her left eye is unusual

Chapter 332 Information Summary

Chapter 332 Information Summary

Su Xin frowned and thought, no, if this is the case, then why did Fu Xiaobei stay in Fu's family as an adopted daughter?

And what about Xu Hua?She is bound to obtain the status of the mistress of the Fu family, how could she let it go casually?

Su Xin still wanted to listen to the following, and Mo Li spread his hands, "The information from more than ten years ago ended here. When Fu Anyang came back from a business trip one day, he found that Xu Hua had left with his child. I read from his memory Knowing that, when he knew the news, he subconsciously finally breathed a sigh of relief. Later, more than ten years later, that is, three years ago, a girl suddenly appeared in front of him and called him dad."

These years, Fu Anyang lived happily, with a harmonious career and family. When the little girl appeared, he immediately remembered Xu Hua who suddenly left without saying goodbye more than ten years ago.

But at this time, he no longer had the impulsiveness he had when he was young, and he didn't want to destroy the tranquility now.

Immediately denied it.

But the little girl said that if he didn't admit it, she would reveal all the things between him and Xu Hua.

This little girl is Fu Xiaobei.

Fu Anyang has always felt guilty towards Xu Feng, not to mention that things have passed for so long, he doesn't want to make Xu Feng sad and add chaos to the family now.

So he agreed to take Fu Xiaobei home, but as an adopted daughter.

Mo Li: "In Fu Anyang's memory information, Xu Feng was very tolerant and accepted his adopted daughter. Moreover, Fu Xiaobei is also very well-behaved and sensible, and he and Fu Xiaohe quickly became good friends. Moreover, Fu Xiaobei said that his mother had died of illness, This made his hanging heart finally drop."

Soon, Xu Feng had a car accident, and then the company that was supposed to be passed on to Fu Xiaohe also fell to Fu Xiaobei, and Fu Xiaohe's boyfriend was frequently intercepted.

Su Xin couldn't help thinking, what exactly did Fu Xiaobei experience during those ten years of blankness?
Su Xin said: "There is indeed a supernatural event on Fu Xiaohe. I have already found out why that ghost haunted her."



Su Xin took out the lock from the Marriage Bridge, "She signed a contract with a ghost to live and die together, so the other party came to ask her to go to the underworld together with her life."

"I have asked the guards to help check this person's identity information, and the results should be available soon. If we find his burial place, we can collect him."

Shi Feng: "Accepted? Then?"

Su Xin: "There is a contract between them recognized by Tiandisuo. If you break the contract without authorization, the karma will be repaid on me. He hasn't turned into a demon yet, so he can't be wiped out. For now, we can only Find out who is responsible for all this."

"The instigator?"

Glancing at Mo Li and summarizing all the information, the instigator is ready to come out.

Therefore, it can basically be concluded that the person behind the scenes is Fu Xiaobei, and even if it is not, it has something to do with her.


Su Xin said: "The problem now is that if you want to make a contract that can be recognized by the world, it is not enough for ordinary people to say a few oaths casually, but also to go through a series of ceremonies. No matter how you look at it, Fu Xiaobei is just an ordinary little girl." Girl, where did you know so much?"

Shi Feng said: "In this case, we can only go to the mountain village where she grew up for more than ten years."

Su Xin nodded: "That's the only way to go. I have seriously injured the ghost that has signed a life-and-death contract with Fu Xiaohe, and it will not cause too much harm for the time being. As for Fu Xiaobei, since she is so deliberate and planning these things, it must be She is very reluctant to part with what she has now, and all she has done is to get rid of Fu Xiaohe while keeping herself out of the matter. So it is impossible for her to do something that will kill her."

Then, after some careful discussion, the three of them decided to go to that small mountain village the next day.

Generally speaking, this case was not that complicated or dangerous, but it made the three of them feel a little depressed.

Su Xin asked, "By the way, where is Lin Hao?"

Shi Feng: "Lin Hao's information is relatively simple. His family runs a pastry shop, and he is the only son in the family. He has made a few friends, but they are not long. Lin Hao's parents are also very optimistic about Fu Xiaohe, and they don't know about other things. .”

"We bumped into Lin Hao on purpose. You guessed right, he did cheat on the two sisters of the Fu family."

Mo Li continued Shi Feng's words: "Well, I only read that he wanted to get rid of Fu Xiaohe, but the memory between him and Fu Xiaobei is completely blurred. Either there is nothing really happened between them, everything is just His imaginary infatuation with Fu Xiaobei. Either...someone deliberately hid those memories. I prefer the former. "

Su Xin asked: "Can a person still deceive himself and others to fabricate some memories for himself that do not exist?"

Mo Li: "From a psychological point of view, this is called a typical fabricated memory. As far as I know, it can only be done through self-hypnosis, such as telling myself what happened from the subconscious over and over again. It is like many criminals trying to escape psychological Evaluation, you will do psychological construction for yourself, so that you think it is true. The second is to be hypnotized, and then implant a piece of things into the subconscious of the other party. Of course, not everyone can dominate the consciousness of others .”

Su Xin blurted out: "What about you? Can it be done?"

Mo Li smiled shyly, and Shi Feng next to him took the words: "Not only can he dominate, but he can even tamper with part of other people's memories and attack mentally."

Su Xin's eyes widened involuntarily, and his eyes were full of admiration, "Wow, it's really amazing. Doesn't it mean that you can make the other party do things according to your will if you just glance at them?"

Mo Li was a little shy, but he admitted Su Xin's words frankly: "For those ordinary people, this is okay."

After finishing speaking, they suddenly fell silent. The three of them looked at each other, and a strange atmosphere circulated.

Then I couldn't help laughing.

Yes, unknowingly, they have already surpassed the category of "ordinary people", and it is not an exaggeration to say that their abilities are superior to all living beings.

It's just that they all abide by their principles and beliefs, otherwise...

After sitting for a while, Su Xin's phone buzzed.

It's the guard.

Su Xin thought of the information she had checked with Wei Yan before, but she didn't expect to get the results so soon, so she quickly picked it up.

"Susu, I have found all the people in this city who meet the conditions you mentioned. There are three of them. I will send their information later."

"Thanks, Guard..."

"You're welcome, I still have something to do, let's talk back." As soon as the voice fell, the guard hung up the phone in a hurry.

After a while, Su Xin received a text message:
Name: Qin Wu, 42 years old, 179cm tall, died in a car accident in 20XX.

Original Address: Henghua Avenue Power Community

Family Relationship: Wife, Son
(End of this chapter)

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