her left eye is unusual

Chapter 312 Ability, don't wait any longer!

Chapter 312 Ability, don't wait any longer!
Su Xin took a look at her, she was an aunt in Xiawan, at the moment she only saw blankness and fear on the other's face.

Su Xin thought, if I don’t know so much, and I am only in one place like them, without a higher vision and broader cognition, and seeing other people’s curses come true little by little, there is no reason to explain all this , I must be so dazed and fearful in my heart.

Then, Su Xin's eyes swept over the people watching the fun one by one. Like that aunt, her expression was full of fear of the unknown, and...awe.

Su Xin had a plan in mind.

She shook her voice again and said, "That's right, there is retribution in this world. Good people will be rewarded with good rewards, and evil people will definitely be rewarded with bad rewards! How my uncle's family and Qu Xiang's family behave in the world, I believe everyone's eyes will see it." It is Xueliang, who can see clearly, who is good and who is bad, everyone has a steelyard in their hearts."

"But he said that woman was his wife in the previous life, this, this..."

Su Xin sneered: "Sister-in-law and Dong Hai brother are as deep as the sea, and finally guarded until the clouds opened to see the moon. Now that the Su family has such a family business, it is not surprising that others are envious, jealous, and hated, but because of this, they resorted to all kinds of tricks." Doing such unreasonable things to destroy other people's heaven-sent marriage will definitely suffer retribution, and this retribution will come soon."

Qu Xiang is in his thirties, dressed in sloppy clothes, and his hair looks like pickled pickles.

If you are in your 30s in the countryside and have not yet had a wife, you are an old bachelor.

However, his house was still an adobe house decades ago. There was not even a single tile on the roof, and the ground was potholed. The dirt road outside was flatter than his house.However, with such a lot of energy, instead of going to work or working in the fields, they only do some sneaky things, but the whole family has the same virtue. Usually, the whole family goes out to guard other people's doors and yells, and even instigates children to attack other people's houses. Roof throwing stones.

Smash the tiles, and when it rains, it leaks, and you have to climb on the roof to check.

So everyone hated their family deeply, but there was nothing they could do.

Qu Xiang looked at Su Xin, feeling inexplicably palpitating, but now the other party's words loosened the public opinion he had worked so hard to build up before.

Seeing that the huge wealth that is at your fingertips is about to fly away, how can you just let it go, so you bite the bullet and say: "The one who will really suffer retribution is that promiscuous slut, you, your Su family, should pay the price if you want a woman like that , this is a matter of course..."

Su Xin narrowed her eyes slightly, and said coldly: "Qu Xiang, do you dare to swear to God that Min Ru is your wife? You will be punished for lying, and you will be speechless for the rest of your life! If what you say is true , then nothing will happen, and I will persuade the uncle's family to give you the house."

Qu Xiang inexplicably felt a guilty conscience: "I, I, why don't I dare..."

Everyone was a little puzzled, they had never heard of someone suddenly unable to speak and became dumb.

Qu Xiang looked at the sky, the bright sky cast a dazzling light, which made his eyes narrow and he couldn't open them.

"I, I, Qu Xiang, swear to the heavens, Min Ru is me...my wife in the previous life..."

wheeze, click

Suddenly, Qu Xiang covered his throat with both hands, making a wheezing sound.

It is impossible for him to say the last "son" in his life.

Everyone was attracted by the movement here, and stared at Qu Xiang with horror and inquiry in their eyes.

I don't know who said something: "He... seems speechless?"

"You really can't speak, have you become dumb?"

"Really retribution?"

"Retribution, retribution, it must be God's retribution..."

Suddenly, everyone became extremely excited.

Thinking that their family used to blackmail their own family before, and vented all their resentment, retribution, retribution really came.

What a joy.

At this moment, a few people rushed out from the crowd, yelling and cursing, and rushed towards Su Xin, "You bitch, I didn't punish you, I want you to meddle in my own business, I want you to meddle in my own business..."

They are Qu Xiang's parents.

Su Xin's eyes were full of coldness, and the scene of them lying in front of their house with their dead child in their arms and extorting money came to mind.

If it was just extortion of money, Su Xin would not have such deep hatred.

At that time, because their son was playing firecrackers by himself, he threw them into the septic tank of their house, which blew up the septic tank, and he was crushed to death by the flying cement board.

The whole family surrounded their home, asking Suxin, who was only five or six years old at the time, to be buried with their son.

Suxin remembers clearly that he was hugged by his mother and hid in the room.

At that time, most people had the same attitude of "human life is at stake", so no matter how radical their family's behavior was, it was "excusable".

Dad Xin couldn't stop them by himself. Fortunately, his uncle's family stood up and supported them with all their strength, so they were able to stop them... Otherwise, it's really hard to say what the consequences will be.

The past is vivid, overlapping with the scene in front of me.

Still imagine that as before, you can get them to submit just by being shameless and arrogant?
to die—

Of course, Su Xin would not let them die in front of everyone's noses, if they were to die, they should die in their filthy barn!

A silver snake-like lightning fell in front of the two of them. They couldn't hold back their momentum. Their bodies touched a little, and their whole bodies became stiff instantly, and the hair on their heads stood up like a hedgehog.

The two realized belatedly that they had been struck by... lightning.

The people around let out an exclamation, a bolt from the blue!

It is said that only the kind of treacherous and evil people will be chopped down by thunder.

After being shocked, the year of "deserving it" floated in my heart.

Su Xin secretly activated a Thunderbolt Talisman, showing a "miracle" that stunned everyone.

He yelled: "Get out, people like you are not welcome in our Su family, get out of this place, and never set foot in my Su family's compound, or you will be struck by lightning!"

Qu Xiang opened his mouth and let out a wheezing sound from his throat, but he didn't say anything, his expression was terrified and dazed, and then he ran away in desperation regardless of the frightened parents who were incontinent.

Turning his head while running, it seemed that he wanted to say a few harsh words, but he didn't say anything.

After Qu Xiang's parents came back to their senses, they screamed "Ghost, there is a ghost..." and staggered away.

Su Xin said again: "There are gods three feet above the head, and the laws of heaven are clearly retribution. They deliberately framed and poured dirty water on our Su family. God can't stand it. The wedding of Brother Donghai and Aru's sister-in-law was held as scheduled, everyone The feast will be held for three days, and all fellow villagers are invited to come. God will punish those who disobey God’s will, and at the same time bless the kind people, evil will be rewarded with evil, and good will be rewarded with good!"

(End of this chapter)

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