her left eye is unusual

Chapter 325 Putuo Mountain

Chapter 325 Putuo Mountain

As Su Xin listened, she always felt that something was missing, and everything seemed weird.

According to common sense, it is impossible for an adoptive father to do this to his adopted daughter. It seems a bit...overdone.

Some hesitated to ask: "How similar is your sister to you?"

Fu Xiaohe: "You can see it too? After my mother was in a car accident, those things happened one after another. I also had some doubts about her real identity, and then I asked my dad. Dad said that Fu Xiaobei is indeed his daughter. "

Su Xin gasped, the difference between the two of them was more than one year, that is to say, when Fu Xiaohe's mother gave birth to her, her father had an affair with an outside woman... to be able to conceive a child, presumably they had gotten involved before.

"Your mother, does she know about this? I mean, did she give you any hints about this before the accident?"

Fu Xiaohe: "Maybe there is, but I didn't pay attention to it at the time. I live on campus in high school and rarely come back, but... no, no, it is absolutely impossible. Even if she is an adopted daughter, she is still related by blood in the final analysis. Why? possible……"

Seeing Fu Xiaohe's expression, Su Xin guessed a thing or two.

"So you're graduating now and looking for a job on your own?"

"Well. I called my dad when I signed the agreement. He was very sorry at the time, but he also respected my decision. Then, he told me that he was going to share [-]% of the company's shares with me."

Su Xin: "All these happened before you encountered supernatural events?"


"What about you and your current boyfriend?"

Fu Xiaohe showed a hint of shyness on his face, "He, we met at a debate meeting. He is very knowledgeable. Although it is a debate, he speaks in a gentle manner and is not aggressive at all. We were originally on both sides. Debators, later the school will select a few debaters to debate with other schools, including me and him. We have to collect a lot of information and materials, so we often get together, and gradually..."

"Does your sister know about this?"

Fu Xiaohe smiled wryly: "It is impossible to completely keep it secret. We have been talking for nearly two years, and the relationship is very stable. When we graduated, after careful consideration, we met with both parents and agreed. Just like before, When she heard that I had a boyfriend again, she pestered me to meet her. I went out on a date, and I wanted to go with her. I..."

"You disagree? Although you feel that the relationship between you is very stable, you are still a little worried?"

Fu Xiaohe nodded, "That's right. When you experience it personally, you won't say that the relationship between two people only needs the word 'trust'."

"So did your sister have any contact with him during this period?"

Fu Xiaohe's body shook slightly, "Yes, probably not." After she finished speaking, she quickly added, looking for supporting evidence for her conclusion, "The last time I took him to meet his family, he said that he just regarded her as a My sister's, and I never took her when we were dating, and he never brought it up alone."

Su Xin saw that although the other party said very firmly, the worry revealed in his expression was a woman's intuition.

Su Xin frowned and thought, always feeling that the answer was almost ready, but there was something elusive.

While chatting, it was dawn before they knew it, Su Xin asked Fu Xiaohe to take a rest, and later prepared to go through the whole itinerary of their last trip again.


The main hall of Fafa Temple is built on the main peak in the middle of Putuo Mountain, and several surrounding hills are also included in the scope of tourism development.

There are layers of mountains and fragrant mist, and antique pavilions and pavilions are hidden in the forest, and the sound of scripture chanting and occasional melodious bells can be faintly heard.

On the main mountain, from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, various shrines of various sizes have been built along the road.

The walking path paved with bluestone slabs winds up the rocky mountain, interspersed with pavilions for tourists to rest.

As soon as Su Xin stepped into the boundary of Mount Putuo, she suddenly felt like she was under the watchful eyes of everyone, and the hairs on her body stood on end.

Just like everyone is staring at the food on the table, I am the food being stared at, surrounded by greedy eyes, wanting to eat her up.

Su Xin looked at the people next to her, and found that these devout men and women were also under the coveted eyes.

Waiting for them to automatically give money for incense candles exudes disdain and indifference but enjoyment.

it's wired.

Su Xin couldn't help but a layer of cold sweat broke out on her back, and when she wanted to investigate carefully, that feeling disappeared again.

Shrines are shrines, pedestrians are pedestrians.

Many shrines are made very rough, even a lump of stone with a red cloth wrapped around it, so that the outline of a person cannot be seen.

But people still stand in front of them with their hands in place, pray devoutly, make a wish, and then offer paper money with joss sticks.

In front of the shrine, many incense sticks and ashes of black paper money were left.

Fu Xiaohe looked at Su Xin, "What's wrong with you? Are you tired?"

Su Xin came back to his senses, only to find that there was a layer of cold sweat on his forehead, and while taking out a handkerchief to wipe it, he replied: "It's okay, just follow the route you took last time, and tell me everything that happened along the way." Me. The more and more detailed information you provide, the better you will not miss any clues and find the right direction."

"Okay. As you know, the girls in our dormitory all brought their boyfriends. In fact, they just came out to play and go to the Marriage Bridge in the back mountain to hang the Marriage Lock. So we took the walking path around the mountain along the way. Chatting, eating, walking and stopping, I didn’t reach the top of the mountain until one o’clock in the noon, went to have a vegetarian meal, and then went to the back mountain..."

"You said you went to the Eighteenth Yama Hall?"

"Yes, Yan Luo Hall was rebuilt in the second half of last year, and it is halfway up the back mountain."

Chatting, before ten o'clock, the two had reached the summit.


Crouching in front of the altar, the old nun clasped the oily bamboo tube he was touching with both hands, closed his eyes tightly, and let out a rough chant sound with his dry lips wriggling.

In front of her is a six-armed happy Buddha sitting freely in meditation.

After a while, the old nu's eyes opened suddenly, emitting a beam of light, and at the same time, the bamboo tube in his hand was turned upside down in front of the divine table.

Lao Ni carefully removed the bamboo tube, his eyes fixed on the table.

It is a few small stones the size of thumbs and of different shapes.

Looking at it, he suddenly opened his mouth and let out a rattling laugh.

It's here, it's finally here.

The so-called Three Caves of the Cunning Rabbit, fortunately left a way out for himself, freed a dying believer from the soul voodoo, took advantage of the moment when the person was distracted, transferred the spiritual thoughts into the believer's body, and easily accepted the control of this body.

It's a pity that this body is not as good as her original one.

So she had to find a new one, it was already difficult for her to make a powerful soul Gu, the only way was to fully activate the unsuccessful Gu.

(End of this chapter)

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