her left eye is unusual

Chapter 307 Providence——

Chapter 307 Providence——

Xu Minzhu felt extremely hopeless.

Thinking of my parents, thinking of being known by my parents and being known by others...

Others would not say that she was raped, as they said, others would only think that she was actively seduced for money.

At this moment, she compromised.

No matter how tightly Xu Minzhu covered it up, her injuries were finally discovered by her mother, who knows her daughter, Mo Ruomu.

My daughter who worked so hard to be raised like a jewel in the palm of my hand was spoiled like this by others.

The mother was crazy and wanted to seek revenge from that man, but unexpectedly, she was knocked out by the man. Seeing that she was still somewhat charming, she was raped by some miners.

After waking up, she saw her body and was threatened by the other party to show her husband the videos.

She left a note telling her husband to leave here with their daughter, then jumped into a well and died.

The man realized the truth of the matter and took revenge on them with a knife, but before he got close, he was stopped by several miners, including his fellow villagers.

They all persuaded him with a good-natured look, "This is the end of the matter, we can't offend the boss."

"They have already promised that they will give you a salary increase and even make you the leader of the group"

"I will send your daughter to college in the future, and work will be done after she comes out."

"Isn't that the case..."

"As long as you have money, are you afraid you won't find a woman?"

...Xu Minzhu was waiting at home for the news that her parents both fell into the well and died. She knew there must be something tricky about it, and she was killed by them.

And those who came to investigate also went through the motions, asking a few miners and forgetting about it.

She told them that her parents had been murdered, but no one listened to her.

Huang Zhiwen threatened her that if she continued to be ignorant, she would end up with her parents.

She went to find Huang Ming who dragged her into the water.

Huang Ming had no scruples, and even told the story very arrogantly.

The last trace of hope and scruples in Xu Minzhu's heart completely disappeared, and everything was caused by this girl who looked pure but was vicious like a snake in her heart.

Taking advantage of the unpreparedness, she knocked Huang Ming unconscious with a stone, then tied her hands and feet with a rope, gagged her mouth with socks, and carried out crazy revenge.

Huang Ming's father, Huang Zhiwen, discovered his daughter's death and arrested Xu Minzhu.

However, Huang Zhiqiang found a psychiatrist and gave Xu Minzhu an appraisal, saying that she had a mental illness, so he took her back to the mine and continued to rape her.

Huang Zhiwen hated Xu Minzhu deeply, but when he saw his younger brother, he treated her as a slave. Once, when Huang Zhiqiang was not paying attention, he planned to kill Xu Minzhu.

Xu Minzhu told him a shocking secret.

His daughter has been messing around with her own uncle.

Huang Zhiwen collapsed, and at this moment, Huang Zhiqiang came back.

The brothers turned against each other.

It turned out that everything was because of a woman they were chasing together more than ten years ago. That woman first fell in love with Huang Zhiqiang, and later saw that Huang Zhiwen was smarter and richer, so she married Huang Zhiwen.

The abandoned Huang Zhiqiang has always held a grudge, and has been sexually assaulting Huang Zhiwen and that woman's daughter since two years ago.

During the fight, Huang Zhiqiang killed his brother.

Seeing Xu Minzhu next to her, she felt that all of this was caused by this woman. It was because of her talkativeness that she exposed the matter that should have been completely buried with Huang Ming's death.

So he locked Xu Minzhu in the basement, where he tortured Xu inhumanely.

The distorted mind vented all the resentment and anger on Xu Minzhu, and finally, after her body was riddled with holes, she forcefully stuffed a pot of charcoal into her mouth, scalding her to death from the inside out.

Xu Minzhu didn't want to die in peace, but her soul was too weak, and the evil spirit on the other party was too heavy, so she couldn't get close at all.

So they found out all the people who framed their parents back then, and avenged their parents.

As for the ghosts of Xu Minzhu's parents, their biggest obsession is of course the one who killed their daughter.Like Xu Minzhu, they had nothing to do with Huang Zhiqiang. Seeing that the psychiatrist was going to frame their daughter as mentally ill in the end, they entangled him until they exhausted their last sliver of sanity.

When Xu Minzhu took revenge on those people, his ghost power was strengthened, and when he returned to the mine, he found that things had changed.

She wandered around, making the place full of ghosts for a while.

Three years ago, a mine owner contracted the mine and asked the master to do it.

This master is Feng Bin. He found that this ghost is not simple, so he planned to refine it into a corpse demon.

Originally, it took five years to refine it, but it has only been two years. Because of the ghost's strong obsession and residual consciousness, the seal showed signs of loosening.

At this time, the ghosts who have experienced endless purgatory only have the instinct of devouring life to strengthen themselves.

In other words, since a year ago, various supernatural events have occurred in the mine one after another.

The mine boss dropped the pick, changed hands several times, and finally got into the hands of Zou Tao.


Suxin connected the memory fragments presented by Xu Minzhu, and with his own reasoning, basically restored the mine tragedy seven years ago.

Xu Minzhu's lingering spirit haunts the entire mine, but the real enemy has gone far away, unable to reach Huang Zhiqiang who has already left there.

After Huang Zhiqiang killed his twin brother Huang Zhiwen, he replaced him as Huang Zhiwen.

Therefore, in order to cover up the facts of the year, he destroyed all evidence, including his own identity.

Now he has transformed into a real estate tycoon in S city.

Enjoy the ultimate luxury life.

Su Xin straightened out all her thoughts and let out a long sigh of relief.

On the other side, Wei Yan and Ma Ke had already chatted almost, looked at Su Xin, and saw that she was still buried in a pile of materials.

Wei Yan said: "Su Xin, let's go out for a meal together."

Su Xin raised her head in response and looked at the two of them.

The voice said faintly: "Brother Ma's analysis is correct, Fang Xin was killed by Huang Zhiwen, or...Huang Zhiqiang."

The two looked at each other, full of doubts, not knowing what Su Xin said.

They asked in unison: "Huang Zhiqiang?"

Su Xin nodded, "Well, it's Huang Zhiqiang. Back then, after Huang Zhiqiang killed his twin brother in X Province, he replaced him as Huang Zhiwen. After he wiped out all the evidence, he went to S City to buy land and became a real estate developer. Although Fang Xin was only a little girl of twelve or thirteen years old, she witnessed a scandal about Huang Zhiqiang with her own eyes. Three years ago, because Fang Xin's father and Huang Zhiqiang had some friendship, Fang Xin probably saw each other on a certain occasion , Thinking of what happened in the past, I accidentally slipped my mouth, which brought me the disaster of killing myself."

Marco blurted out: "How do you know?"

Wei Yan interrupted and said: "So what if you know the truth, there is no evidence, and now we can only watch him get away with it."

Marco was filled with righteous indignation: "Damn it!"

Su Xin said: "The Skynet is extensive but not leaky."

(End of this chapter)

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