her left eye is unusual

Chapter 306 Helping others is helping yourself

Chapter 306 Helping others is helping yourself
"Yes, of course I can, right away."

Su Xin had a feeling of being rescued, so she put on her bag and set off.

It took nearly an hour before Suxin arrived at the hospital where Ma Ke was sent to last night.

Wei Yan waited for Su Xin in the corridor of the inpatient department, and said to her as he walked: "The doctor said that he is just a little malnourished and mentally depressed. It is enough to take a little rest and relax. He left after [-] o'clock this morning. Wake up, after waking up..."

A trace of unnaturalness flashed across Wei Yan's face, he paused and continued: "I think he looks like he already knew what happened to him... wait a minute, you..."

Know?Did he know that he was haunted by a female ghost?Still look willing?

If you really want something like this to happen, fortunately, I didn't arbitrarily train that female ghost in the first place.

Su Xin nodded, "I understand."

Entering the ward, a bearded man was lying on the bed.

Marko now looked hollow-cheeked and sallow, with a gaunt figure.

The good news is that the yin between his brows has basically subsided.

Ma Ke turned his head to look at Su Xin with a bad expression, "Are you the one who came with Xiao Wei yesterday?"

Before Su Xin could answer, he continued to ask in an aggressive tone: "What about her? What did you do to her?"

Last night, Su Xin only knew from Fang Xin, the female ghost, that she was indeed entangled with Ma Ke because of his pity for her, and she wanted to suck up the yang energy in his body, strengthen her own yin power, and at the same time let the other party Become her own scapegoat, and she can avoid the judgment of the underworld, and directly step on the road of Huangquan to enter the road of reincarnation.

In short, catch a stand-in.

As for other information, the same did not find out.

Because it is a very ordinary ghost, without the protection and maintenance of the body, while the soul power is constantly disappearing, all memories and consciousness are also disappearing.

The rest is the instinct to survive. As for whether they are harming others, there is no such concept in their cognition.

Su Xin looked at Ma Ke's appearance, no wonder Wei Yan was hesitant to say hello to himself in advance.

So he said: "So you already knew about her existence? Knowing that she wants to find a scapegoat, are you willing to be her scapegoat?"

After all, Ma Ke has been a criminal policeman for many years and has handled some major cases. Although he has retired for a few years, the evil spirit is still there.

"I ask you where is she? What did you do to her? She was so pitiful when she was alive, how innocent she was when she was withdrawn as a pawn and turned into a ghost after death, just wanting to fight for justice for herself. Is there something wrong?"

It seems that this person has been brainwashed by ghosts, no wonder Xing Mu once told her that ghosts are the most fickle and good at deceiving people.

A dignified and upright criminal policeman was also led by the nose by a small ghost. I'm afraid he hasn't realized the real intention of this ghost to linger around him until now.

Why seek justice for yourself?It was because she didn't have the ability and didn't dare to find a real enemy, so she pushed others as scapegoats.

Su Xin's tone also became cold: "According to your words, the guards' care for you and their painstaking efforts to rescue you are not what you want? Now I just need a word from you, and I will pretend that I never went to the hospital last night. Through that rental house, I can promise to restore everything to the way it was before."

Su Xin felt that if it was a person who was really willing to degenerate and wanted to die, instead of saving the other party and causing resentment, it would be better to let him die.

Wei Yan felt that the air in the ward was a few degrees colder. He knew Su Xin's temper. He was very enthusiastic and dedicated in many things, but he was very stubborn in some things.

He didn't know which side to persuade. At this moment, seeing Ma Ke staring at Su Xin for a long time, he burst out a few words: "It's not that I'm not grateful, but I'm about to find out the truth of the matter. Almost, a little..."

Wei Yan's hanging heart finally fell, and he had absolute reasons to believe that if Ma Ke had just said "I want you to take care of it", Su Xin would definitely restore everything.

Ma Ke's physical fitness is not bad. He pulled out the infusion tube and went out for a meal. Most of the time, the three of them rushed back to the rental house immediately.

Because all the clues he has investigated in the past few years are in it, the murderer behind the case is about to surface, but then for some reason, the more he thinks about it, the more vague he becomes.

Now, when Ma Ke regained his energy, he looked at these materials again, and he suddenly realized.

The mist that had been covering his eyes was blown away, and the truth was about to come out.

Ma Ke looked at the data wall in front of him, his eyes glowing, and suddenly, like crazy, he jumped on it, scratched at it, tore off all the paper photos pasted on it, and tore off the wires that were pulled back and forth, and finally, the whole There is only one photo left on the wall.

To be precise, it is a group photo of two families.

The background color is a vast wilderness.

The deceased, Fang Xin, was just a thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl, dressed in sportswear, with a girl slightly older than her standing beside her...

this girl...

Su Xin's eyes suddenly stared straight. This, isn't this the girl who was brutally killed by Xu Minzhu in the mine ghost case?

At this time, the two girls in the photo are smiling like flowers, and the breath of youth rushes towards their faces.

Marko pointed to the younger girl in the photo, then pointed to another man, and said, "She was killed by him!"

"Actually, Fang Xin was already dead when the murderer called Fang's family. What I have never figured out is that the scene of Fang Xin jumping off the bridge was not only witnessed but also monitored. It is impossible to fake it. Now it seems that someone pretending to be Fang Xin jumped from the top, and the real Fang Xin took the opportunity to throw it into the river from under the bridge."

"However, there is still a doubt. According to my investigation, the daughter of this family disappeared unexpectedly seven years ago, and they immigrated overseas. They have never had any records of their entry and exit in these years, let alone any contact with the Fang family. How did they find Fang Xin, and why did they have to kill her..."

Su Xin pointed to the slightly older girl above, and asked, "What's the girl's name?"

Ma Ke: "Huang Ming."

"Ten years ago, two brothers, Huang Zhiwen, jointly opened a mine in XJ. Later, his daughter Huang Ming and his twin brother Huang Zhiqiang disappeared at the same time, so the mine was closed and the family immigrated."

"Missing?" Su Xin couldn't help asking.

The people are similar, but no matter the time and place are so coincidental, Su Xin has absolute reason to believe that the girl in the photo is the daughter of the mine boss who was killed by the female ghost Xu Minzhu.

A piece of information popped up in Su Xin's mind. In the list of previous bosses in that mine, there was indeed a man named Huang Zhiqiang.

(End of this chapter)

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