Chapter 303
Su Xin quickly said: "In this case, let's stop this case."

The reason why she said this was purely because she didn't want to involve Wei Yan and the others. It was her own idea to calm down the grievances of the female ghost in the mine. She always felt that doing so would make her feel more at ease.

"By the way, what is the background of the person who is taking notes outside?" Su Xin asked.

She saw that the man outside had a very heavy Yin Qi, as if he often dealt with ghosts.But looking at him in a trance, his eyes dodging and terrified, it seems that he is not dealing with, but being haunted by ghosts.

If he is entangled by a vengeful ghost, he will only be a disaster, but if he is entangled by some evil spirit who wants to find a substitute or is full of evil thoughts, everyone who comes into contact with him may be affected.

Of course, in a place like the police station full of evil spirits and upright spirits, even if he had those dirty things on him, he would not dare to show his head here.

Wei Yan: "Oh, you said Xia Jin, he is the major shareholder of the credit union, and he owns many restaurants and entertainment clubs under his name. But the real boss is the underground lending under the guise of the credit union, gray transactions, etc. .Because no conclusive evidence has been found... It's not that there is no evidence, but that these are all on the edge of the law, and the other party has a strong team of lawyers as backup, so they can't convict him. Black and white take everything, so S City is One of the men of the hour."

"But this time it's a little strange. He used to be very proud, but he came here suddenly, and he was humbled, and he meant to expose himself. But even if this case is an economic case, it is not under our control, and then he lied They said that they hurt people, but they couldn't tell who was hurt, when, where, and no one came to report. It was obviously an excuse to use our place as a shelter, so Xiao Wang has been talking to him Playing Tai Chi..."

It turned out to be an underground loan shark. It seemed that among the few entrusted tasks I received earlier, they were more or less inextricably linked to underground banks. I didn't expect to see the leader of the loan shark today.

From this point of view, it is more likely that the yin energy came from revenge.

After learning about the situation, Su Xin was about to leave. She glanced at the thick kraft paper file boxes in front of Wei Yan, and asked casually, "Are you looking through old cases? Is there anything I can do to help?"

This time Wei Yan helped them check so much information, and he completely trusted and did not hold back, just relying on it, we must reciprocate.

Wei Yan pinched his brows, "Thank you for finding out the case so quickly a few times ago, it has a great influence on S City, and there have been few cases during this period, so I dug out the previous dossiers that were still somewhat suspicious. "

Su Xin noticed that the file box said "closed case".

Wei Yan continued: "This case is precisely a case of disappearance and kidnapping. The kidnapper is Fang Xin, the daughter of Fang Xun, the director of Hele Food Processing Factory. According to the family report, Fang Xin has been missing for two days. It took three days to report the case. And they did not specify the exact location of Fang Xin's disappearance, because the murderer called them, saying that Fang Xin was in his hands, and asked them to prepare 1000 million. If you find it, Fang Xin will surely die. The Fang family will call the police immediately."

"For Fang Xun at the time, 1000 million was almost half of his total personal assets."

Su Xin snorted, which meant that Fang Xun never thought about paying the money.

It can be understood that his behavior of calling the police immediately is a wise move. After all, there are many precedents of giving money and being ripped off.

However, in this way, all the pressure falls on the police.

Wei Yan continued: "At that time, one of my seniors who graduated from the same police academy was in charge of this case, because it was already past [-] pm when the report was received, and five hours later was the deadline mentioned by the murderer. Of course, Perhaps at least at the time, they didn’t think that a person who was so eager for money would blatantly tear up the ticket. Or openly informed the family members and the outside world that the ticket had been torn up before getting the money.”

Su Xin nodded, that's true, according to common sense, unless the other party's purpose is not for money at all, but other things, such as wanting to play a challenge game with the police to show off their intelligence, or...revenge, wanting to kill the enemy Relatives to achieve the effect of making the enemy heartache.

Wei Yan: "And according to the information known at the time, they could only start with the social relationship between Fang Xun and Fang Xin according to the routine. This investigation is very troublesome. Fang Xun has many bonds and debts, and Fang Xin also has There are a lot of interpersonal contacts. These need to be investigated and collected evidence. Just after [-] o'clock in the evening, the servant of Fang's family found a cardboard box at the door, which contained a pile of scraps of paper and a few cards, which is the kind for children to learn letters Card. My classmates found that this was a clue left by the murderer, but it was a pity that it was past ten o'clock when they made the puzzle. The public called the police, saying that a girl jumped off the Baihe Bridge. A fresh life was lost. "

"Afterwards, some people said that the box had actually been placed at the door long ago, but I don't know why it was not taken out until the time set by the murderer."

"Everyone thinks that Fang Xin committed suicide, including the previous phone call, which is also a way for her to deliberately attract people's attention. But my senior firmly believes that there must be a murderer behind everything. I firmly believe that the girl She was murdered, and he wanted to help her clear her blood and redress her grievances, to the extent that she forgot to sleep and eat for this case..."

Su Xin listened, feeling a little strange, and quickly asked: "Now, how is he doing?"

Wei Yan said: "I went to see him last weekend and saw him shutting himself in the room, closing all the doors and windows, and drawing the curtains. When I went, I saw him staring at the picture about the case in a daze. I told him not to So persistent, no more evidence and no clue, it’s not something that can be done persistently. He suddenly turned his head and yelled at me, telling me to go away. I think his appearance is very strange. He got out of that state, so he took out the file again to look at it."

Su Xin said, "Is it convenient for me to take a look at it for you?"

Wei Yan was extremely grateful and warm in his heart, because this case has been closed, and if it is reversed again, many people will be involved.So he didn't bring it up publicly, but just took a look in private to see if he could help his friends find out the truth.

And these, he didn't even tell Wang Yang, just because he was afraid of getting involved.

Of course, it's not that he hasn't thought about looking for Su Xin, but this is just an ordinary disappearance and suicide case, and they seem to have encountered many problems now, so they don't have a chance to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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