Chapter 331
Fu Xiaobei is indeed Fu Anyang's biological daughter and Fu Xiaohe's half-sister.

Fu Xiaobei's mother Xu Hua and Fu Xiaohe's mother Xu Feng are half-sisters.

Originally, Xu Hua and Fu Anyang were playing friends and had reached the point of discussing marriage. Later, her parents found her the son of a local factory owner.

So Xu Hua broke up with Fu Anyang and soon married the boss' son.

On the other hand, Fu Xiaohe's mother, Xu Feng, has always been secretly in love with Fu Anyang. She didn't reveal it because her younger sister had a relationship with him. Now that her younger sister has found a better one, she was very sad to see Fu Anyang, so she took the initiative to express her affection.

After going back and forth, the two also developed feelings for each other.

In fact, the whole family was against Xu Feng and Fu Anyang at that time. At that time, he was just a poor boy with nothing, and there were not only his parents who were sick all year round, but also a brother who was fond of gambling. No matter how much money he made, it was not enough. Filled, it is simply a bottomless pit.

But Xu Feng insisted on marrying Fu Anyang, and even threatened that no matter how hard or tiring she would admit it, she would never regret it.

The family has no choice, but for the happiness of their daughter, not only did they not ask for a gift, but they also added tens of thousands of dowry.

Fu Anyang was very moved.

Fu Anyang was very business-minded, or in other words, the economic situation in the whole country was very good at that time, and he took advantage of the east wind.He used Xu Feng's dowry of tens of thousands of yuan as the capital, starting from a small workshop that only processed spare parts for others, step by step, and finally established a company that now has a complete set of production equipment, and its assets have accumulated to tens of millions.

Xu Feng is also a very capable woman. She not only helps Fu Anyang run the business, but also manages the whole family and takes care of Fu Anyang's parents. house.However, after the Fu family knew the truth, it became the main excuse to hate and reject Xu Feng.This is a later story.

There is a saying that goes well, what you can't get is always in turmoil.

Xu Hua married the factory's son, on the surface it looked very good, but later I realized that this young master is not a fuel-efficient lamp, eating, drinking, whoring and gambling are all the same, and he often comes back to beat her.

The most depressing thing is that everyone thinks that Xu Hua will marry a rich family, and she will have a lot of money when she reaches out for food and clothing in the future. In fact, she has no job and no source of income. As a useless accessory, anyone can scold her and order her.Even if she reached out to ask for money to buy a pack of sanitary napkins, she still had to show her face.

But at this time, Xu Feng and Fu Anyang lived happily ever after, and it was false to have no regrets and resentment in their hearts.

In her opinion, all of this should belong to her. She resents her sister for stealing love, and even more resents her parents for "beating mandarin ducks with sticks". Otherwise, the boss's wife would be her now.

So she chatted with Fu Anyang, heart to heart.While talking about how bad her husband treated her and how miserable her life was, she also talked about how they loved each other back then, how she couldn't help herself, and so on.

After all, Xu Hua was Fu Anyang's first love, and they loved each other so deeply and so sincerely at the beginning. At the same time, he also resented his parents-in-law for being ignorant of gold and jade, and underestimated him.

Seeing Xu Hua so haggard at this time, the urge to protect suddenly rose in his heart.

After coming and going, the two hooked up together.

Fu Anyang not only bought bags, cosmetics, and jewelry for Xu Hua, but also spent every Women's Day and Valentine's Day with her, and gave her pocket money every month.

Of course, Fu Anyang did all this behind Xu Feng's back.

Later Xu Hua gave birth to "Beibei". She knew very well whose child it was, but she still wanted to hide it and say it belonged to her husband.

Her husband understood at that time that this woman actually cheated on herself and gave birth to all the children.

At that time, she divorced Xu Hua.Her husband could only choose to divorce, because he was injured by drinking and drinking outside, and could not bear children.But it can't be spread, so we can only get a "peaceful" divorce.

After the divorce, Xu Hua cried to her sister, saying that her husband's family was patriarchal, and because she gave birth to a daughter, she kicked herself out.

Xu Feng didn't doubt that there was him. Although they were not siblings, they were also sisters. Now that they had lived a better life, they couldn't forget their origins, so they took Xu Hua to live with him.

...Su Xin leaned back on the chair, and couldn't help but ask, "You guys found all of this?"

Mo Li nodded, "That's right."

He glanced at Shi Feng.

Shi Feng then explained.

Of course, it is impossible to reveal all these secrets in just one day by asking others.

Both Mo Li and Shi Feng went to visit relevant people, so they didn't need to sit down and chat slowly.

They only need to ask a little bit, mention the names of Fu Xiaobei and Fu Anyang, and the related memories stored in those people's consciousness will become active instinctively, so Mo Li can just read them directly from the memories of those people up.

Of course, not all memory fragments are useful, and they still need to be super-calculated and organized by the brain to become what Su Xin heard now.

Su Xin couldn't help but think that Mo Li is really suitable to work in the police station.

There is no need to fight wits with those suspects, just read their memory information.

Su Xin thought that the husband had sex with his sister-in-law, gave birth to a child, and his wife took her younger sister and niece to live with her...

Well, it’s okay if the wife doesn’t know about it, but the adulterer and adulteress have to face their own (wife|sister) every day, and maybe do some sneaky things, won’t they feel panicked?

"Then...and then?"

Mo Li said: "When you and Fu Xiaohe were out today, we went to meet Fu Anyang."

Shi Feng added: "Actually, he pretended to deliver food, and just casually mentioned Xu Feng's name while standing at the door."

Su Xin was so startled that her mouth became O-shaped, "That's enough."

Seeing Su Xin's surprised expression, there is no higher compliment than this. Mo Li couldn't help being elated, and said: "Actually, Fu Anyang was very disturbed at the time besides the excitement of having an affair. After all, everyone was not optimistic about it at the time. When he was with him, Xu Feng followed him and helped him a lot in his career. Every time he saw his wife sincerely taking care of Xu Hua and Fu Xiaobei, and working hard for the family, he felt even more guilty."

And Xu Hua felt that he was supposed to be in a pair with Fu Anyang, and they were all taken over by his sister.

Now that he not only has Fu Anyang's child, but also lives in the house, he simply has a legitimate showdown.

After all, Fu Anyang has experienced a lot of things with Xu Feng, not only have feelings, gratitude, but also love for each other.

On the other hand, Xu Hua at this time also lacked the innocence of the girl in the past, and the turmoil in the past gradually subsided.

So when Xu Hua wanted to expose the matter many times, he didn't agree, and even wanted to end the relationship.

(End of this chapter)

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