her left eye is unusual

Chapter 333 Divided into 2 ways

Chapter 333
Name: Qin Wu, 36 years old, 181cm tall, died of suicide in 201X (jumping from the 27th floor).

Original address:

Family Relationships: Divorced, Celibate
Name: Qin Wu, 39 years old, 178cm tall, died of a heart attack in 201X.

Original address: Futian County.

Family Relationship: Wife, Parents
These are the three people Wei Yan screened out.

Judging from the fact that the male ghost must drag Fu Xiaohe to die with him, Su Xin guessed that it was probably the second one.

Now both Fu Xiaobei and the male ghost need to be investigated, investigating the details of the male ghost is likely to encounter ghosts, and investigating Fu Xiaobei only needs to find people who have been with her and read their memories related to Xu Hua and Fu Xiaobei.

After some discussion, it was decided to divide the troops into two groups.

Shi Feng and Mo Li are in charge of Fu Xiaobei, and Su Xin checks the three "Qin Wu".

In the evening, the three of them ordered takeaway, and went to bed early after eating.

Su Xin meditates routinely, summarizing and analyzing the information collected during the day.

Then it is to let go of the mind and try to perceive the energy fluctuations in the surrounding air as much as possible.

The last time I went back to my hometown, I accidentally sensed the energy particles in the air, and I was able to absorb them for my own use during the operation of spiritual power.

But after trying for a long time, I haven't entered that state yet.

Xiao Tao said that on the one hand, it is because the energy particles in the air are too thin, and they cannot be felt unless they reach the state of harmony between man and nature.

On the other hand, her cultivation is not enough.

Sit quietly, run the spiritual power, and return it to the spiritual power pool in the sea of ​​consciousness. After it is full, start making a few talismans to replenish the inventory.

The next day, the three packed their bags and headed to their destinations.

Shi Feng and the others have found out where Fu Xiaobei used to live, a remote mountain village more than 400 kilometers away from S city.Huaishugou is not marked on the map, and we can only inquire further by finding the township.

Su Xin went directly to the second original address of Qin Wu provided by Wei Yan: No. 273, Wu'an Avenue, Wu'an District

It is a store with accommodation and runs a fast food restaurant. Now his ex-wife is running the business with a six or seven-year-old daughter.

I went to order a special mixed dish, and pretended to ask the little girl's father casually.

The proprietress sighed, but didn't mind too much, and said directly: "Not long after I gave birth to Juanjuan, he said that he was terminally ill, and he didn't want to drag us down, so he insisted on a divorce, so we went for a divorce. I only found out later, He saved a small treasury while doing business outside, and then raised a mistress, and after I divorced, he just got involved with that mistress. Less than a year later, he came to me in poverty and said he wanted Remarriage, I didn't agree, and then he left. I heard that the mistress was messing with several men at the same time, and kicked him off after draining his money. He went to find the mistress, and later I jumped off a building. A lawyer called us and said that he had adopted this store under Juanjuan’s name, so I joined a fast food restaurant, and now it’s fine.”

Su Xin took a look around and found that it was very clean and there were no traces of ghosts left, so "Qin Wu" did not pester the mother and daughter.

When the proprietress was talking just now, she casually mentioned the cemetery where Qin Wu's columbarium was stored, and Su Xin drove to the cemetery as soon as she came out of the store.

As soon as he entered the cemetery, a desolate and dead air condensed and lingered.

Find the tomb that says Qin Wu, and there is no trace of ghosts.

It seems that it is not this "Qin Wu".

Then, Su Xin went to the place where the first "Qin Wu" used to live.

Because he died in a car accident, he may be more resentful and more likely to take revenge than dying of illness.

Turned around, still nothing.

In this way, it is very likely that he is the third "Qin Wu" who has the least motivation.

The day passed quickly, and the sky gradually darkened. Now it is impossible to appear in other people's homes inexplicably, so I hired a taxi and went straight back to Ten Mile Lane.

Prepare to investigate the third Qin Wu tomorrow.

On the way, I suddenly received a call from Wei Yan.

"That...Suxin, can you come over now?"

Su Xin heard his voice was low and hoarse, presumably he encountered some difficult cases during this period of time.

"No problem, I'll be right there."

The brother who turned around said a new address.

When Su Xin arrived at the police station, it was completely dark, but the guard department was still brightly lit, and he felt that the atmosphere was extremely dignified.

Wei Yan was analyzing the collected information and discussing the case with his teammates.

Seeing Su Xin, her tired expression was immediately filled with vitality, her eyes were glistening, and she was quickly invited to the office.

Less gossip.

Wei Yan said:
Speaking of which, this case is very simple, that is, several accidents occurred during the month of Chinese New Year.

Either cross the road and be hit by a car, or be crushed to death by a falling object, or fall into a manhole and suffocate to death.

It was an accident with evidence and physical evidence.

Moreover, there are surveillance in those places, which can also prove that these are accidents. In short, the case is clear at a glance.

And the family members of the deceased did not make trouble.

But yesterday, a female student suddenly came to the police station and said that those who died were all students of Pu'an Middle School, and they were all taken away by "that thing".

Wei Yan smiled wryly: "If I hadn't met you, and hadn't witnessed things that can't be explained by common sense, I would definitely think that girl came here to have fun because of too much pressure and mental problems. But I know "Those things" do exist in this world, so I re-discovered several cases from beginning to end, and tried them carefully. The girl was right. Those accidental deaths were all students of Pu'an Middle School. Home on vacation. I also found these..."

Wei Yan said, and clicked on an audio file on the computer desktop:
"..." There was a crackling sound of electric current and a faint sound of fighting.

Operator: "Hi, this is 110, what's the matter?"

"...It's cleared up, okay, so what now?" "Yeah, it depends on what's there, just come out." "Haha, that's right, I know how to play tricks." They are all far away from the microphone, not talking into the microphone, but arguing with each other.

"Hey, this is 110, please explain the situation, hello..."

The operator repeated several times, issued a warning, and there was still a lot of laughing and laughing voices, and finally hung up the phone.

At the end of the audio playback, Wei Yan explained solemnly: "This is the recording of a call to the police that I received suddenly two weeks ago."

Except for those related to the case, the recordings of the alarm calls will be specially extracted and kept in the archives, and the rest will be routinely kept for about one year for retrieval when necessary.

(End of this chapter)

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