her left eye is unusual

Chapter 327 It was her!

Chapter 327 It was her!

Generally speaking, the steward of each hall of the temple will put a table at the entrance, and a merit incense stick next to it. Anyone who enters can record a sum of money in the merit book after donating money.

In addition to maintaining order and protecting the statues in the temple from being destroyed, the role of stewards will also guide tourists to visit, and even deliberately ask for donations of incense and fire money.

Fu Xiaohe shook his head in doubt, "I don't remember clearly either. The big guy was in a good mood and was talking, so I didn't notice. It seemed like he suddenly stood aside."

While the two were talking, another group of pilgrims came out of the cave and lifted the curtain of vines. Almost everyone held a small yellow triangle, a peace talisman, in their hands.

Two people seemed particularly excited, "Today is really lucky, I finally got a safe talisman."

"Me too, I heard a long time ago that the peace talisman here is the most effective, but I haven't been able to ask for it a few times..."

"Yes, it all depends on fate."

When those people walked far away from Su and Su, Su Xin was still staring at their backs... always felt that something was wrong.

It seems that since they entered the back mountain, they have encountered many good men and women one after another. Without exception, they all hold the peace talisman in their hands, and they all consciously or unconsciously reveal how effective the peace talisman is.

just like…

At this moment, Fu Xiaohe suddenly said mysteriously: "Ah, I also really want to ask for a peace talisman, Sister Su, can you help me ask for one later?"

Su Xin couldn't help but said, "Didn't you ask for it last time?"

"It all depends on fate. Didn't you hear what they said just now? Some people have come many times without encountering a safe talisman, while some people have met as soon as they came."

Fu Xiaohe said, as if thinking of something, "Oh, by the way, maybe a safe talisman can help me block that thing. But I really don't want to go inside, please help me get one, please."

Su Xin wanted to say that there is nothing free in this world.

Either it is fake, if it really works, all Su Xin can know is the talisman.

God knows how many things are needed to make a talisman, and a random one on the Internet can be sold for hundreds of thousands.

Such a valuable thing, can someone just give it away just like this?

However, people go to temples to pray for safety and peace, which is already a deep-rooted concept. What is the use of what she said now.

One thing more is worse than one thing less, so I had to say: "Let's see then."

Su Xin didn't talk too much, so as not to cause complaints from the other party when he didn't get the safety talisman later.

In the center of the cave is a huge statue of Yan Luo guarding it. There are aisles on both sides, bypassing Yan Luo and entering it to form a passage. punish.

The statue is about the size of a real person, and it is very realistic. The pain and fear of those who were judged made people tremble in the bottom of their hearts, as well as various criminal instruments and blood. No wonder Fu Xiaohe said that this place is scarier than the house of horrors.

Su Xin has personally come into contact with so many ghosts, some are scary and some are disgusting, but she has developed her courage.

She wasn't afraid of these things, but somehow felt stuffy in her heart.

She walked very slowly, as if she had forgotten something very important.

Oh, by the way, I felt being watched as soon as I entered the back mountain, and that feeling suddenly disappeared... It seemed that it disappeared suddenly when I entered this cave.

The soles of the shoes stepped on the stone floor, making a dull and empty echo.

In the line of sight of the left eye, there is a layer of yin energy lingering on the sculptures and reliefs, which cannot be dispersed.

These things make people feel uncomfortable at most, and it is impossible to take the initiative to entangle strangers, so it is not these things that entangle Fu Xiaohe.

The passage is 50 meters deep, and the further you go in, the heavier and colder the yin will be.

At the end is a slightly spacious hall, which is connected to another Yama cave.

A huge stone wall is carved with a whole wall of reliefs, all of which are talking about karma and reincarnation.

There is another space behind the stone wall, two people came out from the shadow beside the stone wall, they were eagerly discussing the peace amulets they just got, and comparing them, yours has more cinnabar red, mine has less kind.

If it wasn't for those two people who came out of the corner just now, Su Xin almost ignored a road just now.

Thinking of Fu Xiaohe's commission, he walked in.

The stone wall is more than one meter thick. I thought there was another deep space, but I found that it was only slightly recessed.

There was a long wooden table against the wall, and beside it was a merit box of half a person's height, and an old nun in gray and white plain clothes sat cross-legged behind the table as if in meditation.

Su Xin stepped forward and asked, "Excuse me, do you have a safe talisman?"

Old Ni tapped twice on the table with his withered fingers.

Su Xin noticed that it was written on a piece of A4 paper: "Peace Talisman" ten yuan, a few words.

So he took out ten yuan from his pocket and put it into the merit box next to him.

Turning his head, a peace talisman appeared on the table.

Just as Su Xin was about to reach for it, a strange thought popped into her mind.

Safety talisman, safety talisman... along the way, there are people who expressly imply how effective the safety talisman here is.

Just treat her as a villain, and treat her as overthinking.

The moment Su Xin stretched out his hand, the old nun who had been sitting still suddenly jumped up, grabbed Su Xin's hand suddenly, and pulled out a knife with the other hand, stabbing Su Xin's hand fiercely.

Su Xin's pupils flinched, as expected, there was something tricky about it.

Almost at the same time as Lao Ni moved, Su Xin, who had been on guard and prepared for a long time, activated the golden shield symbol between her fingers. When the dagger touched her palm, it was completely blocked, and a string of bright lights burst out.

With a bang, the force of the rebound knocked the dagger in the old nun's hand to the table, and the old nun's body staggered two steps before she stabilized. She looked shocked and stared at Su Xin with staring eyes.

But now that she has made a move, and this is her only chance, she did not expect that from the hair and nails that the woman provided her, it is just an ordinary person, and she is such a difficult character. It was a miscalculation, a miscalculation.

But even so, she had to give it her all.

Without hesitation, he grabbed an incense burner from behind and threw it at Su Xin.

It is not ordinary incense candle ash, but what she used to make Gu.

It was her!

Su Xin only came back to her senses with a slight astonishment. When she dealt with Mei Xixi's ghost in the hospital, she sensed the threatening breath left by the other party. After she woke up, everything was normal, and she couldn't trace the source of the breath. The matter is over.

The other party didn't move just now, so I didn't notice it, and when the other party's killing intent erupted, her aura was also revealed.

It's really a person who can't be judged by appearances, it seems that the old woman has such tricks!

At this moment, Su Xin has no kindness or pity in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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