her left eye is unusual

Chapter 304 Happy National Day Chapter! ! !

Chapter 304 Happy National Day! ! !
An hour later, Suxin read all the materials.

As Wei Yan just introduced, the whole case is clear at a glance, and the time, witnesses, and physical evidence are seamlessly connected.

It was seamless again.

Su Xin thought of the dossier about the female ghost in the mine, and it was so seamless.

But the more impeccable it is, the deeper the inside story is hidden.

Anyway, she didn't have the slightest idea about the case, and she was idle now, so she decided to help Wei Yan solve the case first, to see if she could find some inspiration.

Su Xin said, "Let's go to your senior's house now."

Wei Yan was also unequivocal, he couldn't ask for Suxin's help, so he greeted his colleagues and drove Suxin over.

Wei Yan's senior is Ma Ke, who made a mistake because of this case, was forced to leave the police station, and rented a private house in a suburban county.

Arrived in an hour and a half.

It is a two-story building with prefabricated boards. Ma Ke rented a single room on the second floor near the corner.

There is an iron ladder on one side of the house leading to the second floor. The steps of the steps are welded with narrow channel steel. Standing on the top, you can see the surrounding area below, which is empty.

From afar, Su Xin sensed a strong yin energy pervading the whole house.

Su Xin said to Wei Yan: "Your classmate may really be in trouble."

Stepping on the ladder, there was a dull sound of gang bang, knocking on the gradually falling night.

A gust of cool wind blew past, and the cut skin hurt.

Wei Yan felt the biting chill hit, subconsciously shrank, and looked at Su Xin.

There was a hint of coldness in Su Xin's calm expression.

In the vision of her left eye, she saw a female ghost in a long red dress, flying around the two of them like a rubber man, and then stopped in front of Wei Yan.

His eyes widened, exuding a strong ghost power, probably trying to influence the other party's will, making the other party see his terrifying appearance for a short time, thereby scaring the other party away.

But at this time, Wei Yan turned his head to look at Su Xin who was two steps behind him, so he didn't see it.

The female ghost pushed forward with both hands, and rushed towards Wei Yan.

At this moment, a faint light emitted from Wei Yan's body, and the female ghost was bounced away.

Even so, Wei Yan still felt a gust of cold wind, as if it could penetrate a thick down jacket.

Said to Su Xin: "I don't know why, but every time it seems like the freezing wind is biting the ice and snow. How are you? Are you okay?"

Su Xin nodded, "I'm fine. By the way, did you always visit your friends like this before?"

Wei Yan replied: "Well, it's just the last few times, his condition has gotten worse and worse. If a person stays in the room for too long, his thoughts are more likely to get into a dead end. I want him to come out for a walk. He used to tell me The last two words, now he just drives me away. Last time I wanted to help him open the curtains, he suddenly jumped up and pinched me. I know he has been depressed because of that case, and when he calmed down a little, he behaved Very painful and resistant."

Su Xin: "That's why you re-read the file privately?"

Wei Yan hummed, turned around, and continued to walk up.

The female ghost had nothing to do with the upright Wei Yan, so she looked at Su Xin.

Just when Su Xin looked at the ladder under her feet, the female ghost suddenly got under the ladder like a wisp of smoke, and her ghost power suddenly increased, and her ghost image appeared.

It happened to fall in Su Xin's sight.

It's like when some people bump into a ghost and suddenly see a ghost face or something, it's actually a ghost doing it on purpose.

Su Xin had a steelyard in her heart. She read the files earlier and knew that the woman who disappeared and finally committed suicide was only in her twenties, and judging from her short and simple life experience, she did not commit any crimes.

Therefore, if there is really a murderer who arranged everything to kill her, she is an innocent soul who died in vain.

She has a great tolerance for innocent deaths, but this tolerance is not without a bottom line.

This female ghost threatened them again and again, and with extremely strong resentment and evil thoughts, that would be too much!
At this moment, the female ghost showed her appearance when she died. Her whole body was soaked in water like a huge human-shaped white steamed bun, her mouth had grown up, and the inside was covered with mud and dirt. Her eyes were round and gray, like the eyes of a dead fish.

Suddenly appearing in front of ordinary people like this, it is inevitable to scream in fright.

But Su Xin has seen scenes a hundred times more horrific than this, and also experienced ghosts that are a hundred times more dangerous than this, so how could she be scared.

With a thought, he suddenly stretched out his hand to capture the void below.

A flash of surprise flashed across Ghost Shadow's face, followed by fear.

But the handprints captured by Su Xin from across the air clamped her tightly, and she couldn't break free at all. In the end, Su Xin completely put her in the palm of her hand and was wrapped up by spiritual power.

The moment Wei Yan turned his head to talk to Su Xin and then continued to turn around and continue up the stairs, Su Xin took the female ghost away.

The spiritual power carried a strong murderous aura, and within minutes she was refined to nothing but a faint soul.

Su Xin's attack was too sudden and sharp. After the female ghost was taken away, the whining wind that lingered around them suddenly disappeared.

knock knock --

Wei Yan knocked on the door, this time, there was no movement at all inside.

Wei Yan yelled twice, "Mako, Mako—"

There was no response, he took two steps back, then turned sideways and slammed one shoulder towards the door.

Ordinary locks couldn't withstand his several hundred kilograms of impact at all, and the door opened in response to the sound. He staggered a little to stabilize his body, and skillfully touched the light switch.

Su Xin looked into the room, because of the darkness, she couldn't see the specific things clearly, but she saw the extremely strong Yin Qi, which almost completely drowned out the vitality of the living people.

Out of the corner, there is a mass of Yin Qi that is the heaviest, and a person is wrapped in it.


The light flickered a few times before coming on.

Wei Yan glanced around the room, and rushed towards the people in the corner, "Marco, Marco, what's wrong with you?"

Just started, the body flinched.so cold.He felt like he was holding an ice cube.

Without hesitation, Wei Yan took off his down jacket and put it on the other person, then hugged the other person on the bed.

He turned his head and said to Su Xin: "Call the emergency number quickly..."

Su Xin: "Already called, but here is still some distance from the hospital, and it will take at least half an hour to get there. You are familiar with this place, boil some water first..."

Wei Yan regained his senses, and hurriedly fiddled with the water heater on the messy table next to him.

It's the kind of spiral heating resistor that is put directly into the kettle and plugged in.

Su Xin glanced over the man on the bed, and secretly marveled in her heart, it was a miracle that such a ghostly aura in the room was still alive.

She noticed that he also had the same righteousness as Wei Yan.

It stands to reason that such righteousness should be invincible, just like Wei Yan, why would he be haunted by such a low-level female ghost?

(End of this chapter)

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