her left eye is unusual

Chapter 320 Taking Orders

Chapter 320 Taking Orders
"Especially last night, when I slept until midnight, I suddenly felt a coldness on my head. It was like someone took a piece of ice and put it on my head. And...the cold air from my breath sprayed on my face, and I directly Waking up from the cold."

"So I hugged the quilt all night until dawn. I remembered that I heard them chatting once, and mentioned that someone seemed to have provoked a supernatural matter and asked your detective agency to solve it. So I went to them early in the morning. After searching several times, I finally found out where you are now, so I came here in a hurry."

After listening to Fu Xiaohe's description, Su Xin said realistically: "To be honest, I didn't see or sense the existence of Yin Qi in your body just now. According to my past experience, if you are entangled by Yin objects, generally All of them will more or less leave Yin Qi on the body of a stranger, and you said that you still had the feeling of being stared at last night. In such a short period of time, Yin Qi cannot be completely dissipated. So..."

Hearing what Su Xin said, Fu Xiaohe became a little excited, "You don't believe me, do you feel like them that I made up things on purpose and came to you because I was curious about those things..."

Su Xin hurriedly comforted the other party: "I didn't mean that, please listen to me. This is just the incidents I have been exposed to, so it has a lot to do with my experience. The world is too mysterious, and there are many things I haven't been in touch with. and recognized things, so I can't tell whether what you said is your imagination caused by certain stimuli, or there are really those things. The only way is for me to go to the place where you live to see, or Stay with you for two days and see if you can find anything. But..."

Hearing what Su Xin said, Fu Xiaohe couldn't be more aggressive, and asked eagerly: "But what? I am really scared now. I feel that there is a person in a dark corner when I am walking on the road now." Staring at me maliciously, I..."

Su Xin: "You should have read the introduction of our website before you come. The task means that you need to sign an agreement and pay a minimum deposit of [-]. Finally, depending on the difficulty of the task, you will pay the rest."

Su Xin was not at all embarrassed or tactful when talking about money with others, she just said it outright.

Fu Xiaohe nodded repeatedly, "I understand, I didn't touch the lucky money my parents gave me, no matter how much, as long as you can help me solve this problem."

After finishing speaking, he took a copy of the agreement, signed it with his name, stamped his fingerprints, and handed over a stack of money to Su Xin without counting the amount.

Su Xin took it and passed it to Shi Feng without any pause.

Then he stood up, put on his bag and was about to go with Fu Xiaohe.

Fu Xiaohe looked at Su Xin's appearance, and asked with some doubts: "Are you going with me now? You, do you want to clean up?"

Su Xin walked out the door, and replied: "I am ready at any time. Since the agreement has been signed, I can complete this task as soon as possible by finding out the truth as soon as possible. Anyway, I have nothing else to do now. I will go with you." Just right."

At the moment when he handed over the money just now, Fu Xiaohe was actually skeptical of this woman who looked about his age, but now, because of this frankness and kindness, she inexplicably felt more at ease.

On the way, probably because the two looked about the same age, and Su Xin didn't look like an "outsider" at all, the two quickly chatted.

Mainly Su Xin asked and Fu Xiaohe answered.

Su Xin: "You said that you suddenly felt someone stared at you in late December last year, that is to say, it has been nearly a month now. Do you remember the circumstances under which you suddenly felt someone stared at you? Is it?"

Fu Xiaohe: "You know, in fact, for students like us who are about to graduate, the courses are not very tight, as long as they get the credits. At Christmas, the four girls in our dormitory decided to take their boyfriends for a short trip Traveling can be regarded as a souvenir. We went to Mount Putuo on the outskirts of the city..."

Before the other party finished speaking, Su Xin subconsciously blurted out "Putuo Mountain?"

"Well, have you been there?"

Su Xin recalled the Mei Xixi case she encountered for the first time, and she also investigated it later, it was related to Mount Putuo.I didn't expect to hear the name of Mount Putuo this time, so I couldn't help but ask one more question.

Su Xin shook her head, "What did you do there? Or who did you meet?"

Fu Xiaohe: "Jiang Ming led the way. He said that there is a very spiritual psychic bridge in the back mountain. As long as a lock with two people's names and birthdays engraved on the bridge is hung, the two people will never be separated. "

"You just hung the concentric lock?"

"Well, except for me and Lin Hao, the other three pairs are all hung up. And on the guardrails on both sides of the bridge that are made like vines, all of them are hung with dense locks. It should be all right, right?"

If it was before, Su Xin would definitely have the same idea, just put a lock on it, what could happen.But now, she feels that there are some things that she really can't swear casually. Maybe it's hard to meet those things in her life, but once she happens to meet them, it's hard to get rid of them.

"We played in Houshan for a day, and we also went to the Eighteenth Yama Hall. We all went to draw lots and had a vegetarian meal there."

"Yan Luodian? Are you doing anything there?"

"I didn't do anything, but they were going to take a photo with the statue. You know that there are fences that are half a person's height outside the statue. Just when we stepped into the fence of the statue and were about to take pictures, we were caught by a wrinkled face. The old nun stopped us, glared at us a few times with triangular eyes, and said, "If you blaspheme the statue, you will be punished," we left."

Speaking of this, Fu Xiaohe said in a tone of doubts with a hint of panic: "But it's strange to say that when we just came out of the Hall of Yama, a stone suddenly fell from above, and it happened to fall on the few of us. In the middle. At that time, all of us were frightened. No matter if the person in front took a slow step or the person behind took a quick step, we would be hit exactly. It was only later that we found out that it was the slab of the stone ladder on top. I don’t know why the one below The foundation was loose, and it just happened to fall like that.”

"and after?"

"Then it was normal for us to go all the way back to school."

"Did the situation like yours happen to the other people who were with you?"

Fu Xiaohe shook his head: "No, neither my roommate nor the other boys. At that time, I told them whether it was because they jumped into the fence of the statue and offended the gods, so they were punished. They laughed at me. Because We all went in at that time, and some of them even went to touch the statue with their hands..."

(End of this chapter)

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