her left eye is unusual

Chapter 317 Break through the iron shoes

Chapter 317 Break through the iron shoes
With her bag on her back, Su Xin turned on the map on her mobile phone and used her feet to perceive the city that brought her so much.

Walk through every alleyway, and don't miss any shops, shopping malls, and cinemas around you.

With a photo of the old lady in one hand, he asked everyone he met, "Have you seen this old lady..."

People either shook their heads apologetically, or kindly reminded them to go to XX, where there are more old men and old ladies.

The joy of the festival makes the city look less indifferent than imagined.

Su Xin asked all the way, an old lady who was choreographing for everyone gathered the big guys and shouted through the microphone, asking everyone to take a look at the photos, if they have seen them.

There is great strength in numbers, or maybe Su Xin finds the right direction.

Everyone looked at the people in the photo and shook their heads. An old man said: "Ah, this old lady, I seem to have a little impression. It seems like yesterday. I was in the park and saw someone following me all the way. I thought ...so I just ran around in the crowd before getting rid of it."

"I didn't expect that she had Alzheimer's disease. Alas, I should really have asked about it."

As the old man said, he sighed, indicating that he would follow Su Xin to look for it.

Su Xin asked: "Is the uncle humming Peking Opera at that time?"

Before the old man answered, someone next to him said for him, "He is well-known in our circle, and he sings really well."

The old man looked at Su Xin and slapped his head: "You mean she followed me because of the Beijing opera lines I hummed?"

Su Xin nodded: "It should be so."

He thought for a while, "If that's the case, I suggest you go to Linchuan Park over there to have a look. There is an elderly Peking Opera troupe there, who go to the riverside every morning to hang their throats."

Su Xin said goodbye and followed the old man's instructions to find her.


The salesperson behind the dessert glass counter packed the desserts for the customers. After paying the bill, she found that the old lady was still lingering in front of her counter, with something on her hair, and a smell of excrement and urine coming from her whole body.

Seeing that the other person's eyes were always on a delicate fruit cake, she asked, "Mother-in-law, are you hungry and want to eat?"

The old lady grunted from her stomach, looked at the young female salesperson, curled her shriveled mouth, "I, I have eaten this big white steamed bun, it was sold to me by the old man, it's so sweet..."

She smacked her lips as she spoke, showing her missing teeth, as if the sweetness was still soaking her teeth.

The salesperson let out an ooh and kept a soft smile on his face: "Are you hungry now, do you want to eat something?"

The old lady looked up at the salesperson suspiciously, "Why do you want to give me food? What do you want to do? Are you like that Comrade Zhang, who gave me food and called me mom?"

The salesperson smiled and said, "He must be your son."

"No, he's not my son," the old lady said firmly, "My son's name is Zhang Yunhe, and he's only this old. Go buy mahua."

The salesperson was confused by the old lady's strange logic, thinking that the other party might be a little confused, or something like Alzheimer's, and said, "Did you get separated from your family? Well, you go to the rest area next to me and I'll go Ask the manager to broadcast an announcement in the mall..."

Of course she couldn't let the old lady go away alone at this moment, it would be safer to wait for her family to pick her up.

The old lady waved her hands again and again: "I don't have family, I don't, I'm here to find the old man, hey, he was here just now, he left by himself when I was talking to you, this old man, tell him to wait for me, he just won't wait."

She said, looking to the side very solemnly.

The salesperson followed her line of sight, and there was no one around her.

And as a salesperson, you have to observe the people around you. If she remembered correctly, there was no "old man" here at all just now.

Hearing that the old lady was still talking about the old man, I couldn't help but get a hair on my back.

Can't help but say: "Grandma, there is no old man you mentioned here..."

Before she finished speaking, the old lady suddenly approached her, pointed at her and cursed: "You damn thing, get out of here quickly..."

While talking, he blew his nose and stared fiercely, rolling up his sleeves as if he was about to fight.

The salesperson was a little confused, and quickly comforted the old lady.

A few salesmen next to her gave her a wink, pouted, "Look, I told you not to deal with such an old woman, and accidentally blackmailed you, extorting a hundred and eighty thousand..." "Look at how dirty she is, And let her stand in front of your counter, driving away other customers..."

The salesperson greeted a colleague next to her and helped her watch.

Walking out of the counter, he bent slightly and said to the old lady: "Grandma, now, I'll take you to wash your hands, and I'll treat you to big white steamed buns later..."

At this moment, the old lady suddenly hit the salesperson on the head, cursing viciously: "Take your dirty hands away, if you come again, I will beat you..."

The salesperson was slapped inexplicably. Hearing the old lady say it so seriously, it didn't seem like she was scolding her, but she looked around and saw that there were only the two of them within two or three meters around her, and she felt even more frightened.

She said: "Grandma, let's wash our hands first, and then we can eat something. Let your family know, okay?"

The old lady was led by the salesperson to the bathroom, blowing her nose and staring at her back from time to time, cursing.

Seeing this, several other salespersons shook their heads, good people are not rewarded these days.

... Su Xin was attracted by a cloud of Yin Qi, not a cloud, but a strand.

Entering the mall, the yin energy disappeared.

Then I saw a group of people gathered around.

Several salesmen in uniform hugged an old woman tightly, and the old woman shouted "Old Man" in her mouth, and struggled in one direction.

Someone nearby was taking pictures, and someone was pointing and discussing.

Su Xin recognized it immediately, isn't this the old lady in this entrusted task?

It really didn't take much effort to find a place after breaking through the iron shoes, so she quickly called Shi Feng and Mo Li... Let her companion feel at ease first.Then call Zhang Yunhe and ask him to go to Huicheng Commercial Building.

Su Xin just walked over, pushed aside the crowd, and followed the direction the old woman pointed, and she saw a flickering energy cluster...somewhat similar to what she saw a few times last time.

Ordinary people can't see these things, but the old lady's consciousness and thinking are completely degraded, and her body functions can't bear it. But the more she is like this, the purer her consciousness is, so she can see things that ordinary people can't see.

Su Xin just saw the energy clusters flickering, and couldn't see the specific images clearly, unless the other party intentionally sent him some ideas.

But judging by the old lady's appearance, she should be her wife who died two years ago.

According to Zhang Yunhe, her mother's dementia also worsened from two years ago, and she always said that she would see his dead father waiting for her.

When Su Xin was about to help appease the old lady, she accidentally touched the female salesperson's hand and gave a sudden pause.

Looking up at the female salesperson, I saw a faint black line between her brows.

(End of this chapter)

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