her left eye is unusual

Chapter 300 Investigation and Clues

Chapter 300 Investigation and Clues

Although these people are dead, Suxin intends to investigate from the people around them to understand the situation at that time.

The first confessor was a villager from the same village as Xu Maoshan. Xu Maohe and Su Xin directly booked the nearest flight online with their mobile phone, and then took a taxi to Dingmao Village.

In the hilly forest tens of kilometers away from the county seat, a narrow concrete road winds and undulates through the entire village.

Small two-story buildings were built along the road, and the ground floor on the side facing the road was used as a canteen.

There are few vehicles and pedestrians on the road, so you can meet the business is very light, that is, to do small business in the nearby neighbors.

Su Xin walked into a house, and there was a glass cabinet by the rolling shutter door, inside there were only a few packs of instant noodles, ham sausage, salt biscuits, mineral water, etc. Dust fell, and there was also a layer of dirty greasy on the glass.

There was a manual mahjong table on one side of the room, surrounded by five or six people, yelling, making the mahjong ringing.

A middle-aged woman in a red down jacket glanced up at Su Xin, "What are you buying?"

Su Xin pointed to the biscuits, "Help me get a few boxes of biscuits and mineral water."

The woman was confused and refused to stand up. A man next to her impatiently pushed her away and sat on the seat, saying, "Go quickly, go do your business, and I will help you win the money back."

The woman responded casually, walked to the glass cabinet in two or three steps, and looked Su Xin up and down, "How many boxes do you want?"

"I want all three boxes, and two more bottles of water."

The woman pulled out a plastic bag and quickly put it on, "25 yuan."

While taking the money, Su Xin asked, "I'm asking someone, do you know where Xu Mao and his family live?"

The woman froze for a moment, frowned, and asked cautiously, "Why are you looking for that dead ghost?"

Su Xin handed over 30 yuan and replied: "That's right. At that time, my brother and he were working in the same mine. In order to raise money for me to go to college, I borrowed some money from him, but the mine disbanded later. , I haven't been able to contact anyone after searching for a long time, this time I asked a lot of connections to ask here..."

When she heard about the money, the woman's expression softened slightly, "He has lent you money back, and he has never told me about it. I am his wife, and you can just give me how much money you borrowed."

Su Xin quickly changed her name to "big sister", "That's right, my brother borrowed 200 yuan from many workers at that time. After all, they all wanted to send the money home, and they didn't have much money left. My brother asked me to make sure It needs to be handed over to Xu Mao and Big Brother face to face. Moreover, it can also be confronted face to face. Although it is only a few hundred yuan, it is better to make it clear."

The woman was a little impatient. It turned out that there were only a few hundred yuan, but it was better than nothing, and said, "Let me tell you, that short-lived ghost is dead, and I am his wife. If you don't believe me, just ask them. "

Several men and women playing mahjong quickly responded: "That's right, big sister, you have found the right person, she is Xu Maohe's wife."

Su Xin asked: "May I ask how Xu Mao and the elder brother died? Because I heard my brother said that he was also strong in the mine and he was in good health."

Woman: "Hey, let me tell you, are you here to buy things or to pay back the money? If you die, you will die. You are a policeman and you are here to investigate? So many people saw it at the time, he himself went crazy Take a kitchen knife and cut your stomach open, and it will be too late to send to the hospital."

Su Xin's mental power tightly locks on the opponent's thought fluctuations, and extracts a memory that is active at the moment:

The man went to mine with several people from the village, and within two years, the man suddenly came back alone with a bag of money.So I moved my house out of the ravine and built a two-story small western-style building on the road. The house was not fully completed, but one day, the man became naughty, like a child who is afraid of an adult's big ass, hiding everywhere. Hiding in the cellar, under the bed, and then running all over the mountain screaming in terror.

The next night, a group of house repair workers were eating and drinking in the courtyard dam. He suddenly took out a kitchen knife, laughed, chopped off his hands and feet, and then cut open his stomach. Grabbed the intestines with one hand and dragged them all over the ground...

At that time, everyone was terrified by this weird and terrifying scene...

Su Xin withdrew her mental power, and then the woman said: "I'm really sorry for causing you sadness, then I will return the money to you."

Su Xin took out another two hundred yuan and handed it to the other party, "Oh, by the way, my brother said he still owed Xu Maoshan 200 yuan. He said that he lived in the same village as Xu Mao and elder brother. I don't know how to get to his house?"

Before the woman could answer, someone next to her raised her voice and said, "Oh, don't go to that family, everyone is gone."

"Oh, why? Did they all go out to work?"

"Oh, it's because of part-time jobs. Anyway, they all died outside."

"It's a coincidence that the whole family is like this?"

"It seems that there is a family inheritance of mental illness or something. He suddenly fell ill and jumped into the mine and fell to his death."

Another person replied: "Being together for decades, why didn't you see that their family was mentally ill?"

"What do you know? Experts say that mental illness is mental illness. It's really a pity for his daughter, tsk tsk, she looks juicy and sensible, and she used to call me uncle every time she came back from school."

"Isn't that right? I heard that after being admitted to the Teachers College, I will teach in our village elementary school in the future."

Su Xin stood for a while and then left, basically understanding the situation.

Xu Maohe's death was extremely horrific and abnormal. It was preliminarily determined that it was related to Xu Minzhu's ghost. She just took revenge on the confessor, but did not hurt the innocent.

In this way, it was shown in the file that she lured the mine owner's daughter to a remote place and carried out inhumane humiliation and murder. Is it because of anger or revenge?

Two girls of the same age, but with high status and high status, logically speaking, it is impossible for them to have too much overlap.And just by staying in the mining area for a few days during the summer vacation, what is the reason for forming such a deep and endless hatred?

The rumors in the mouth of the villagers basically matched the files she had seen, and it was determined that Xu Minzhu's family suffered from intermittent mental illness.However, judging from the villagers' narration, there is a high possibility of framing.

Then she visited several other families who confessed, and the situation was basically the same.

Seven years ago, they both brought home a large sum of money in the same month and died suddenly.

The death patterns are very strange or even terrifying, or they eat dirt inexplicably and die; or they hit the wall until their brains burst and die.

Su Xin retrieved Shi Feng's photocopied dossier from her mobile phone again, and saw the column for the signature of the psychiatrist...

The alarm clock flashed a thought, a brainstorm.

Almost all the people who gave the confessions here are dead, but there is also a psychiatrist who signed this and must know something.

(End of this chapter)

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