Chapter 302
However, so what with such a powerful mental power, he still couldn't see the existence of ghosts.

In this way, it is much easier to handle.

With a thought, Su Xin volleyed in his direction and captured the two very weak ghosts in the yin attribute space of Lingyan.

Mobilize the power of Lingyan to replenish their soul power.

Su Xin originally wanted to extract some useful information from them, but unfortunately they are just ordinary people after all, it is not easy to keep ghosts alive because of a little obsession, now only revenge, everything else Both memory and sanity are completely wiped out.

Not everyone can become a ghost after death, and not every ghost can retain the consciousness and mind of life.

Su Xin didn't force him, he just wanted to make sure that they came from revenge, and he signed the mental illness certificate with a brush, blaming the mental illness for taking advantage of him.

She strengthened the soul power of the two ghosts, and then released them.

The two ghosts immediately followed their instinctive obsessions and lay down on Hu Pinghua again.

Bloodless?She will too.

Hu Pinghua's expression immediately became terrified and fierce, and he opened his mouth and shouted: "Come on, I'm not afraid of you. It's just two low lives. If you die, you should go to reincarnation. Even if you become a ghost, what can you do to me? Low life It's life!"


Suddenly, two ghosts pounced on his head at the same time, and their black hands firmly penetrated into his eye sockets, constantly releasing terrifying thoughts, forcing the scene of their death into Hu Pinghua's mind over and over again.

Seeing that Hu Pinghua's mood became agitated and abnormal, Shi Feng glanced at Su Xin, who said indifferently: "It seems that this person is really crazy, tsk tsk, it turns out that dignified psychologists are the real psychopaths."

Hu Pinghua stared at Su Xin with great resentment, "No, I'm not crazy..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly yelled and slammed into the wall, "Ah—no, don't kill me, I don't want to die, don't..."

At this time, the doctors and nurses came and asked Suxin and Su Xin who were standing outside the isolation ward to leave, "Sorry, the patient is in a very unstable condition now, please leave immediately."

Because the mental illness of this person has certain aggressive and self-harm tendencies, the room was completely wrapped in soft foam and monitoring was installed.

For the medical staff in the nursing home, they only saw the patient suddenly go berserk from the surveillance, and the madness seemed more real than before. Several people held him down and gave him a sedative injection.

Unless Hu Pinghua's soul is searched, his memory cannot be ascertained.

Of course, Su Xin would not do this, and the clue of the female ghost in the mine was broken again here.

Shi Feng went back and continued to guard the base camp, while Su Xin returned to S City and went to the guards.

I want to see the real identity of the "Mine Boss" mentioned many times in the file.

In fact, the core of the whole case is the mine owner, but it is not mentioned in the file. This is a very big flaw, and I don't know how the case was closed and filed at that time.

Sitting in the car on the return journey, Su Xin saw the latest news from G Province:
The police cracked a huge drug trading and smuggling case, and used corpses to carry out drug hiding, transportation and smuggling activities.

Dozens of corpses with varying degrees of corruption were found from Fei Cheng's villa, some of which had been dissected and loaded with drugs and illegally smuggled items, and some were being dried and mummified.

All assets under Fei's jurisdiction were seized, and the owner was included in the scope of investigation.

The case is under further investigation.

At the bottom there is a line of small words: The Fei family suspected that due to the uneven division of interests, a large-scale fight took place in the main house of the Fei family, resulting in 36 deaths and 58 injuries.Fei's family is sensible, and the Patriarch of Fei's family suspected that he was insane due to the blow. On the way to the police station for questioning, he injured the policeman, smashed the window of the car, swallowed the glass and committed suicide.

Fei's shipping industry collapsed in an instant.

The case is currently under further investigation.

Su Xin's fingers lightly slid across the screen of the mobile phone, being overwhelmed by countless news.There is no wave in my heart.

Upon returning to City S, Su Xin went directly to the police station.

Su Xin is a frequent visitor here, and a police officer who knew her took her directly to Wei Yan.

Passing the office, Wang Yang and a colleague were taking notes with a middle-aged man in a leather jacket.

When her eyes swept over the middle-aged man, she subconsciously took another look.

The man's Yintang was black, his eyes were bloodshot, his hair was disheveled, his body trembled slightly, his expression was frightened, and his eyes looked around erratically.

The so-called Yintang is the center of the eyebrows, which is the channel between the spiritual altar of ordinary people and the outside world. Under certain special circumstances, the soul can enter and exit the body through the Yintang.

Therefore, if one's own willpower is not enough or the outside world is too cloudy, it may directly affect the Lingtai.

With yin and yang eyes, you can see the accumulation of Yin Qi in Yintang, which is the so-called blackening of Yintang.

"...I admit it, I confess everything, you arrest me, I don't want to go back."

Wang Yang looked businesslike, "Are you guilty if you say you are guilty? You have to produce evidence. How about this? Since you said that you engaged in illegal loan sharks in underground banks and used abnormal means to force debts, then you should present evidence. Your account books and evidence of illegal coercion of debtors, otherwise how could we randomly arrest people?"

The man was very depressed, he just wanted to seek asylum, not really put himself in prison.

If those evidences are brought out, I am afraid it will not be as simple as going to jail.

So he slapped the table and shouted: "Of course you have to find the evidence yourself..."

Wang Yang: "You are right. Since we are the ones to find the evidence by ourselves, let's not arrest you until we find the evidence."

When Wang Yang saw Su Xin, he quickly said hello, and pointed to the next office: "The boss is inside."

The man looked at Su Xin, was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly asked Wang Yang, "Hey, that, she... Is she from a detective agency in the newspaper?"

Wang Yang snorted lightly: "That's right, could it be that you did something wrong and got entangled by something?"

Let’s say that Suxin entered the office after knocking on the door and got permission. Seeing that Wei Yan was reading a dossier, he looked up at Suxin and asked, “How is the case you asked to investigate last time?”

Su Xin shook her head, "The clue is broken, I just came here to ask if there is any more information. Who is that mine boss?"

Wei Yan said: "When Shi Feng came to look for it last time, I checked it myself, and I didn't find out the real owner of the mine that was contracted ten years ago. All the information has been redone. The people above Yes, but I don’t know it.”

Su Xin was a little shocked. How could she tamper with the government files?

It seems that the people involved in this case are not simple, so I can't be rash and reckless.

At least you can't check the information of relevant people in such a big way. If you fall into the eyes of someone with a heart, maybe you haven't realized whether the other party is an enemy or a friend, and the other party will target you.

 ps: ...Actually, the holidays are more tiring than usual. If anyone feels the same, come, give them a hug, and comfort each other.I was locked in a small black room today and almost couldn't get out, so tonight's update was delayed by more than an hour, I'm really sorry, hugs, I wish you all a happy holiday, and I will add more compensation tomorrow~ I love you~
(End of this chapter)

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