her left eye is unusual

Chapter 308 Revenge

Chapter 308 Revenge (End)

It is really God's will to find out the truth this time. It can be seen that God also wants to avenge the wronged dead.

Since the law cannot rule him, let the retribution be more violent!

Now, Xu Minzhu has basically recovered some of her original mind and knows her real enemy.

Whining in the space, shrill and crazy.

Su Xin looked at Ma Ke and asked, "You have investigated so many things about Huang Zhiqiang, you must know his schedule and habits, right?"

Ma Ke nodded subconsciously, and asked again: "What are you going to do?"

Without waiting for Su Xin to answer, he looked Su Xin up and down with scrutiny, and said in an unbelievable tone: "You don't want to feed a tiger with your body, and then find out the evidence? That's right, I checked Those materials do show that this person is very lecherous, and even has tyrannical tendencies, but why do you have to make such a big sacrifice for someone you don't know..."

Wei Yan on the side kept giving him winks, but he couldn't stop him, so Ma Ke said it.

Su Xin didn't expect that the other party's thinking would diverge so quickly, and she would think that she would use her body to lure such a man.

She looks so stupid... Oh no, it's kindness, does she have such a kindness that sacrifices her life for others?

After being stunned for a moment, he returned to the previous state, and after the other party finished speaking, he slowly said: "Yeah, why should I make such a big sacrifice for a stranger."

Even if she knew each other, she couldn't do it.Of course, she didn't say the latter sentence.

"then you……"

"You just need to tell me the trajectory of his activities. Of course, if you don't want to tell me, I can investigate it in two or three days."

Ma Ke still wants to break the casserole: "Then what do you want his activity track to do? You..."

Wei Yan watched anxiously from the side, "Old Ma, if you have anything to say, just say it, don't talk about pulling it down."

Ma Ke looked at Wei Yan, finally found a pen and paper from the mess, and began to write.

Permanent residence address, frequent clubs...

While writing, he said: "He has at least three or four bodyguards around him. I heard that they are all baptized in war and retired to become mercenaries. They are ruthless. There is also a team of lawyers, so..."

Su Xin got the paper, looked it over, knew what she knew, then returned the paper to Ma Ke, and said goodbye to Wei Yan.

Ma Ke looked at the paper in his hand, looked at Wei Yan, and looked at Su Xin's leaving back, hesitant to speak.

Well, why does this woman look weird, why does she feel like a colleague or a friend with Xiao Wei, with a hint of respect and alienation?

He seemed to remember to ask Wei Yan now: "Xiao Wei, isn't she from your police force?"

Wei Yan shook his head and said, "She is from Zero Zero Detective Agency, this time I specially ask her to help you with your matter."

"that's it?"

Wei Yan nodded: "That's all."

Wei Yan left some money and asked, and returned to the police force.

As for the mess in the room, it is natural for Marco to clean it up by himself.

Ma Ke was very weak. After the two left, they fell directly on the bed and fell asleep in the dark...

On the third day, a piece of news broke.

A real estate tycoon in City S clashed with someone in a private club, and was hacked more than a dozen times by the other party. He lost a lot of blood and died after rescue efforts failed.

Ma Ke hugged his head in pain in the room, and called God to open his eyes: "Fang Xin, Fang Xin, did you see that the scum that hurt you is finally dead, you should die in peace!"

At this moment, Fang Xin is still in Su Xin's soul inkstone.

Su Xin let her see that Huang Zhiqiang was killed "with her own eyes", and wanted to dispel her resentment once and for all.

But things backfired, just as she thought before, not every ghost can be deduced with common sense.

At this moment, Fang Xin is just an ordinary ghost with nothing but hatred and wanting to find a substitute.

Su Xin originally thought that if she had even a sliver of reason at the moment and her resentment subsided, she would take her to Ma Ke, at least to get rid of Ma Ke's dedication to her over the years.

Think about it or forget it, there is nothing to talk about with a ghost without any reason at all, just practice directly.

Finally, the grievances on Xu Minzhu, who killed his enemy with his hands, completely dissipated.

Although all revenge is "reasonable", it is an indelible fact that so many innocent people have been killed. If it is not eliminated, it will be difficult to pacify the souls of those who died in vain.

So without hesitation, I practiced.

Although the results are all practiced, practicing directly and letting them calm down their grievances before practicing are completely different things.

So far, the mine ghost case has finally come to an end.

On the other hand, Xia Jin, who deliberately went to the police station to seek asylum a few days ago, was actually handcuffed this time and put in the interrogation room.

Xia Jin still had lingering fears at the moment, with a terrified expression on his face. Facing the police's questioning, he looked innocent, "I, I really don't know what happened. I just wanted to toast him at the time. I really didn't think about it. Think about it Ah, he is the major shareholder of my credit union, how can I cut off my own money? I am really wronged..."

"We have recorded statements from all the people in the club at that time, and some people have taken video evidence. The witnesses and physical evidence are convincing, and Hugh denied it. Now we still honestly explain the motive of committing the crime. Frankness is lenient, and resistance is strict."

"I was wronged. I really never thought of killing him. I must have been obsessed with ghosts at the time. I..." Xia Jin was talking, and suddenly thought of something, "By the way, I must have a mental problem. , I want to request a psychological evaluation, I must have a mental illness..."

The interrogating police officer smiled contemptuously and said, "Do you think that after you killed Huang Zhiqiang, you can still live now? Do you know how many people's fortunes have been cut off by your dozens of knives? How many people would like to eat you alive ?Even if you are in prison, many of the people inside are ruined by your loan sharks, and they finally took the risk. If you go in, you can play to death, so you'd better tell the truth, maybe it can give you a good time. "

Xia Jin's body kept trembling, he was originally in this line of work, indeed he used many means to collect money, chop off his fingers, blackmail the other party's wife and daughter, and even...

There are indeed many people who sneak and abduct...if they fall into their hands.

No, no, I definitely don't want to go to jail, and I don't want to die.

If it wasn't for the fact that the handcuffs were fixed on the table, he would have thrown himself on the police officer, "I'm going to find my lawyer, I'm mentally ill, and I'm requesting a psychiatric evaluation."

Police officer: "Given your situation, do you think you can spend your final years in a nursing home? Wrong, they will tie you to a bed with comfort clothes, and then give you injections and forced feeding..."

Xia Jin's frightened body shook violently, "No, I really didn't kill anyone, I don't know anything, I am me"

(End of this chapter)

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