Chapter 322
"I like it. I like everything Xiaohe gives me."

"Don't you like it, hum?" Fu Xiaohe snorted coquettishly, with a thin voice.

The two were tired of crooked for a while, and finally hung up the phone.

Su Xin checked the time, it was almost twelve o'clock, and the two of them had been talking on the phone for more than two hours.

Su Xin not only became a big light bulb, but also listened to the two people's love story verbatim.

However, she is not like Fu Xiaohe who is in love, so she will use her rational and meticulous thinking to think and calculate every word Lin Hao said.

Su Xin always felt that perhaps Lin Hao was not as affectionate to her as Fu Xiaohe imagined.

In particular, the other party seemed to care about what happened to Fu Xiaohe, but he didn't do anything practical.

After all, Fu Xiaohe consulted with his boyfriend and friends around him and asked for help from the moment he felt something was wrong.

It's been almost a month, and she didn't say that she would take Fu Xiaohe to see it, but now, she just arrived here, and her boyfriend called and said that he would take her to "medical treatment" the next day. Coincidentally.Of course, Su Xin does not rule out such a coincidence.

Be her villain's heart.

But the conversation between the two later made Suxin firmly suspicious of Lin Hao: When Fu Xiaohe said what he was doing today, but he didn't tell the rest because he interrupted him, he asked him many times.

In addition to Lin Hao, Fu Xiaohe's younger sister Fu Xiaobei is also very suspicious.

It can be seen that the relationship between Fu Xiaohe and his parents is very ordinary, but Fu Xiaobei is more favored.

Su Xin knew that she had just come into contact with this case, and the relationship had not yet been clarified, so it was inevitable that there would be preconceived emotions in it.

So she just sorted out the collected information first, and didn't make any judgments.

Su Xin knew that it was very late now, but this entrusted task seemed simple, but she didn't expect to have so many doubts all of a sudden, she couldn't handle it by herself, so she could only use the strength of the team.

So he took out his mobile phone and called Shi Feng, "Boss, help me check the situation of Fu Xiaohe's younger sister Fu Xiaobei and her boyfriend Lin Hao, and I will send you their names and family information by text message."

Shi Feng: "Okay, no problem. By the way, how is your situation?"

Su Xin: "It seems normal... If all that is just her imagination. If there are really those things, then according to what I know now, these two people are the biggest suspects. I will watch her tonight Depending on the situation, don't worry, I will be careful."

I will look at Fu Xiaohe for the time being, and wait for news from Shi Feng.

Shi Feng hummed, hung up the phone, and called Mo Li up.As soon as Mo Li heard that this case might be "not easy", his eyes almost burst out.

Without it, he just needs more experience to improve his abilities. If he faces those ordinary things every day, he will become ordinary sooner or later.

The two were also unambiguous, and immediately started to act.

The first thing to do is to get first-hand information from Wang Yang, the personal information of Fu Xiaohe and Lin Hao.

Then, based on this information, they began to investigate from the people around them.

Mo Li's ability to "read minds" has improved a lot compared to before. He doesn't need to ask more clearly, or he doesn't care whether you are lying or not. Human consciousness is the most honest. He only needs to read information directly from it. That's fine.

Fortunately, the people involved are all in this city, so we just need to use some means to get close to those people.

... Su Xin moved a stool and sat in the corner of the room near the door, quietly sorting out her thoughts in her mind.

Fu Xiaohe is a student, and his life is very regular. If the only thing that was out of the routine before the supernatural event happened, it was to go to Mount Putuo with a few friends.

The Yan Luo Temple and the Marriage Bridge described by the other party are both suspicious. After all, there are many pilgrims there, and many people have visited the places they have been to, and her companions have also been there. Why is she the only one haunted by ghosts.

What is the specific situation can only be judged after on-site inspection.

Fu Xiaohe slept on the bed, tossing and turning for a long time without being able to fall asleep, propped himself up many times to look at Su Xin, and whispered repeatedly: "Every time I sleep, I feel that thing is on top of my head, I, I..."

Su Xin's voice responded softly: "You can sleep at ease, I'm here, it's okay. I will try my best to help you find out the truth of the matter."

It took a long time before Fu Xiaohe's steady and slow breathing came.

Su Xin also adjusted her breath. Originally, she wanted to pass the time by practicing, but she thought that when she was looking for the lost old lady, her body was very tired from walking, so she used her spiritual power while walking, and she could practice at the same time. Nourishing the muscles and bones, but I didn't expect that the moment I sensed the existence of Yin Qi, the other party also sensed me and ran away all at once.

Having learned the lesson this time, Su Xin doesn't plan to practice anymore, and it won't be a while.

At this time, Su Xin sat on the stool obediently, tried to empty his consciousness, and was in an ethereal state, and then put a ray of consciousness above Fu Xiaohe's head.

As soon as there is the slightest disturbance, she can sense it.

In fact, until now, Su Xin is not sure whether Fu Xiaohe has encountered a supernatural event, but whether it is from the heart or the action, he treats it with full vigilance.

"Little Tao, do you think there is a trap like a mousetrap?" Anyway, it's okay, Su Xin sinks a ray of thought into the Lingyan inkstone, chatting with Xiao Tao.

If possible, she really wanted to use two talismans to arrange the whole room into a false barrier. As long as there is something, there will be no return.

It's a pity that as soon as I took out the magic talisman, the other party would definitely be able to sense the fluctuations from the energy shield from afar. Knowing that it was a trap, it would be strange to come again.

"You're talking about a formation triggered by a special event. In fact, any trap, as long as it is set up, will definitely have traces. Unless it is due to lack of ability and it cannot be seen, otherwise, as long as you are a little more careful, you will be able to see it. Clue. It is the same as the mousetrap. It is precisely because the mouse does not understand the meaning of the mousetrap that it will be tricked. Once you know what it is for, do you think it will go? So all the traps exist. The meaning is to see if the bait is enough to make the other party jump in desperately."

Su Xin felt that it was reasonable to judge others by himself.

Su Xin squinted her eyes, leaving only a tiny slit, and snored slightly from her nasal cavity, as if she was asleep.

Not only did he use his spiritual sense to pay attention to the top of Fu Xiaohe's head, but he also used the supernatural power of his left eye to pay close attention to everything in the room.

If there is a vagina, she has no idea where the other party came from, so she can only use this stupid method to pretend to sleep and wait for the rabbit.

(End of this chapter)

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