her left eye is unusual

Chapter 315 Gratitude Guardian

Chapter 315 Gratitude Guardian

After dealing with the matter of Youhun and the rogue family, Suxin spends the Spring Festival with her parents without distraction.

Watching a pair of Bi people enter the bridal chamber amidst people's envy and blessings, Su Xin felt a sense of relief and accomplishment spontaneously.

After eating the wedding ceremony of Brother Donghai and Aru, it’s New Year’s Eve, and then the whole family will post couplets lively, respecting heaven and earth, God of Kitchen, God of Well, God of Land, and all the gods that allow us to live and work in this world. Thank them for their blessings and pray for peace and prosperity in the coming year.

Su Xin has been doing this with her parents since she was a child, but this time when she knelt and worshiped with everyone and chanted words, she felt very different.

The night wind rustled, and she felt that there was some kind of mysterious energy converging in Lang Lang's night sky in front of her.

The feeling of reverence for the vastness of the world spontaneously in her heart made her feel extraordinarily quiet.

In such silence, the spiritual energy pool on the altar was gently rippling, and began to circulate along an ethereal trajectory on his body.

Gradually, some strange energy particles around slowly merged into this trajectory.

She could sense that these energy particles were not pure, but as they moved in the trajectory, they gradually became the same as the spiritual power in the spiritual power pool as they were automatically refined.


Su Xin seems to have opened a door of cultivation in the dark, and the front of him suddenly becomes clear.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the spiritual platform suddenly became several times larger than before, and the spiritual power pool also became larger and deeper correspondingly, with a capacity equivalent to dozens of times before, and even the level of spiritual power has also increased.

The soul next to him became more solid, reaching the point where he could use his thoughts to control the soul to leave his body.

One thought comes to mind: the out-of-body period.

It also means that she can now control the soul to leave her body, which means: the soul is out of the body.

But this stage is the most dangerous, because once the soul leaves the body, it means that the body is "unowned" and is likely to be coveted by the wandering ghosts around.

Just like the wandering spirit that entered Qu Xiang's body.

Or powerful ghosts, spirit ghosts, etc., may directly take the body as their own.

It is equivalent to that she does not need to go through the process of physical death, and directly transitions into the existence of a ghost.

So Su Xin would never do such a stupid thing.

"Xiaoxin", "Susu" and "Suxin"

There were concerned and hurried noises around, and Su Xin was startled back to what she was doing just now.

Fortunately, everyone is very solemn about this part of worshiping the gods, and they do it very slowly. First, lay out various fruit cakes, chickens and ducks and other offerings, then pray, and wait for the gods to enjoy the offerings, so it takes at least an hour about.

Now they are calling her, which means that she just felt like a whole time, and more than an hour has passed.

Su Xin didn't want everyone to worry, so she quickly withdrew her consciousness from the sea of ​​consciousness.

People were relieved to see her reaction.

Su Xin bowed to the void in front of her, clasped her hands together, put them on her forehead, closed her eyes, and prayed devoutly: "Thank you for the blessings, thank you for the protection of our family..."

Su Xin accompanied her parents to visit the graves, that is, to burn paper and offer incense on the graves of her ancestors on the first day of the Lunar New Year.

Su Xin saw that when they lit the incense paper, faint ghosts emerged from the graves.

Looking at the juniors kowtowing to the grave in front of them, some were at a loss, some nodded with satisfaction, and some even wanted to come up to touch them, but they were blocked by a layer of mysterious energy.

Su Xin watched their soul shadows become very, very weak, and I'm afraid they could be blown away by a gust of wind.

But still did not leave, or set foot on the road to Huangquan and enter reincarnation.

If there is no crime, they will avoid the judgment of the underworld and directly enter the cycle of reincarnation.

Because the stronger the soul, the further one can go, and even find a better chance of reincarnation for oneself, which is very important.

Su Xin thought, if they still insist on not leaving, there will be only one result in the end: their souls will completely dissipate and return to heaven and earth.

Looking at the people who kowtow in front of the grave, they are all saying: bless your son and grandson are safe and sound, business is booming, make a lot of money, and I will burn a big house for you in the coming year...

Bless, bless...

Su Xin understood that these ghosts did not leave because of people's ties to force them to stay here.

They didn't become evil spirits and ghosts, which shows that they really care about their offspring...

Su Xin felt that these ancestors were dead, so they should be allowed to go well, and they should no longer be bound in this world, and they cannot be free just because future generations want to be "blessed".

She wanted to tell everyone, but when she thought of how she knelt and kowtowed in the same way when she was a child, praying for the blessing and protection of her dead ancestors, she choked back the words that came to her lips.

So with a thought, I sent a thought to those ghosts: "Look, your descendants are doing well, they only do this because of missing and being grateful. You should have your own way back, go, don't be trapped by this I am bound and bound by miss."

Suxin can communicate with ghosts, so they can clearly receive Suxin's thoughts, and then they are truly relieved. The bond that keeps them in this world is broken, and their souls disappear completely.

On the second day, Su Xin heard that everyone had a dream at the same time, dreaming that her "parents" and "grandparents" who had died told them in dreams, saying that they saw that they were doing well, and they were very relieved , they left.

When Su Xin heard them talking about this dream, there was a smile in his eyes and in his heart.

She thought, if they knew that their ancestors were silently guarding them in response to their thoughts, and then the last trace of soul power was worn away by time little by little, and they didn't even have the chance to choose reincarnation, they would also be unbearable Bar.

So, the spirits of the deceased ancestors, rest in peace!
After worshiping the ancestors, it is time to visit relatives.

Suxin only went to her uncle's house, and encountered all the things that "older young women" encountered.

Everyone asked her the first time they saw her, "Oh, Suxin has grown up so much, she seems to be about the same age as my family 'Xiaoqin', alas, Xiaoqin's eldest is in kindergarten, and now she is pregnant with another child." When is Su Xin going to get married? Why don’t you bring your boyfriend back for us to see? Oh, you don’t want to say that you haven’t got a boyfriend yet, do you? Tsk tsk, Xinwa, my aunt will tell you Girls, you can't delay, you are young and good-looking now, those boys still care about you, when you are over [-], you will go to the people who care about you..."

After finishing speaking, he looked at the people around him, and everyone nodded in agreement.

Su Xin looked at her mother for help, but she didn't expect that this was one of the reasons why Xin's mother took her away from relatives.

There is no way, she told this stubborn daughter many times, let her play boyfriend, she always goes in the left ear and out the right ear.Now let everyone come and do ideological work for her!

Seeing everyone's lively conversation, Su Xin thought that her parents were not as lonely as she imagined.

They have their circle of life, and they... also have their own circle.

 I am grateful for the gift of undoing the renaming, thanksgiving, and blessings!Single chapter tribute! !

  Thank you Lois W, Xian Jiang, and An An, full-time bookworm 888, Lao Aries who lost weight, Xiaorendouzi 66, book friends 20170811212745181 for their rewards, thank you all friends who voted for their valuable votes, I wish you all the National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival Happy, happy every day, love you! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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