Chapter 313
Some people looked like "it's finally peaceful" and nodded deeply.

Some are still a little worried, "But she has become like that, and Donghai is a little...suitable..."

Many of them have seen Min Ru's current appearance, so no matter how great the "love" played on TV is, they are still very kind and remind the uncle's family over and over again, since their son is healed now, and the house has also been repaired , why marry such a woman?
What's more, she also said that she is not worthy of Donghai now, and she wants to give up. Even if the uncle's family does not hold this wedding, it is understandable and understandable.

Because, deep down in their hearts, they felt that Min Ru was a foreigner, a lonely woman here, with no background or influence, and that's why they "did all their best" to persuade their uncle and the others.

Su Xin ignored the expressions of these people and entered the yard. Xin's mother also recovered from her daughter's cool look just now, and while pointing out the layout of the small courtyard, she took Su Xin back to her row of houses, and put put things down.

Su Xin sees that the repairs here are indeed very solid, the layout is very reasonable, the decoration and household appliances have been added, and it is enough to move in with a bag.

Xin's mother told the story of Donghai and Minru who presided over the construction of the house in the past few months: "The planning of the house, the foundation, and the quality of the cement, river sand and steel are all controlled by them..."

Su Xin responded and followed her mother to the opposite house.

As soon as I walked to the door, I heard low crying and whispering from inside:

"...Girl, you must not do stupid things."

"Don't worry about what others say, we recognize you, no matter what you become, we will recognize you."

...Min Ru burst into tears...I can no longer see the face, the original pretty face was squeezed out of shape by pustules, her eyes were blind, her mouth was crooked, her hands and feet were stuck with pus and blood, and she couldn't tell her fingers and toes. .

There was a gurgling sound from his throat, eager to express something, but nothing came out.

Su Xin frowned, looking with her left eye, the room was filled with a strong yin energy, which was dissipated by the vitality of strangers coming and going.

If there weren't so many people, and they all exuded strong concerns from their hearts, this cloud would have solidified long ago.And once it solidifies...

Xin's mother walked over eagerly, "Sister-in-law, don't worry, our Xinwa is back and drove those people away just now..."

My aunt turned her head to see Su Xin, wiped her eyes, and quickly said, "Thank you, Xiao Xin, you are the one who helps us solve these troublesome things every time..."

Su Xin's eyes fell on Min Ru, and she interrupted her aunt's words: "Sister-in-law was murdered, I learned some things in the detective agency, maybe I can use them, why don't you go out first, I will stay with sister-in-law for a while. "

They thought that last time Suxin stayed with Donghai for a while and healed Donghai. This time, they could only put their hope on Suxin, looking at Min Ru and then at Suxin with reluctance and pleading.

Su Xin was a little impatient at the moment.

This yin energy has become stronger because it has absorbed a lot of vitality, and it has gradually gathered on Min Ru's body.If it is fully formed, I am afraid it will really become a foregone conclusion.

This is a wandering spirit full of rotten breath, which can slightly affect the nervous system of people, so at the beginning, it just wanted people to think that there was something wrong with Min Ru and turned into an ugly monster.

It probably didn't expect this family to be so determined, no matter what Min Ru became, they would never give up.

So this wandering soul is not just making an appearance, but wants to actually harm Min Ru.

Even through the left eye, Su Xin saw festering abscesses on Min Ru's body. Although it was not as serious as it appeared to bewitch, but if it went on like this, Min Ru would definitely die.

From the perspective of ordinary people, Min Ru's whole body has been transformed. She looked at Su Xin with hope and reluctance in her eyes. She asked Su Xin to persuade Dong Hai and her uncle and aunt.

Su Xin didn't talk to her, and all the words of comfort and all the words now are not worth the more real thing of directly destroying this wandering soul.

Su Xin lowered the veil on her head, originally to cover the abscess on her face, at this moment Su Xin just used it to cover her sight.

Let her lie flat on the bed, then flipped her wrist, and the Lingyan fell into her hand, and a bright light radiated from it, facing Min Ru, the white light enveloped her whole body.

In a moment, all the black mist that shrouded her body was absorbed into the Lingyan.

These wandering souls are not like ordinary condensed and complete souls, they are independent individuals.

As long as a wisp of the wandering spirit in her body escapes, it may become a future trouble.

Without the entanglement of Yin Qi, Min Ru felt her body relax, looked at Su Xin, and said nothing for a long time.

Su Xin said: "There are dirty things on your body, but because you didn't sign a contract with it, it is a compulsory infringement by the other party. As long as you pull it out, you will be fine. These injuries on your body will recover soon."

Min Ru has been entangled by this wandering spirit for so long, and has suffered a lot both physically and mentally. Now she completely relaxes and falls asleep very quickly.

Su Xin went out and said to the auntie and the others: "The matter of my sister-in-law was hurt by someone who was jealous of us. I have solved the problem, and my sister-in-law will recover soon. You can make some ginseng chicken soup for her. .”

After giving some instructions, she told Mama Xin that she wanted to take a good rest, and there was no need to ask her to wait for her dinner.

Su Xin returned to her room, the decoration was simple and elegant, which she liked.

After closing the door, I began to sort out this wandering soul.

Xiao Tao: "This time it's really dangerous, if your sister-in-law or your aunt and your elder brother don't have such a firm will, and they have the slightest intention to give up on her, it may become an opportunity for this wandering spirit to invade her body. Even if you come back, there is no way to recover."

Su Xin looked solemn, "What's the matter with this wandering spirit? I feel that it is erratic, but it can affect people's mind. It stands to reason that it is just a wandering energy, and it cannot exist in a natural state for so long."

Xiao Tao: "Accurately speaking, wandering souls are because people's various thoughts are mixed and stored in energy by coincidence. People actually have a lot of thoughts, and most of them are thoughts that pass and everything passes. This is rarely the case. Existence is also very fragile. But they all have one thing in common, that is, they are very eager to become a real person. So...someone should have signed a contract with it, so that it can appear on your sister-in-law."


"Well, establish contact with strangers in the form of a contract, and then invade bit by bit, integrating your own wandering soul into the soul of the other party."

Su Xin: "You mean...the soul of the original person who was occupied by the wandering soul is still there, but it is eaten away bit by bit, and finally becomes a completely different person?"

"That's what it means. But obviously, Min Ru didn't sign a contract with this wandering soul, otherwise, there's nothing anyone can do."

Su Xin gasped, thinking about it with horror, watching the person in front of her turn into another person little by little.

She thought of Qu Xiang, "Could it be that Qu Xiang provoked this thing somewhere, and then took the opportunity to blackmail our family?"

"It can only be so."

To actually conclude a contract with Wandering Soul to harm people, I really don't know how the word "death" is written!
(End of this chapter)

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