her left eye is unusual

Chapter 321 Doubt

Chapter 321 Doubt

While chatting, the two arrived at Fu Xiaohe's house, Lido Garden.

While outside, Fu Xiaohe told Su Xin, "My parents don't know what happened to me, so you will say that you are my classmate and come to see me later."

Su Xin nodded in understanding.

Fu Xiaohe's home is in a multi-storey complex with elevators. They live on the sixth floor, connected to the top floor, with a combined floor space of nearly [-] square meters.It is beautifully decorated.

Fu Xiaohe's father is well maintained and looks 50 to [-] years old.

When the two went, they were chatting with a few people in the living room.

The central air conditioner was turned on in the room, and it was very warm. Fu Xiaohe took off his coat and hung it on the coat rack next to the entrance. After changing his shoes, he greeted his father, introduced Su Xin as her classmate, and went directly to her upstairs. Go to your own bedroom.

When going up the stairs, I met a woman in a pink sweatshirt coming down head-on.

The woman looked about the same age as Fu Xiaohe, with a small round face, and said to Fu Xiaohe with a smile: "Eldest sister, you are back. Who is this?"

The voice is crisp, the eyebrows are curved, and it looks very playful and cute.

A trace of impatience flashed in Fu Xiaohe's eyes, and he said flatly: "My friend." He didn't want to say more.

But the woman followed closely and asked: "Is it your roommate? Why didn't you bring it back to play before? By the way, I heard Brother Lin Hao said that you are going on a graduation trip. Take me with you, I really want to go too"

The impatience on Fu Xiaohe's face became heavier, and he said casually: "I'll discuss it with Lin Hao, and we'll see when the time comes."

The woman said: "Brother Lin Hao has already agreed, he said it depends on what you want. Sister, I am so boring at home alone, you won't just watch me grow moldy."

Speaking of this, not only Fu Xiaohe, but even Su Xin, an outsider, could tell that this woman seemed pure and harmless, but she was actually provocative in her words.

Fu Xiaohe said: "Hey, Fu Xiaobei, what do you mean? Do you think this is fun?"

Fu Xiaobei looked at Fu Xiaohe with big innocent eyes, and pouted aggrievedly: "Sister, what's wrong with you? I just said that I want to hang out with you. If you don't like me going, just say so. Why? so fierce to me?"

As he said that, he ran down the stairs sobbing and ran to Fu Xiaohe's father, "Dad, I want to go on a trip with my eldest sister. Did I do something wrong?"

Fu Xiaohe had just taken two steps when he heard Fu's father's deep voice behind him: "You did nothing wrong, my good daughter won't cry..."

A sneer appeared on the corner of Fu Xiaohe's mouth, he walked up the stairs in two or three steps, pointed to a bedroom in the middle which was less than ten square meters, and said, "I live here, you wait for me here."

After speaking, she walked towards the room on the left, and Su Xin looked in from the door, and there was a woman lying inside, with various tubes, pacemakers and respirators inserted into her body.

Fu Xiaohe said something while lying next to the woman's head, and came out after carefully checking the instrument.

A trace of sadness flashed across her face, and she explained to Su Xin: "My mother had a car accident two years ago, and she never woke up."

"A car accident?"

Fu Xiaohe introduced Su Xin into his bedroom, and said: "It was before the National Day, she went to school to pick me up, on the way back, a brat suddenly ran into the road, my mother hurriedly turned the steering wheel and got into the car in a panic I rushed into the field next to me. The person didn’t seem to have suffered any trauma. The doctor said it might be a concussion, because the human brain is the most complicated, and a miracle may happen to wake up, maybe... so my dad bought equipment at home, Liu My aunt used to work as a nurse in the hospital, so she mainly took care of my mother."

Su Xin "sorry", did she come to help others solve supernatural events, or should she first confirm whether the client's current situation is caused by her excessive thinking and anxiety, or is really haunted by ghosts.

Fu Xiaohe smiled faintly. In two years, she not only learned to accept the reality but also learned to face it more strongly and calmly.

The bedroom furnishings are very simple, Su Xinzai carefully checked every corner, even a small decoration.

Finally, he shook his head at Fu Xiaohe and said, "There is nothing suspicious here, so if there is anything, it is not here."

Fu Xiaohe seemed to be thinking about the previous experience, his expression became tense and panicked, and he said eagerly: "Then, what should I do now? I really feel that..."

Su Xin took out her mobile phone to check the time, and said, "It's past four o'clock in the afternoon, so I'll stay with you for one night and see what's going on. What do you think?"

Fu Xiaohe: "You mean you want to sleep with me?"

Su Xin said: "I don't sleep, I just watch by the side. You just need to live normally as usual."

Fu Xiaohe seemed a little guilty, "Well, how embarrassing is this."

Su Xin smiled: "You are entrusted by you now, you paid the money, and I will help you solve the problem, there is nothing embarrassing."

After the two discussed it, Fu Xiaohe took Suxin to "visit" the whole house, and then took her to the community and the park next to the community for a stroll, and then went home after eating.

Previously, they were all Fu Xiaobei's classmates and friends from Fu's father's company. They came to pay New Year's greetings, and now they all went home.

Only Fu Xiaohe's two sisters, their parents and a [-]-year-old nanny, Aunt Liu, were left.

At around nine o'clock in the evening, Fu Xiaohe's boyfriend Lin Hao called her.

Fu Xiaohe, who had been gloomy all day, immediately became bright and active, and his speech was much softer.

Although Su Xin had already stood by the window, her perception was sharper than ordinary people, so she still vaguely heard the conversation between the two.

It's similar to people in love, a sentence has to be broken into several times, and the air is full of sweet and greasy breath.

"...I found out that there is a person who treats headaches, how about I take you to see it tomorrow?"

"It's not a headache, it's just that I always feel like someone is blowing air on top of my head. Don't worry, I'm fine. Today I..."

She was about to say that she had asked someone to take a look for her, when she was interrupted by an untimely cough.

Fu Xiaohe subconsciously raised his head and looked in Su Xin's direction, seeing that Su Xin was just looking at her calmly.

A concerned voice came from the phone: "What's wrong with you today? Xiaohe, you must be well, but don't scare me. Our parents are very supportive of us, and we will get a certificate as soon as we graduate..."

Fu Xiaohe: "Well, I'll be fine."

"By the way, just now you said what happened to you today?"

Fu Xiaohe looked at Suxin, and the words that had already reached the point of his mouth to invite a master of spirituality suddenly changed to "I went shopping in the mall today, and I bought you a scarf by the way, I don't know if you like it or not."

(End of this chapter)

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