her left eye is unusual

Chapter 323 Slipped...

Chapter 323 Slipped...

In this way, Su Xin kept watch until two or three o'clock in the middle of the night.

Quiet night, under the night like water, calm and windless.

Suddenly, the hanging curtains fluttered slightly.

It was as if someone came in from the window, separated the curtains to the two sides, and then automatically closed them after a while.

Su Xin was slightly startled, she didn't expect that there really were ghosts!

The ghost image seems to be 1.8 meters high, because except for a few ghost images that are deliberately shrunk to reduce energy loss, the general soul is the form of the deceased.

In other words, this person was about 1.8 meters tall before his death.

The ghost image gradually solidified. It was a strong man with a very fierce face. After entering the room, he floated straight towards Fu Xiaohe's head.

When he was about to get close, he stopped suddenly, his head turned 180 degrees in parallel like a puppet, staring straight at Su Xin, while his body still kept facing Fu Xiaohe and did not move.

No nose could be seen, only a black hole remained where the eyes and mouth were, and the whole face was as pale as white paper.

Immediately afterwards, the ghost opened its mouth wide, revealing a black hole, as if smiling, and the gradually expanding black hole almost occupied the entire face.

Not only did Su Xin's sleeping breath remain unchanged, but her heartbeat didn't even speed up a bit.

I didn't expect this fellow to be so vigilant. Seeing that there was an extra person in the room, I wanted to test it out.

The ghost stared at Su Xin for a long time, hesitated for a long time, confirmed that Su Xin was an "ordinary" person, could not see him, and finally floated above Fu Xiaohe's head.

The ghost squatted above Fu Xiaohe's head, reached into his body and pulled out a hammer.

This should be something it condensed with its own soul power. It hasn't been fully condensed, but its attack power must be much stronger than its fist.

Ghosting picked up the hammer and knocked it down on Fu Xiaohe's Tianling cover!

His expression was very fierce.

I saw Fu Xiaohe's peaceful sleeping face suddenly frowning, and the eyeballs under his eyelids were turning violently, as if he was engaged in a fierce struggle.

But when the hammer was struck down, a faint light appeared on Fu Xiaohe's body, resisting the ghost power.

With the attack of this ghost, this layer of light gradually weakened.

Su Xin instantly understood what Fu Xiaohe said earlier about the cool wind coming from his head, so without hesitation, a ball of energy gathered in the palm of his hand, and hit the ghost with a hush.

Burn a hole the size of a fist through the middle of the pitch-black ghost.

Immediately afterwards, the Lingyan fell into his hand, issued a closing word formula, and the spinning nest appeared, and a beam of white light enveloped the ghost in it.

Seeing the ghost image being collected into the Lingyan, there was a sudden knock on the door behind him.

It was originally quiet, but suddenly there was a sound, and Su Xin subconsciously looked towards the door behind her.

At this moment of distraction, the ghost cut off half of his soul, and the remaining half slipped away.

Half of the afterimage rushed towards the window, and the curtains fluttered, leaping into the night.

Seeing this, Su Xin shot towards the window with a stride, and threw another energy ball towards the afterimage flying in the air.


There was a shrill ghost cry, like a very vicious curse, and a gust of evil wind was blown out of thin air.

Only a small half of the remaining ghosts were scattered and more than half were scattered, but they failed to hit the second energy ball in time, and watched the ghosts disappear into the night helplessly.

Now she is standing by the window on the seventh floor, how dare she chase her out.

A slap on the window lattice, md, let this thing run away.

I thought to myself, if I had the ability to fly over walls, I would definitely capture him alive!

Su Xin's consciousness sank into the spirit inkstone. As expected, the ordinary ghost she took in just now had no consciousness, so she couldn't extract useful information from the other party.

This was the first time a ghost had slipped from her hands.

Feeling a little depressed in my heart, I turned around and went to the door, and when I opened it, it was Aunt Liu.

At this moment, Aunt Liu was standing at the door in a daze with a dazed expression. When Su Xin yelled, she flinched and suddenly returned in shock.

Seeing Su Xin, Aunt Liu looked at the door again, and hurriedly said, "Oh, I'm really sorry, I was planning to get up at night, and I don't know why I came here. Alas, I must be confused. Really I'm sorry..."

Su Xin narrowed her eyes slightly, and the moment Aunt Liu turned to leave, she reached out and grabbed the back of the opponent's head.

Close the door and turn on the light. It is a very common red line that can be taken anywhere, and there is no trace on it.

Su Xin didn't know when the red line was on Aunt Liu's head, was it before or after she came?
It's a pity that she didn't notice this subtlety on her body at the time.

At this time, Fu Xiaohe on the bed also woke up, rubbing his head while sitting up with some difficulty.

Looking at Su Xin with narrowed eyes, he asked, "Just now, what happened?"

Su Xin said: "There is indeed something trying to harm you, because you have the blessing of luck on your body, so you didn't succeed. But it seems that the other party is about to break the blessing of luck on your body, and it will be troublesome then."

"Just now you said that I have a layer of luck blessing on my body, is it this?" Fu Xiaohe pulled a red rope from his neck, and attached it to a white jade pendant.

Su Xin was taken aback for a moment, staring at the pendant in a daze.

With the left eye, there is a small person squatting faintly in the center of the jade pendant.

The villain is very weak, as if it will dissipate at any time.

Su Xin walked over quickly, held it in his hand for a while, and said, "That's right, you haven't been entangled by that thing for so long, it is indeed helping you, but... it seems that she is going to die."

"It? Who is it?"

Look at the jade pendant, then at Fu Xiaohe.

I finally knew what the strange thing I felt from the moment I entered the door, Fu Xiaohe's mother.

Can't help asking: "Your mother, has she been like this since the car accident?"

"Hmm." A trace of sadness flashed across Fu Xiaohe's face.

Su Xin felt a little sour in her heart.

The figure in the jade pendant, if she guessed correctly, was Fu Xiaohe's mother.

Although I don't know why she got into this piece of jade, what is certain is that with my current means, I can't get her out of it completely.

Therefore, he could only watch her exhaust her last bit of soul power to protect her daughter.

"It seems that the person who wants to deal with you has put in a lot of effort and has some tricks. It's a pity that he couldn't catch it just now. You have to be more careful in the future."

"No, didn't you catch it?"

Fu Xiaohe's frightened body was like sifting chaff, and he asked belatedly: "Is there really such a thing?"

"That ghost seems to be entangled with you for some reason, so think about what you have done before... For example, making a wish and praying to the idol."

"Making a wish and praying?" Fu Xiaohe repeated in doubt.

(End of this chapter)

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