's face, and she didn't even show a little bit of pretended sadness, and she was very depressed... For her, watching a living life die in front of her eyes, it is true for her. She had a huge impact.

"It's all because of you, because of you, she died..."

Su Xin replied lightly: "I'm afraid it's not necessarily true. Your cultivation base is higher than mine, and you have more information than me, so you must see it more clearly. The people inside have karma on them, and the retribution will fall sooner or later. They will die sooner or later. I am just helping the clients to complete their tasks, and everything is their own choice. They are all adults, and they are responsible for their lives, not me."

"...It's really stubborn!"

Su Xin suddenly remembered what Lu Junsheng said, "It's good to be in peace with each other".

So he said: "The way is different, it is good to be in peace with each other."

Her Dao heart and what she insists on are different from those of the other party. She respects the other party's cultivation and persistence, but it does not mean that she needs to respond to the other party or give up her principles and bottom line.

After a long time, Hui Xinjie took a deep breath before saying, "She said, thank you—"

Su Xin paused, and said, "Thank you too."

A trace of surprise flashed across Hui Xinjie's expression.

Su Xin's plain words fell into Yu Chijing's ears, as if she was perfunctory to Hui Xinjie so painstakingly, even ridiculed, and wanted to go forward to fight Su Xin angrily.

Stopped by Hui Xinjie, Yu Chijing said distressedly: "Jie'er, you..."

Hui Xinjie took a deep look at Su Xin, and said to him: "Let's go, and I have also conveyed what she asked me to pass on."

Just now, she discovered that she had harvested a spiritual point of gratitude on the altar!
That is to say, she wasn't just perfunctory her just now, nor was she so cold-blooded and heartless on the surface.

She couldn't help but think of the scene when Jiang Ping and Fei An crossed Huangquan Road, the two of them joined hands, and her heart was filled with inexplicable happiness and satisfaction.I don't intend to compete with this woman anymore.

... After sending the two away, Su Xin finally calmed down, from body to heart.

The news Hui Xinjie brought made her completely relieved about Fei An's case.

As she said before, she and Hui Xinjie are not on the same path, but in this matter, she is still grateful for her approach.

However, there is a more heart-wrenching and serious question that comes to mind.

That is: there are so many accidents and deaths in this world every day, how many of them are due to real retribution?How many people are pushed out by others as "stand-ins"?

They may not know their fate until the moment of death, and they are completely determined at the moment of birth.

But from the perspective of reincarnation, this does not violate the "law of heaven".Everything, including life, depends on others to exist, and while enjoying it, you must also share the doom, which is fair.

Those who are still envious of those who were born with a golden spoon in their mouth, wonder if they will still be envious after understanding the karma.

 ps: Thank you Mr. Nianhua for catching bugs~ It's a small task, and the target is a student, so the reward is destined not to be very high.Chili explained a little in this chapter, thank you again for your kindness, okay~~
(End of this chapter)

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