her left eye is unusual

Chapter 324 The Flying "Sister"

Chapter 324 The Flying "Sister"

Fu Xiaohe said: "We bowed to many gods and prayed, but we all prayed for a smooth relationship at work in the future, and then went to burn incense to pay back our vows, and didn't say anything else."

Su Xin hummed, and concentrated on thinking. These are the most common prayers, and they will not involve certain principles and fundamentals. It stands to reason that there will be no accidents.

"You, you said that thing will come to haunt me, what should I do?"

"I seriously injured it just now, there must be something that lodges its soul. Just find its real lodge and destroy it."

"Then how can I find the place where that thing is lodged?"

"I don't know what the origin of that thing is, and why it will stare at you, but it won't leave traces of Yin Qi. Therefore, the only plan for now is to find out who is really behind the scenes to harm you."

"The person who hurt me?" Fu Xiaohe murmured, and suddenly raised his voice, "It's her, it must be her..."

Su Xin said: "Her? You want to say your sister Fu Xiaobei?"

That Aunt Liu was obviously being manipulated by someone, and if she could control it so precisely, it was most likely the person in this house.

Based on what I saw today, her younger sister, Fu Xiaobei, was the most suspected.

There was hatred in Fu Xiaohe's eyes, "You think so too, right? In fact, I should have thought of it a long time ago..."

Su Xin quickly interrupted her: "The truth of the matter has not been found out yet, and everyone is suspicious. Making rash conclusions will only lead to a deadlock in our thinking."

After Fu Xiaohe calmed down, he said, "She is not my real sister...nor, I don't know how to say it."

Su Xin: "Don't worry, if you don't want to continue to sleep now, you can talk to me slowly."

"I really can't sleep now. That is, when I was 16 years old, I went home on a weekend and found that there was a little girl about my age in my house. Her body was dirty and her clothes were shabby. Said that this is a poor child in a mountainous area that he has been sponsoring. Now her parents are gone, so she adopted her as an adopted daughter, and she will always live at home in the future. She also said that because she has suffered a lot since she was a child, she wants me to be like a sister Treat her the same."

"To be honest, I have been alone since I was a child, and I really think it is good to have a companion. And I am too early to compete for the love of my father and mother, so I don't reject the sudden addition of a younger sister. She is older than me. One year younger, my dad planned to let her go to junior high school for a year before entering high school. She said she would be with me, so my dad donated hundreds of thousands of sponsorships to the school and sent her to the same school as me. high school."

"Everything was fine at first, and then once, I played with a boyfriend, and at first she wanted to pester us to play with us, saying that I had never seen the outside world, so I took her with me. Later, if I was alone When I was dating my boyfriend, he would take the initiative to ask me why my sister didn’t go. At first I didn’t think too much about it. I thought she was just a pure-hearted and playful child who had never seen the world. He must also treat her as a child. She treats him like a younger sister, and the reason why she seems to be attached to him is only caused by the lack of care similar to that of her brother in the past."

"That time, I handed in the test paper ahead of time, and went there without calling him, wanting to surprise him..."

There was a wry smile on the corner of Fu Xiaohe's mouth, and he continued to complain: "But I didn't expect to see the two of them together... I was so angry at the time, and I didn't know what I was thinking, so I rushed up and slapped her. That The boy shielded her behind him, glared at me, and said that things about feelings should not be forced, he wanted to tell the truth a long time ago, but he was afraid of hurting me."

Fu Xiaohe looked at Su Xin, and repeated: "Oh, he actually said that he didn't want me to be hurt by betraying me or hiding from me?"

"At that time, Fu Xiaobei Lihua said with rain that she really didn't want to get involved, but no one could control the relationship. It was Rong Yuan who fell in love with her. Everyone is fair before love and has the right to strive for happiness. You"

"Do you know what else Fu Xiaobei said? She said that she can give me everything, but not about emotional matters. She also said that Rong Yuan is a normal boy with normal needs, but I don't know how to care. Pretending to be noble and disregarding his feelings"

Fu Xiaohe had a sneer on his face, but the corners of his eyes unconsciously shed tears.

It can be seen that Fu Xiaohe is a very cheerful person, and he should also understand that the boy is not worthy of her love.But after all, it was the sister and boyfriend she once wanted to protect who betrayed at the same time, so it is certain to be sad.

Su Xin is also an eye-opener: There are so many men in the world who don't want to find, but go to grab her sister's boyfriend. She is ashamed to say that emotional matters are out of control, and she really has a fight with cats and dogs on the road.

Su Xin did not interrupt the other party, and continued to be a qualified listener.

"I broke up with him at the time. What I didn't expect was that a week later, he came to get back with me. Of course I wouldn't agree, and then guess what, he jumped off the boys' dormitory! His parents were still there The school came to make trouble, saying that I killed their son. Because of this incident, I even transferred to another school..."

What happened to this boy was a bit strange. He cheated on himself earlier and expressed his love for Fu Xiaobei, but within a week he suddenly turned to Fu Xiaohe.This change was too big, and what happened later was too unexpected.

It was just a little unexpected, Su Xin didn't feel the slightest regret.

Su Xin suddenly asked: "By the way, what does he look like?"

Fu Xiaohe was immersed in memories, but was suddenly interrupted by Su Xin, "Huh?"

Su Shin: "I mean how tall is he, is he lanky or stocky?"

Fu Xiaohe: "He is average in stature, about 1.7 meters five, thin, with eyes, and a bookish air."

Su Xin said "oh", it seems that the ghost haunting Fu Xiaohe is not the one who jumped to his death.

"Later, when I was in college, I had two boyfriends, and they both became her boyfriends in the end. She made a very painful refusal in front of me, saying that she couldn't be sorry for her sister. He also said that she has nothing to do with them."

Fu Xiaohe snorted lightly, "Later I figured it out. She is that kind of person. She should be hers and no one else can snatch her away. If it's not hers, there's no need to fight for it. But because of this, I seldom come back. So I Dad plans to wait for me to graduate and go to his company as an intern, work at the grassroots level for two years and then let me manage the company."

"Actually, it's not a big company. It's a very ordinary family business that produces ordinary manual electric welding machines. But last summer, my dad said that Fu Xiaobei had already obtained a diploma in management and asked her to go to the company. Help him manage it."

(End of this chapter)

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