her left eye is unusual

Chapter 309 The Task of Shi Feng and Two People

Chapter 309 Shi Feng's Mission

That's right, all of this was done by Su Xinbu.

Like a ghost carrying a sickle, walking in the dark, stirring up a pool of stagnant water, and when it was completely overturned, she had quietly faded out of the case.

Everything is God's will.

Of course, according to her temperament, Lingchi that scumbag would not be able to relieve her hatred.

But this is the reality. The other party has committed tragedies like the female ghost in the mine for so many years, but they have been fine all the time, and even have a prosperous life. It is not unreasonable.

Suxin found that Huang Zhiqiang's residence and his body were blessed with a powerful energy field, which indicated that there must be a very powerful practitioner behind him.

If she touches her, she may be discovered by the other party, which will not only cause endless trouble for herself, but also bring disaster to the detective agency and even her parents. This is definitely not the result she wants.

At this moment, she found out that the person who had a dark spirit in the police station had contacts with Huang Zhiwen.

So a perfect revenge plan appeared in his mind: let Xu Minzhu attach himself to him...

Huang Zhiqiang's powerful energy field can only resist ghosts, but cannot block physical attacks.

Just like Xu Xin is very good at dealing with ghosts by himself, but if the other party possesses and attacks her, he can only escape.

Therefore, Xu Minzhu controlled others to kill Huang Zhiqiang, but it was limited to this.

Su Xin returned to the detective agency and found that Shi Feng and the others hadn't come back yet.

She hadn't seen them since she came back last time, so four or five days had passed since they went on this mission.

Although he is very relieved about the strength of the two of them, he still has some worries.

So I sent a text message to Shi Feng, "How is the situation on your side?" It means that the case on my side is completely settled, do you need my help?

"Okay" Shi Feng replied in seconds.

A good word means everything is going well for them and where they are now, not bad.

Su Xin put down her mind and began to rest and practice with peace of mind, drawing talismans and so on.

She found that there were a few more star points in the sea of ​​consciousness, and the space became larger.

A star point represents a little balance force. As far as Su Xin knows, the star point is in his own sea of ​​consciousness. When the consciousness is attacked by a strong spiritual power, the star point will emit light and fly away like a moth to a flame. Resist external energy attacks.

As for whether there are other uses, Su Xin is still unknown.

Just like game upgrades, it can only be unlocked little by little as the cultivation base improves in the future.

It's just that the spiritual energy pool on the altar is still very empty, and the energy absorbed through ordinary food can only be used to temper the body at most, making up for the daily consumption.If you want to increase it significantly, unless you have energy stones or natural treasures.

Su Xin has been thinking about the ghost market that Han He told her last time.

There are Hunyuan Pearl, Lingzhu, Lingdan and all kinds of things that practitioners need.

However, from the lines of his introduction, Suxin can feel that it is not easy to enter the ghost market and have the qualifications to enter the ghost market.

In addition to cultivation, a huge amount of wealth is also required.

Fortunately, there are still nearly four years before the passage to the ghost city is opened, so she must speed up her cultivation.

Well, by doing more tasks, you can collect more ghosts and accumulate more wealth.

This time, because of taking in a few more powerful ghosts, some energy has accumulated in the Lingyan.

However, these are not enough to fill up the spiritual pool, and they cannot be promoted, so they simply keep it for emergencies.

Xiao Tao knows what Su Xin is thinking now, if he goes back two or three months, not only Xiao Tao, but even Su Xin will not have the idea of ​​entering the ghost market.Because the strength was too weak at that time, and I didn't even find the direction of cultivation.

But now, when he really embarked on the road of cultivation and understood his own direction, he was naturally full of more expectations for the future.

The same goes for Xiao Tao, the ghost market a few years later is an opportunity for Su Xin, and it is also an opportunity for Su Xin.

If you can meet some powerful monsters inside, buy a few and place them in the five-element space around the Lingyan, and their energy can automatically promote the operation of the entire space and automatically produce energy.

Of course, those ordinary ghosts are also fine, but I am afraid that the ghost power will be exhausted before the spirit inkstone can be activated.

Xiao Tao: "The tasks you are exposed to now seem to be complicated, but in fact the ghosts you accept are very weak, which is not worthwhile."

Su Xin also wanted to have a grand array of ghosts like in Luo Jing's case last time.


When Su Xin went to sell things, she ran into an old lady in Shili Alley again, picking out beans, red beans, and mung beans.

Seeing Su Xin, he warmly invited: "You must not have cooked Laba porridge today, come to my house to eat later."

Laba porridge?Today is Laba?

Su Xin slapped his head. During this period of time, several cases were intertwined, and he forgot about his life.

After buying something and returning to the detective agency, he immediately called home.

Everything is fine at home, Su Xin is very at ease in her heart.

Mama Xin said: "The house has been decorated, with a water tower, a filtration system, and a solar water heater...Your Brother Donghai has done a good job, and we have already moved in. Donghai and Aru are getting married the day after tomorrow. No time to come back? They are all thinking of you."

Su Xin: "As long as there is no urgent case, it should be possible. In this case, I will ask the boss for leave later and try to come back as soon as possible."

The next day, Shi Feng and Mo Li came back in a hurry. Although they were a little tired, their expressions showed relief. It seemed that the task should be completed.

Shi Feng briefly talked about their entrusted tasks for the past few days: A business owner once went to negotiate a contract with his secretary, probably because of some intimate behavior, and was photographed by others in a borrowed way, and then his wife went to the company In trouble, he brought his mother, sister and friends to trouble him in various ways, and they all called him a scumbag.

The man feels very wronged, and it would be fine if he really cheated outside, but the problem is that he is so busy with the company's affairs all day long, but he is misunderstood by his wife, and in the end he wants to divorce directly, even throwing him All the family properties were emptied, so they found Lingling Detective Agency.

Shi Feng said: We followed up and investigated secretly for a few days, and the client did not cheat in the conventional sense.As for his secretary, it's just a normal work relationship with him... It's just that he is really tired in the company. If he has a very capable and understanding secretary to share his worries, it will really warm his heart.

Mo Li went on to say: "It's the client's wife. From the few days of our investigation, we can see that she is a spoiled young lady. She has a nanny at home and a driver when she goes in and out."Shopping, grooming, and showing off in front of friends are almost all of her life.This time, she had a spark with her best friend's boyfriend, and her best friend's boyfriend is an elite among the elites in the industry, the kind of talent that all big companies are vying for. The key is that he is handsome and romantic. She immediately felt that her husband was too boring, so she asked a private detective to investigate her husband...

(End of this chapter)

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