her left eye is unusual

Chapter 314 Suxin's Worries

Chapter 314 Suxin's Worries

With a thought of Su Xin, a cloud of gray-black, erratic, flocculent energy fell on Su Xin's palm.

It is surrounded by a layer of energy, making it impossible to disperse and escape.

Su Xin thought of the viciousness of this wandering soul, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The energy ball wrapped around the wandering soul was constantly burning, making a chi-chi sound, and a string of flickering lightning flashed on the energy ball.

But after a while, only a wisp of the muddy gray-black remains.

Su Xin found that even if only a trace of this thing is refined, it will still have this color, instead of leaving pure energy like ordinary souls.

The wandering soul keeps begging for mercy: one moment it is the cry of a dying old woman, another moment it becomes the cry of a baby, and another moment it is the curse of a boudoir.

Su Xin's eyes were cold, and there was only killing intent in her heart.

In the end, until the last trace of that wandering soul was refined, all these thoughts slowly disappeared and turned into real fear.

Therefore, when there is only the last trace of these evil beings that have not been refined, all the previous begging for mercy were just their strategies.

All the tragic and pitiful scenes that are shown are just to make you tempted, and as long as you are distracted, the other party can take the opportunity to enter.

But these poor thoughts are useless to Su Xin, so she won't feel sorry for the other party and forget each other's identities and positions.

At this moment, Su Xin sensed a trace of traction in this wandering soul.

With a twitch in her heart, she immediately thought of the "contract" Xiao Tao told her earlier, so this trace of traction is the only proof of its existence in the world.

Su Xin has been in contact with people who raise little ghosts before, and knows that under normal circumstances, little ghosts obey the orders of their masters and can do many shameful things for their masters, but when they are extremely weak, they only have to survive and devour them. elemental instinct.

It will automatically find the person who is the closest to it, which is called backlash.

Thinking of this, Su Xin removed the energy shield wrapped around the wandering soul.

At this moment, the wandering soul is only left with fear and the idea of ​​survival, and it disappears into the night inadvertently.

In Su Xin's left eye, Qu Xiang's family flew towards Xiagou.

——As the Su family compound was built up little by little, seeing the handsome man and beautiful woman loving each other all day long, and then looking at his two dilapidated houses,

Qu Xiang was full of envy, jealousy and hatred.

Thinking of how nice it would be if the house and the woman were all his own.

He raised his head and gulped down the half bottle of loose wine he just bought, then raised his hand and threw the bottle down the mountain.

Shaking his head, he felt dizzy, his feet tilted, and his body rolled down the slope into the ravine.

What he didn't know was that when his body rolled down the hillside, his hand was cut by a broken glass bottle that he dropped, and blood seeped into the mass grave.

In the past, there were young people who died for unknown reasons in the village, or babies and children who died in infancy, they all buried here, digging a hole and covering it with some soil.

Over the years, there are bones everywhere here.

And his blood just fell on a femur covered with the teeth marks of wild dogs, it was absorbed in an instant and disappeared.

Qu Xiang was thrown into a coma, and his willpower, which was already weak, was even weaker at this moment. The wide open door of the Lingtai made the ghost energy floating around him ready to move.

At this moment, a very faint wandering soul rushed directly into Qu Xiang's altar because it took advantage of a trace of blood essence.

However, although Qu Xiang's soul is very weak, the wandering soul is even weaker now and cannot directly occupy the body...Of course, when it senses how bad this body is, it doesn't want to occupy it either.

So there is only one way:
In a daze, Qu Xiang felt a voice resounding in his mind:
Want a woman?Want a house?As long as you sign this contract now, I can help you see everything...

Before the idea was completely conveyed, Qu Xiang hurriedly responded.

It doesn't matter what contract or not, as long as those can become your own.

So Wandering Soul concluded a contract with him very smoothly, and then let him promote it in this way through the exchange of ideas.

Wandering Soul instigated Qu Xiang to do those things while absorbing energy from him to strengthen himself.

Then let Qu Xiang find an excuse to get close to Min Ru, and it attached to Min Ru's body.

Qu Xiang's rumors were mainly intended to crush their luck and destroy their aura of mutual love and unity.

In order to occupy Min Ru's body, of course, it can't destroy the body as soon as it comes up, but by influencing people's consciousness.

Generally speaking, these are enough to break the fragile will of human beings and make the Su family voluntarily give up this woman.And she can justifiably occupy this woman's body...

Youhun didn't expect these people to be very determined, and no matter how ugly and embarrassing it made Min Ru.

It's fine if the man she loves still sticks to her, and even the "parents-in-law" who have nothing to do with her don't have any intention of disliking her.

Therefore, it is impossible to completely possess this body, so it has the desire to kill, and uses its own ghost power to make Min Ru's whole body rot little by little.

In fact, it can also occupy this body after death, but it will be weak for a long time.


Su Xin lets go of the wandering soul, not worried that it will let Qu Xiang go.

But Xiao Tao's words in the sea of ​​consciousness made her feel heavy.

"It can be seen that this is a very weak wandering soul. It just makes a contract with people, and it becomes so difficult to deal with. If it is stronger, if the person who makes the contract with it has greater abilities, find a more powerful soul for it. More opportunities to absorb, I'm afraid..."

"Afraid what?"

"Their greatest ability is not how powerful their soul power is or how many people they can kill directly, but that they can conclude contracts with people and exist attached to people. Some violent ones are directly revealed, and there are more hidden ones. It's very deep, and it harms people unconsciously. What I'm afraid of is that these things come out, which shows that the balance of this world is skewed."

"Balance skewed?"

"Well, balance is when good and evil move forward with each other. If one side overwhelms the other, it won't work. If the whole world is completely clear, as the saying goes, when the water is clear, there will be no fish, then people will not have respect for orthodoxy and gods Heart. If it is completely blocked by demons, it will become a purgatory, and people will lose faith in orthodoxy and gods.”

Su Xin heard the key point in the other party's words: "What do you mean, people's beliefs are the foundation of supporting this world?"

Xiao Tao thought for a while, and said: "This... I can't make a complete conclusion based on my current knowledge, but this world does need a strong energy field to support it."

The next day, Dong Hai and Min Ru were getting married, and people were looking forward to it. Although what Su Xin did yesterday shocked them a little, they still doubted what Qu Xiang had yelled earlier, that the wedding day was the time when the bride died.

But I saw the bride wearing a new dress to attend the wedding banquet, but on the other side, it was reported that the whole family of Qu Xiang had a strange disease.

Like Min Ru before, she had inexplicable abscesses all over her body, but the difference was that, after just one night, it had already festered beyond human form and emitted a stench.

He could only be dragged away through Murakami's notification to 120. He was diagnosed with an unknown disease. To prevent infection, he was directly cremated after death.

Fragile souls and thin energy, even if the wandering souls absorb all the vitality in their bodies, they cannot recover and escape, let alone pay the huge price of destroying the contract, so they can only disappear completely with the burned corpses.

(End of this chapter)

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