Chapter 316

Su Xin thought that she had done a lot of tasks and had honed her mind to be calm enough, but she still couldn't stand the bombardment of her three aunts and six aunts.

Before the eighth day and the sixth day, she couldn't bear it any longer, so she packed her bags in desperation and prepared to flee back to S City.

Before leaving, Xin's mother saw that Su Xin was still in the same state of "no oil and salt", and was very worried. She pulled out all the people in the village to compare with her, saying that some of them who were much younger than her were married and became mothers. Can make soy sauce and the like.

Now that the year has passed, the 28-year-old "older" young woman must put life-long events on the agenda.

In the end, he approached Su Xin mysteriously, and asked in a low voice: By the way, it was the boss who used to send you to and from get off work. Is he playing with his girlfriend now?If not, hurry up...

Su Xin knew that she must not tell her true thoughts now, otherwise she would definitely not be able to leave today.

She can only nod when the other party says a word, like a chicken pecking at rice.

But I was thinking in my mind, should I get a fake marriage certificate, and then say that the other party has gone abroad, and it is best to settle abroad or something...

Seeing Su Xin's appearance, Xin's mother was angry and anxious, alas, it's really worrying.

When I was studying in the past, I was afraid that she would delay her study by playing with friends, but now I am worried that she...wouldn't be able to get married.

Looking at Su Xin's leaving back, he sighed, and Dad Xin came over and said, "Forget it, she has grown up, and she knows the way she wants to go, so let her go."

"But in two years she will be thirty..."

Father Xin decisively took the other party's shoulders and pushed them into the yard, "Let's go, let's go, we want her to get married early and have a home. Isn't the main purpose for her to have a home and live a more secure and stable life. So as long as she It's still going well, so we have nothing to worry about."

Xin's mother gave Xin's father a hard look, and complained: "Susu is just like you are used to now. If there is no one and no family, who will take care of her when we two grow old?"

While pushing Mama Xin back tenderly and firmly, Father Xin said, "You can't say that. You see, in our ditch, there are a lot of daughters who get married and the other party must hold her in the palm of their hand? Many of them haven't arrived yet." The in-law’s family is like a bull and a horse. Didn’t you hear the old Zhangtou in Shangwan say that his daughter can’t go back to her mother’s house even if she wants to go back to her mother’s house on her birthday or during the holidays, and she has to report to her husband and in-laws early. Buy some nutritional supplements for the two elders and send 200 yuan. You have to apply to your husband and in-laws, and you will be scolded. Do you still want to marry Susu out of my family?"

Mother Xin was left speechless by what Father Xin said, and she faltered for a long time before she said: "But...women are going to marry after all, there are still choices when you are young, if you get old in the future, don't you have to be with those Crooked melons? Besides, everyone came here like this..."


Su Xin returned to Ten Mile Lane, and as soon as she approached the courtyard, she heard voices coming from the living room inside.

"...This is a photo of my mother. She has some Alzheimer's disease. Please help us find her. I know it's not good to bother you so much, but we really have nothing to do. We will also call the police. Yes, I have been to many private detectives, only... there are still people in your family, so "

An anxious voice of a middle-aged man.

Shi Feng: "When did your mother get lost, what clothes did she wear, and is there anything to prove her identity?"

"Yesterday morning we took our child to play in the park. The child wanted to buy the bubble machine. I asked my mother to stand with the child and not go away. But when I bought something, they both disappeared. My wife's company is Piece count, so I only rested on New Year's Eve and the first day of the new year, and went to work on the second day of the new year. I quickly called her, and I also called my relatives and friends to look for it together."

"You know there are a lot of people in the park. We asked the management of the park to make a broadcast, and we found our son in the afternoon. The son said that grandma saw someone singing Peking Opera, so he followed her. He was afraid that grandma would get lost, so he followed grandma. The crowd broke up, he was short, and after a while, they lost sight of each other."

"We called the police, and people came, but just like us, we could only ask around, or someone provided clues. In the end, we wanted to find a private investigator..."

"We put her on one of those lost watches that she would often take off by herself, we found that watch last night, we put a mobile phone on her and a note about our phone call, it's just that she I don’t know how to make phone calls now, it would be great if someone else could take the initiative to call us..."

Su Xin just walked to the door, Shi Feng and Mo Li looked over at the same time.Originally, when she left, Su Xin made up her mind to use this vacation to spend time with her parents, saying that she would not come back until the eighth day of the lunar new year.

But it's only the sixth day of the junior high school. Could something have happened?
Facing the caring and searching gazes of the two, Su Xin smiled awkwardly: "Hehe, I don't see you all working so hard on duty, and I can't be idle, so. Ah yes, go on, you go on, I Put your bag down and come over."

Su Xin said hello, quickly slipped away, put down her things, tidied up, and washed off her travel dust and exhaustion.

When they went to the front hall again, Shi Feng and the two had already asked all the information and sent the middle-aged man away.

Shi Feng said: "This is our first business of the year, so, work hard, comrades!"

Client: Zhang Yunhe

Age: 42 years old

Family status: Married, wife Li Hua, son Zhang Hao (9 years old)
Entrusted task: Find the lost mother.

The following is an introduction about Zhang Yun and his mother, as well as a recent photo.

Su Xin looked at the person in the photo. He was wearing a blue-purple satin jacket, his hair was neatly combed behind his head, and tied into a bun with a grate.Facing the camera with a pleasant smile, his whole body is very clean and refreshed, and there is no sign of dementia at all.

When Su Xin was looking at the basic information, Shi Feng had already called up the map from the computer.

Taking the park introduced by Zhang Yunhe as the center, a circle with a radius of [-] kilometers is the largest radius she can move in a day.

Of course, it does not rule out that the old lady takes a bus or other means of transportation. If this is the case, then I can only hope that someone will see the posters posted by Mr. Zhang and provide information.

Then, Shi Feng marked all the information provided by Zhang Yunhe on the map, and their home was within five kilometers.

Zhang Yun and his family have mobilized people to inquire about the neighborhood where their home is located and nearby neighborhoods with printed photos, so their task now is to go to other places to conduct a blanket search.

Mo Li said: "When Zhang Yunhe introduced just now, he said that the old lady left because she heard other people singing Beijing opera, so she might like to catch up with the crowds. It is more reliable for us to find places with many people."

Su Xin nodded, and Shi Feng decided to divide several areas, and each of the three was in charge of one area.

(End of this chapter)

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