her left eye is unusual

Chapter 299 The Perfect Evidence

Chapter 299 The Perfect Evidence

Turning around, I found that the data had been downloaded.

Su Xin has no sleepiness at all now.

She found that as her cultivation advanced, unless she was extremely tired, she didn't require much sleep.

Generally speaking, sitting cross-legged can replace sleeping and restore energy and physical strength to a full state.

And now it was past four o'clock in the morning, even if they were going to sleep, they would wake up as soon as they fell asleep, so they simply started to open the pictures one by one, and began to check the information sent by Shi Feng.

The mine was discovered 20 years ago, and then it was surveyed and applied for a mining license. It was not officially mined by a big boss until ten years ago.

The benefit of the mine was better than expected, so the scale was expanded, and the number of miners once reached hundreds.

As a result, corresponding living communities, family areas and so on have been established.

Family members can come to visit or live temporarily. Among them is a miner named Xu Maoshan. During the summer vacation, his wife Zhou Ying brought his 16-year-old daughter Xu Minzhu to visit him.

After staying for less than a month, it was rumored that Zhou Ying stole, was chased, fell down the mine, and died.

Xu Maoshan went crazy and attacked the mine owner with a mining shovel, but was restrained by other miners. In the middle of the night, he also jumped down the mine and died.

Suffering from the pain of losing her parents one after another, Xu Minzhu lost her mind and became angry with the mine owner's daughter, so she led her to a remote place where she was tortured and killed inhumanely.

After being caught, he still gnawed on the other party's flesh in his mouth.

Originally, she was going to be arrested and imprisoned, but after a psychiatric appraisal, she was mentally ill.

But the mine boss finally took her back to the mine for recuperation because of her ignorance and the pain of losing her parents.

... No wonder Shi Feng said that this case is very strange.

The personal evidence in the file is solid, without any flaws, but it gives people a very strange feeling.

No flaw is the biggest flaw. ——Xu Maoshan has been working in the mine for nearly a year and has been fine. Why did something happen to his wife and her daughter to see him?

steal?A woman stealing from a mine that was almost all men?Stealing men is almost the same, which is completely unreasonable.

A family of three, in less than two months, died and went crazy.

In a mine that is relatively closed to the outside world, for ordinary miners, the mine boss is their food and clothing, their parents are their heaven.

It's too easy to give them a unified false statement.

Such a simple question, Su Xin couldn't believe that the investigators at the time couldn't think of it.

Now that I can think of this, but the dossier is still the same, it can be seen that either the mine owner has a deep background, or the money and power transaction, or they clearly know that there is something tricky, or the previous sentence-evidence.

Everyone agrees, in this society ruled by law, no one can reverse it.

Su Xin recalled that the appearance of the female ghost she saw was somewhat similar to the girl in the cardamom age in the photo.

The fingers unconsciously touched the woman's innocent smile in the photo, her bright eyes, and her white teeth glistened under the spotlight.

Su Xin's consciousness sank into the spirit inkstone, seeing the female ghost, the resentment in her body was not so strong.

This kind of transition is a bit like Hui Xinjie's supernatural power, which is to slowly reduce the resentment of the ghost, rather than directly refine it.

She can transform hundreds of ghosts at one time, but Su Xin is only slowly reducing one ghost at the moment, and it took so long to finish.

Of course, it has something to do with this ghost being stronger and more stubborn than all those ghosts.

All in all, Su Xin is still not good at this aspect.

The female ghost was still whining incessantly, darting left and right in the space unconsciously.

Su Xin subconsciously called out: "Xu Minzhu——"

The female ghost, who had been wandering aimlessly, suddenly paused, her angry and unfocused eyes suddenly paused, subconsciously looking in the direction of Su Xin's thoughts.

Su Xin shouted again: "Xu Minzhu, Xu Minzhu"

The ghost stared at the direction of Su Xin's thoughts for a long time, her chaotic pupils gradually became clear, she opened her mouth, and made a soft and hoarse voice: "Mom, Mom..."

Su Xin almost jumped up in surprise.

It proves that the female ghost's consciousness has not been completely lost. After going through such a tragic experience, her consciousness has not completely disappeared. It is simply a miracle.

However, thinking about it the other way around, if it wasn't for her such a strong obsession, she might have become an ordinary evil spirit long ago, and others wouldn't even bother to use such a complicated method to refine it.

Su Xin's guess is right, in the deepest part of the female ghost's subconscious, there is still nostalgia for her parents buried.

Because this answer completely confirmed its identity, and it also confirmed that the information Shi Feng investigated was completely consistent with the mine ghost's press.

It's a pity that the information on the file only records that the mine boss took Xu Minzhu back and there is no follow-up.

Therefore, something even more terrifying and terrifying must have happened to Xu Minzhu before it became what it is now.

Su Xin asked, "Do you still remember how you died?"

"Death, death..." The female ghost suddenly became crazy, with a ferocious expression, she opened her mouth and rushed towards Su Xin's thoughts.

Su Xin quickly withdrew her thoughts.

It seemed that she died in so much pain that once she touched that memory, she completely overwhelmed her sanity.

Su Xin couldn't get more information from the female ghost for the time being. Fortunately, there were many names in the information provided by Shi Feng.

These people were all witnesses to the accidental death of Xu Minzhu's parents back then, and their confessions and fingerprints are attached.

You can start with these people and peel off the cocoons.

It's just that there are only the ID numbers of these people on the file, and their current contact information still needs to be obtained from the archives.

Shi Feng said: "The person who gave the confession in the file died seven years ago. I am now looking for other miners who worked in that mine, but there is no progress now, and it may take some time."

Su Xin took a look, and more than a dozen miners wrote statements, describing how they saw Xu Minzhu's parents steal and how they fell into the well.

How could more than ten people be gone at the same time?

"Seven years ago? That is, the mine boss took Xu Minzhu back for about a year?"


This is too much of a coincidence. Could it be that Xu Minzhu died at that time, and then turned into a ghost to take revenge on those people?

But according to Feng Bin's memory, he sealed the female ghost three years ago, so what happened in the nearly three years?
Su Xin looked at these well-spoken statements with scarlet fingerprints, which described from countless angles how Xu Minzhu's mother stole things at that time, and how his father broke into the mine boss's house, insulting, beating, threatening and blackmailing the boss and his family. …

The confessions corroborate each other seamlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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