Chapter 326

For more than half a year since she came here, she has been preparing for this day.

The old nun carefully put the pebbles back into the bamboo tube, and took out a yellow triangle from the wide gray plain coat, which was a safe amulet given to pilgrims by the temple cloth.

This is not an ordinary peace talisman, but one that she personally made for her.

Put the peace talisman in front of the statue, put her hands together and prayed, then put the index finger of her left hand into her mouth and bit it hard, a hole appeared at the end of the finger, she pressed hard to squeeze out a drop of blood, but her dying body was gradually It was dry, and it took a long time for a little blood to appear.

The old woman pressed the wound on the safety talisman fiercely, leaving a trace of blood with great difficulty.

She is already "dead", and now she is here with a new body and a new identity. She has even fooled those two idiots, so she is not worried about being recognized.

But for those who go to the temple, there is no reason why anyone would refuse the temple to give them a safe amulet.


As soon as he walked to the back mountain, Su Xin sneezed suddenly, and his head was buzzing.

She hasn't had a cold since she woke up from a coma, and every abnormal reaction in her body is a warning of unknown and potential danger.

Su Xin quickly stopped, looked up and looked around, the winding steps extended to the depths of the forest, making it even deeper.

In such concentration, he vaguely felt that there was a vicious and greedy line of sight peeping at him from a certain corner.

This place is really unusual, Su Xin couldn't help but become more cautious.

It was different from what I felt when I just stepped into Putuo Mountain. That time, that kind of sight was more like looking down on mortals from the perspective of God.

But this time, the other party was full of possession and resentment.

it's wired.

It's the first time I've come here, how can I feel like this.

Su Xin knows her current path, and as she learns more about the path of cultivation, she becomes more and more aware that this path is full of dangers.

So don't take it lightly at any time.

Su Xin stopped, and Fu Xiaohe took a few steps before he noticed it. Looking back, he saw Su Xin looking down the mountain with a solemn expression.

She followed Su Xin's line of sight and said, "The halfway up the mountain below is the entrance to the Hall of Eighteen Yamas. I heard that a part of it suddenly collapsed in a thunderstorm half a year ago, but it was not serious, just the soft soil slipped away. The inside is very deep and wide. There are really 18 caves. In each of them, there are not only Yan Luo who sits in charge, but also judges and imps. All the way in, there are statues and reliefs of the trial and punishment process. Especially the sculptures, which are made like real people The size is about the same, and with the color and lighting, it is very infiltrating. The eight of us only saw two caves that day and dared not look any further. I heard that the one on the No.[-] floor was even more terrifying..."

Su Xin let out an oh, but her eyes still fell in that direction.

No matter what you see with the naked eye or the sight of the left eye, the air is very pure.

But the longer she watched, the more uneasy she felt in her heart.

"Sister Su, tell me... is there really a hell in this world?"

Su Xin turned her head to look at Fu Xiaohe, and replied, "Maybe."

Fu Xiaohe frowned: "You said that since there are really those retributions after death, why do so many people still do evil?"

Su Xin smiled: "Oh, who can be sure that it is true? But even if you know it is true, don't people always have a fluke mentality before experiencing it. Just like real life, even if there is A lot of people warned that it’s not okay to do that, isn’t there still a lot of people who ‘will never die until they reach the Yellow River’.”

"Well, yes."

Fu Xiaohe continued to lead the way, turned around and walked down the stone ladder, "Lin Hao led the way that day. He said that the Yan Luo Temple in Putuo Mountain here is the most complete, and it is the earliest built in the entire S province. Compared with those The horror house is even more scary. Others don’t believe it. After all, they have been to other temples before, and they have also seen the Yan Luo Temple. There are only a few dozen statues at most, and the production is rough, so they are fake. So we Just bet and walked in..."

Su Xin paused for a while, and followed Fu Xiaohe's pace.

It was completely a subconscious reaction, she clasped the two kinds of talismans in her hands, and a ray of consciousness connected to the soul hammer in her sleeve.

A group of men and women who probably had visited the Temple of Yama came from the stone stairs below, and they looked very excited.

There were two small children holding small yellow triangles in their hands, from which a hint of cinnabar oozes.

While talking excitedly, an adult said, "This is for safety, please put it away quickly and don't lose it." "Yes, yes, today is really rare. I finally asked for it. I heard it is very effective."

An eager atmosphere enlivens the quiet air.

Su Xin breathed a sigh of relief, wondering if he was too nervous, making him look like an enemy.

He and Fu Xiaohe came to the halfway up the mountain. There was a flat dam outside and a pavilion in the middle. Probably few people sat there, and the place was already damp, so it had already been covered with a layer of moss.

On the left hand side are pagodas one by one, densely packed, from near to far.

Fu Xiaohe looked at Suxin's line of sight and explained to Suxin: "Well, I heard that they said that the virtuous monks in the temple were buried here after sitting down. There is one person in every pagoda. I have been in many other temples. I have seen them all, but there are so many pagodas here."

It is true that Su Xin seldom goes out, and sees them relatively seldom.

On the right side of the pavilion is a circular flat ground paved with stone bricks, which is nearly half a meter lower than the surrounding ground, surrounded by layers of stone ladders.

It was also covered with moss, and weeds came out of the gaps.

No matter how you look at it, there is an inaccessible desolation here, which is in stark contrast to the bustle of people coming and going.

Turning around, the pagoda is facing a hanging curtain with green vines.

Fu Xiaohe pointed to the green curtain, "Inside is the Hall of Yama. From left to right, it represents the first to eighteenth floors of the underworld. We only saw two caves last time."

As she spoke, she took Su Xin over, and walked again like last time.

As soon as he reached the hanging vines at the entrance of the cave, he stopped, cowering, his face seemed to still have the fear from last time, and he faltered: "That... I don't want to go in again."

Su Xin understands that for ordinary people, although they are covered with a layer of post-mortem judgment, all sculptures are human-made prototypes, and it is really not good to see too many of these horrible things.

So he replied: "Okay, you wait here, I'll go and have a look."

Su Xin took two steps, Fu Xiaohe ran up from behind and pulled her, put his head close to her ear and said in a low voice, "By the way, you can't take pictures here, be careful with that old nun."

Su Xin nodded gratefully: "I understand, don't worry. By the way, the old nun is the one who manages the Yan Luo Temple, right? Which cave is she in? Why didn't you see it?"

(End of this chapter)

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