Chapter 305

Because Ma Ke has been haunted by the female ghost for a long time, the righteousness in him also began to slowly dissipate and fade.

Gradually transforming into the ghost power of a female ghost, that's why the female ghost can become so powerful from a low-level ghost.

Su Xin thought, I am afraid that when this righteousness completely disappears, it will be the time for the female ghost to completely harm him, and it will also be the time for Ma Ke to die.

Su Xin opened the curtains, raising a cloud of dust. Fortunately, she was prepared so that she didn't choke.

The misty moonlight spilled into the room from the same dusty glass windows, and the dim light divided the room into several clusters of bright and dark light and shadow.

In order to absorb the righteousness of Ma Ke's body for her own use, this female ghost did everything possible. If such a strong Yin Qi was allowed to dissipate automatically, it would take at least a few years.

If ordinary people enter here, they will inevitably suffer from a serious illness.

So he walked to the center of the room, pinched out a seal with both hands at the same time, and an energy ball condensed in the center of the palms of both hands.

To be precise, it's not a solid energy ball, energy bubble.

Under her control, the energy bubble continued to grow bigger and bigger, and then continued to expand like a transparent balloon, and finally filled the entire room and burst open.

The energy surged, dissipating a lot of Yin Qi, and the air temperature suddenly increased by a few degrees.

Wei Yan quickly took a pot of water and boiled it up. Seeing Su Xin walking around the room and holding his hand, a gust of breeze blew up in the room, as if the dull and oppressive turbidity was blown away in an instant. Cleaned up the same.

He asked: "Just now, is there something here? There must be something haunting Marco, right?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, he realized that his voice was hoarse and stuttering.

Su Xin replied: "There is indeed something, but the specific situation can only be clarified after your friend wakes up. Don't worry, these things can't do anything to you."

Wei Yan suddenly remembered that he used to come here alone. The landlord and the neighbors said that the place was not clean, and it was always windy every night. If someone passed by here unintentionally, he would be seriously ill.

But other than he felt that it was colder here than other places, there was nothing wrong with him.

Wei Yan subconsciously asked, "Why?"

"Because you have righteousness in your body, and you maintain fairness, order and justice, these evil things can't get close to you." Su Xin said with a smile.

"Is that so?"


Boiling water spewed out steam from the kettle, Wei Yan hastily unplugged the power.

First pour a glass of water and let it dry, then pour the rest into the basin, mix some cold water, and it can barely be used.

He quickly twisted a hot towel, wiped Mako's body, and then applied the hot handkerchief to the opponent's vest.

When the sound of the ambulance came from far to near, Marko had already slowed down.

Wei Yan went to the hospital together, Su Xin went back to Shili Lane, and asked Wei Yan to call Ma Ke after she woke up.

Wei Yan, Mo Li and the others have gone to work. Apart from the supernatural commissioned tasks, there are other cases.

Su Xin washed and tidied herself up, and lay comfortably on the bed.

Start organizing your thoughts for the past few days.

Xiao Tao: "...It is a bit similar to the case you handled earlier. For a girl who is not deeply involved in the world and has no time to do good or evil, everything should not be her responsibility. Therefore, From this point of view, her death is indeed a bit unjust, but..."

Su Xin: "But she took revenge in the wrong direction."

"That's right. But the vast majority of ghosts in this world are actually the same as people. In your words, they are soft persimmons. Some people will retain their fears and certain characteristics even after they die. It does not dare to retaliate against the villains, but if under certain circumstances, someone shows sympathy and compassion for them, and their minds are loose and weak at that moment, they are very likely to entangle them."

Just like when facing some dead people or in the cemetery, it is best not to say such words as "so pitiful" and "such a pity". If your yang energy and will are weak at that critical moment, you may be killed Ghosts sneak in.

Su Xin thought about what she saw in Ma Ke's room, all kinds of information plastered on the entire wall. It can be seen that she really wanted to find out the real culprit and give Fang Xin justice.


However, the truth of the matter is hard to say now.

Or there may be some entanglement between Ma Ke and Fang Xin.

The night is like water, flowing quietly in Su Xin's calm and tranquil practice.

The next day, Shi Feng and Mo Li hadn't come back yet, Su Xin went to the front hall to guard.

As soon as the computer was turned on, the automatically logged in QQ popped up. It was Shi Feng's account, and it was now serving as a public chat tool for the detective agency.

Countless gray or colorful headshots danced one after another on the "Stranger" column.

Su Xin felt dizzy for a while.

Thinking that Shi Feng and Mo Li have to tap the keyboard to type and chat from the sea of ​​information every day to confirm whether the other party may become their client, it is really not an easy task.

Su Xin clicked on a few:

"Can you really see ghosts?" It was obviously because of novelty or... boredom, so he passed directly.

"Are there any talismans for sale? The invisibility talisman and the golden shield talisman, let's make a price." The invisibility talisman and the golden shield talisman fall into the hands of ordinary people, they are simply golden fingers, and they will not leave their own image when they go to murder, set fire and rob. .Regardless of whether other practitioners sold them or not, she would never sell them to ordinary people anyway.

"My dog ​​is lost, can you help me find it?" Su Xin wanted to say, it depends on how much you can afford.If it is several thousand or hundreds, then go find it yourself. If you are rich and powerful, you can give hundreds of thousands, and a lot of people will squeeze their heads out to help you find it.

"My husband cheated, you guys help me teach that mistress a lesson, the price is easy to negotiate." Seeing this news, Su Xin had a sense of seeing Mei Xixi again.The women were fighting to the death, but the men, on the other hand, might have hooked up with Xiao Si Xiao Wu.Or let the scumbags and sluts teach a lesson together, grasp all the evidence, and then let those "true loves" leave the house, how cool.

... Su Xin read several messages in a row and felt a headache.It's so nerve-wracking.

Close your eyes and lie on the back of the chair for a short rest.


The phone vibrates from the table.

She usually turns on mute and vibrate now, it is inevitable that in some cases she forgets to turn on mute and something bad happens, and she is more sensitive now, and she can sense even a little movement.

Su Xin quickly picked up the phone, saw that it was the call from "Guard", and answered it in seconds, "Guard..."

"Susu, Ma Ke is awake, can you come here now?"

(End of this chapter)

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