her left eye is unusual

Chapter 310 Rejecting Ambiguity

Chapter 310 Rejecting Ambiguity
Su Xin finally heard a vulgar scene that was different from the scumbag cheating and his wife beating his mistress violently. She immediately stirred up gossip in her heart: "What happened later, what happened later?"

Mo Li smiled shyly: "I can see that the woman and her best friend's boyfriend are indeed in true love, so I went with the flow and fulfilled them."

After speaking, he and Shi Feng looked at each other and smiled.

All of a sudden, Su Xin had a feeling of passion radiating in front of her eyes.

Su Xin knows Mo Li's ability, can sense the other party's thoughts, and can even influence other people's abilities to a certain extent.

What he said, "pushing the boat along with the current", must have done something to those two men and women.But after thinking about it, if they don't have that kind of thought, others can't do anything to them.

The kind of person who has not fulfilled the obligation of husband and wife to help each other at all, is protected by the law because of the advantage of a "original spouse", and stands on a moral level, thinking that "the other party cheats" is like mastering It is really disgusting to use the spear of moral judgment and ask for anything from the other party.

In fact, the case the two of them mentioned is not a rare case in reality.

But this is also reality.

Su Xin also briefly talked about the before and after of her mission.

Both of them called it miraculous, it was God's will.

Su Xin mentioned that she would ask for leave to go back to catch up with the wedding and Chinese New Year.

Only then did Shi Feng come to his senses: "I was negligent, so, from now on, we will all rest for ten days, and we will officially start work on the eighth day of the Lunar New Year."

Seeing that Su Xin had packed the suitcase, Shi Feng hesitated.

Su Xin looked at him and asked, "Is there anything else, Boss?"

Shi Feng waved his hands again and again: "No, no... oh, I mean, how about I send you back, anyway..."

Su Xin smiled and continued the other party's words and said, "Are you on the way anyway?"

Shi Feng was a little embarrassed, he touched the back of his head, and his tall and straight figure seemed a little embarrassed, "Heh, don't you think it's the end of the year, tickets are hard to buy, and you're a girl..."

Originally, I wanted to say that you, a girl, were insecure, but I realized that she had the highest combat effectiveness among the three of them, and her methods and ruthlessness were not inferior to them at all.

So I stuttered halfway through the conversation.

Su Xin is not a little girl who doesn't understand. In fact, she has long seen that his concern for her seems to exceed the level of the boss for employees. It's just that he has been busy all the time, and the other party has not picked on her, so she is not easy to speak.

But now, the other party has shown such a clear understanding, she can no longer pretend not to see it.

So he looked solemn and said: "Boss, you are my boss and I am your employee. I think this kind of cooperation is very good. I am grateful for your care and love from the bottom of my heart. I don't want to put such a peaceful Break. As you told me in the first place, I'm not your thing."

Shi Feng felt his heart sinking. It was the kind of feeling that he vaguely knew that the other party would refuse, but still felt a little sad because of the hope in his heart.

But before such sadness could be expressed, a voice came in: "Well, I suggest that in order to thank our big team for their sincere cooperation, we all go to congratulate Su Xin's house tomorrow. For convenience, we will go together today... ...Of course, it's also because I don't have any good places to go during the holidays."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Shi Feng, and the latter echoed, "Oh, yes, Susu has contributed a lot to completing many major cases this year. Seeing that we have nowhere to go during the holidays, we are reluctant to take us in for two days, how about it? "

Speaking of this, Su Xin really has no reason to refuse, but... these two handsome guys with absolute temperament in front of people follow her, and I am afraid that it will spread throughout the village in minutes.There will definitely be rumors about whether it is her boyfriend, or whether she has an unclear relationship with the two men... and so on.

It can be said that her thinking is very complicated, but she will resolutely kill these predictable scenes in the cradle.

If two outstanding men had expressed their affection for her in such a subtle way two years ago, she would have been very happy to pierce the window paper. ,

But now, after experiencing that failed first love that almost killed her, and having this damn left eye, she has an additional understanding of the world, and has her own direction and goals.

She didn't want to spend the time she had set aside now being tied down by these romantic things.

and so--

"I am also grateful for your care and tolerance for me, but work is work, and work is work, so I appreciate your kindness. As for other things, I don't think about anything now, and I don't want to think about it. So, I I don’t want you to misunderstand, and I don’t want my parents to misunderstand.”

When Su Xin said these words, she was a little apprehensive, always feeling very guilty.I always feel that I "think too much", and others don't expressly say that they want to "chase" me, which makes me seem too self-indulgent.

But after saying all the words in her heart, she felt relaxed.

Mo Li looked at Su Xin with an indescribable feeling.

Although he doesn't like being ambiguous... oh wrong, there should be people who don't like being emotionally entangled with others, but this kind of straightforward and merciless rejection still surprised him a little.

He subconsciously glanced at Shi Feng, and there was a kind of unexplainable gloating in it.Good self-cultivation prevented him from expressing this feeling.

Shi Feng looked at Su Xin fixedly, and Su Xin also looked solemn, did not evade, and did not hesitate to speak at all, just faced him so calmly, just like the first time he applied for the job.

After a long time, Shi Feng finally opened his lips, "Okay." His voice was surprisingly hoarse and deep.

After a pause, he continued: "Unfortunately, I'm not that 'Shi'..."

Su Xin smiled calmly, and thought, if there was no "stone", she would not be what she is now.

It was a catastrophe of life, and now she is Su Xin who was reborn after the catastrophe.

They said happy holidays to each other, and then each asked Su Xin to give her brother a grand gift of one thousand.

It's really hard to catch a car at the end of the year, especially a taxi.I don't like running remote routes.

It was the second time for Suxin to go back to her hometown on the bus after waking up. The horror that was left deep in her heart has gradually faded as she knew more about those mysterious things and her strength continued to increase, but that has always remained in her mind. The doubts in it never cut half a point.

That blood-red card that appeared strangely but disappeared inexplicably.

The familiar scenery outside the window came into her sight like the wind, and then passed away like the wind again.

When she arrived in the town, Su Xin saw that Mama Xin was the only one who came to pick her up.

(End of this chapter)

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