her left eye is unusual

Chapter 311 I want to protect, who dares to move

Chapter 311 I want to protect, who dares to move

Seeing that the other party's face is a little sad and haggard, there is still a trace of imperceptible yin between the brows.

This made Su Xin nervous immediately. She was afraid that her overly excited reaction would scare her mother, so she asked, "Mom, where is my dad?"

Before going to school and last time, the whole family came out to greet her, so there was nothing wrong with her asking.

Mother Xin didn't want her daughter to worry about them, so she avoided the important things and said, "Your brother Donghai and Aru are getting married tomorrow, and your uncle's house is very busy, so I went to help." After speaking, she quickly added: "Hey, you know, working in the countryside Even if it is very troublesome, if you want to invite people everywhere, you will inevitably have some bumps and bumps, you..."

Su Xin played with her mother's arm: "Mom, I know, just tell me what happened. I'm in Zero Zero Detective Agency to help others solve troublesome things. I'm very experienced and I know the police People in the Bureau, if it’s really not working, I will always find a way. If you don’t tell me, it will make me more worried.”

Mama Xin couldn't stand Su Xin's pestering, and finally said:
When people are unlucky, others will not envy them, but once they become rich, they will pester them.

The Su family had all kinds of bad luck in the past few years, and those people gossip behind their backs and say that they must have done something "shameful", and they have to detour when they walk.

But now, they all want to order something, and they all have their own ways of dealing with it.So the relationship with the neighbors is quite harmonious.

But things happened to Dong Hai and Min Ru.

Back then, his son blew himself up to death by throwing firecrackers into a septic tank because his son was playful, but now his eldest son, Qu Xiang, went to the uncle's house openly, and dragged Min Ru to say that it was his wife, from the previous life. wife.

He even said many things about Min Ru, which made everyone feel incredible.

But Min Ru and Dong Hai are really in love with each other, and they have gone through so many twists and turns, how can someone else just say a word and break them apart.

But Qu Xiang was still pestering him endlessly, so Su Donghai couldn't take it anymore and beat him up.

Qu Xiang cursed and left, then pointed at Su Donghai and Min Ru and cursed: "You watery bastard, you dare to abandon me, you will suffer retribution, just wait, God will give you retribution. "

Then he yelled at Su Donghai very arrogantly: "I want to show you what kind of bitch you married. Just wait, wait..."

Speaking of this, Mama Xin couldn't help but let out a deep sigh.

Su Xin hurriedly asked: "And then? What happened?"

Mother Xin: "What happened, Min Ru...Min Ru, she..."

"What happened to Min Ru?" Su Xin couldn't help becoming nervous, she liked this sister-in-law very much.Of course, it was mainly because Brother Donghai had a deep affection for her.The two of them made it through such hardships, but when they came to the fruition of their cultivation, something suddenly happened...

No matter who it is, if she dares to destroy this heaven-sent marriage, she will kill him!

"Just a week ago, Aru was itchy and developed herpes one by one. Because the wedding was approaching, there were a lot of things to prepare, and he was busy every day, so he didn't take it to heart and went to the town to buy some. Ointment to rub."

"But not only did it not work, but the herpes had grown on the face and hands, and it was even more serious. The skin would break if touched, and the broken skin would fester and ooze pus..."

"Then that Qu Xiang went to the mountain to sing folk songs every day and cursed Aru, saying that it was retribution, and that the Su family had done something wrong. Some people followed suit, saying that Donghai would marry an ugly monster with such good conditions... They also I go to your uncle and aunt every day to make sarcastic remarks, you know your uncle and aunt, they are not the kind of ungrateful people, and your Brother Donghai also insists that you will not marry a non-qing..."

Su Xin listened to her mother's narration, and imagined that scene in her mind.

How heartbroken, but after hearing the attitude of the uncle's family, they are inexplicably warm and down-to-earth.

Su Xin asked again: "Mom, have you also taken care of your sister-in-law?"

Xin's mother: "That's for sure, your auntie and the others can't get it right now. Hey, I can't help you..."

Su Xin: "Aside from herpes and festering pus, does my sister-in-law have any other symptoms..." What she wanted to ask was vital signs.

"Aru's spirit is very stimulated now, and her words are terrifying. Everyone said how she is worthy of Donghai in the way she is now, and she felt the same way, and she was very depressed. That Qu Xiang said, let her remarry If you give it to him, you can either dissolve the marriage in the previous life, and the elemental family will take out 50 yuan, or you can transfer the repaired house to him..."

Su Xin gasped, feeling angry.

Sure enough, the purpose of this guy is still money, or their house.

If she is right, he will definitely go to preach, if the Su family is not willing to give him the money or the house to him, then say that the Su family doesn't care about Min Ru at all.

If his wish is fulfilled, then the Su family will return to before liberation.

Su Xin thought that she had been through life and death again and again in the past six months to fight for this family business. Every penny is her hard-earned money. Is it easy for her.

Now it's unreasonable to want to blackmail casually!

Now it is not only to help this pair of "hard-fated" mandarin ducks, but also to protect the foundation of their parents' future life.

Su Xin chatted with her mother and returned to the village.

In the past, when walking in front of other people's houses, they would say hello or two, but this time, people looked at them with a little meaning, and then turned their backs and pointed and poked and whispered.

Su Xin doesn't bother to pay attention to so much now, people have the mentality of following the crowd and following others' advice, and this kind of reaction is not at all what she expected.

When she gets rid of the root cause, all of this will disappear automatically.

When I arrived at the gate of the courtyard, I heard a man shouting loudly, "...Retribution, what a retribution. If you tell me, either marry me, or hand me this house, and I will dissolve the engagement, it's up to you I don’t agree. Watch it, watch it, if you don’t listen to my good advice, when you get married tomorrow, she will die. At that time, she will turn into a ghost and haunt you until you get married. You are exhausted..."

"Look, all of us will watch, those who use evil methods, no matter how arrogant they are now, will always suffer retribution, and this retribution will come soon!"

The Suxin people walked to the gate of the courtyard and shouted loudly, using the tremor of mental power.

The people watching the fun all around turned their eyes to her.

A few neighbors at the uncle and aunt level secretly gave her a wink, "...I said Xinwazi, I know you are closer to their family, but there is really retribution, it would be bad if you messed with her." .”

While talking, she leaned towards Mama Xin with a mysterious look of "I'm doing it for your own good".

(End of this chapter)

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