her left eye is unusual

Chapter 318 Mother: I will never forget my son even if I forget the whole world

Chapter 318 Mother: I will never forget my son even if I forget the whole world
In less than half an hour, groups of Shi Feng, Mo Li and Mr. Zhang all rushed over.

The movement here also attracted more people to come and watch, surrounded by three floors inside and three floors outside, it was very lively.

When Zhang Yunhe saw the old lady, he shouted "Mom" and excitedly came over to hold her hand, but the old lady threw it away and yelled at him solemnly: "What are you doing? I have told you many times, My son is Zhang Yunhe, and he is only this old, why are you my son?"

As she spoke, she made comparisons on her chest.

Someone next to her was a little choked up watching this scene. Even if the old mother had Alzheimer's disease, she would never forget her son's name.

Zhang Yunhe said: "Mom, I am Zhang Yunhe, I have grown up now."

"You are really my son who has grown up, oops, I forgot, come on, I secretly saved it for you just now, otherwise others will eat it up..."

As the old lady approached Mr. Zhang, mysteriously, she took out a mass of white stuff from her pocket, with some black and red stuff mixed in.

Quickly stuffed it into Mr. Zhang's hand, as if afraid of being snatched by others, "Quick, eat quickly, the big white steamed bun you gave me, it's very sweet, eat quickly."

This is a chocolate cream cake. The old lady grabbed it with her hands and stuffed it into the pocket of her clothes. The clothes in her hands were all covered with cream.

Mr. Zhang is an imposing middle-aged man, with tears in his eyes, he didn't dislike it at all, he just caught it with his hand, and her mother pushed his hand towards his mouth, and he really added a few mouthfuls, while responding Mother, "It's really sweet, Mom, shall we eat it when we go back?"

The old lady watched her son eat what she had left for him, and she smiled like a flower. She took out a dirty handkerchief from somewhere, and helped Mr. Zhang wipe the cream from his mouth. : "Ouch, eat slowly, Mom still has some here, after eating, Mom will buy it for you next time..."

If she hadn't seen her smearing her son's face even more dirty, this would definitely be a scene of a loving mother and filial piety.

Zhang Yunhe finally calmed his mother down and let him hold hands.

The old lady said: "By the way, did you see your dad? I lost it when I was going to the market just now. You should look for it quickly. That old man always loses everything."

Zhang Yunhe: "Dad must have gone back, let's go home first, shall we?"

The old lady smiled sweetly and said yes again and again, letting her son lead her.

The crowd automatically made way.

The salesperson just bowed to the two of them and shouted, "Two walk slowly..."

This is their professional requirement, to welcome and send off guests with a polite smile.

At this moment, the old lady who was about to leave suddenly turned around, threw off Zhang Yunhe's hand, and rushed to the salesperson in two or three steps.

The salesperson was beaten by the old lady for no reason before, and now it has left a psychological shadow, but I think that the other party has Alzheimer's disease, and the other party is indeed not malicious.

So he patiently stood where he was, and asked, "Does my grandma still want to eat big white steamed buns?"

The old lady suddenly approached the other party's ear, and said in a daze, "My daughter, do you have a younger brother? Why is there a kid who keeps sticking his hand into your head and digging it out? Does it hurt? Alas, children are very stubborn, I have to teach him a lesson..."

Although she lowered her voice, everyone around her, including Zhang Yunhe, could still hear her.

All eyes fell on the salesperson's head.

The salesperson's face suddenly turned pale, and he opened his mouth, but he didn't say a word.

Zhang Yunhe hurriedly stepped forward to apologize to her: "I'm sorry, my mother often talks nonsense like this, don't take it to heart, I will send my mother back first, and I will settle all the expenses when I come back. I am really sorry gone."

Zhang Yunhe took the old lady's hand and finally left.

The crowd also gradually dispersed.

The salesperson's face was still a little pale and a little dazed, but he was already packing his things.

Su Xin walked over, wrote a phone number and handed it to the salesperson: "I am Su Xin from Zero Zero Detective Agency. I can help people solve some troubles that I can't solve by myself. If you need it, call me and I will try my best to help you." , the price is easy to say."

It was a coincidence to find the old lady so quickly this time.

And just now Su Xin also saw that among so many salespersons, she was the only one who was protecting the old lady from the beginning to the end. With this benevolence, if she could help one or two, it would be a great comfort.

The few people next to them just pursed their mouths and rolled their eyes. In these years, once people have bad luck, all kinds of bad things will happen to them.

Just after sending away a difficult senile dementia, another person who posted small advertisements came up.

That's right, they all regarded Su Xin as the person who advertised painless abortion for hemorrhoids.

They couldn't help looking at the female salesperson with sympathy.

Su Xin saw that although the other party kept a decent smile on his face, the thoughts in his head were full of suspicion.

Su Xin added: "Perhaps, what the old lady said just now is correct, you should be more careful. If it is true as she said, you should have frequent headaches during this period, and sometimes the pain is unbearable, but This is better in crowded places. And the memory is also slowly fading, and you will forget a lot of things.”

The hand of the female salesperson holding the phone note trembled slightly, trying to restrain her fear, "I, I..."

The two colleagues next to me couldn't stand it any longer. They walked over and shouted impatiently at Su Xin: "Hey, what's the matter with you? Could it be that you also have Alzheimer's disease? Send us all the small advertisements." Here it comes."

As she spoke, she snatched the note from the female salesperson's hand, crumpled it up and threw it at Su Xin.

Su Xin glanced lightly over her, landed on the female salesperson, took a look, then turned and left.

There are too many things that happen every day in this world. In fact, some of them are not inevitable, but there are too many colleagues like this female salesperson.

If she guessed right, the extremely difficult yin energy she sensed came from this female salesperson.

It's somewhat similar to the wandering spirit she dealt with in her hometown, but it's more concentrated and powerful, so that's why she paid so much attention to it and tracked it down.

Of course, the final specific situation depends on how the parties themselves think and how to deal with it.

Su Xin bought a [-]-inch double-layer cake. It seemed that the detective agency had gathered for dinner many times, but they hadn't eaten cake together yet, so simply buying one could be regarded as increasing the other party's turnover.

After Su Xin left, the colleague next to her was still whispering to the female salesperson, "Tsk tsk, I really can't see it, it's a lot of money just to get a business." "No, I said Mo Yao, you must wipe it!" Bright eyes, now those liars are so smart, they were tricked into it by accident."

Seeing that the other party didn't talk to each other, they chatted on their own.

But she didn't notice that Mo Yao picked up the ball of paper thrown on the ground while cleaning up, and secretly put it in her pocket.

(End of this chapter)

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