her left eye is unusual

Chapter 334 Three Accidental Deaths

Chapter 334 Three Accidental Deaths
"At that time, because the reporter did not explain the specific situation and location, there was no way to call the police. But the next day was the first accident."

"We received a report that there was a tragic car accident on Anyang Avenue. When a large trailer was turning, a person who ran a red light was caught in the rear wheel and died on the spot. Because he suddenly rushed onto the zebra crossing and was in the blind spot of the trailer, we only A certain amount of financial compensation will be given. It is also the first case that the girl mentioned."

"This is the surveillance video of the road at that time."

As Wei Yan spoke, he moved the computer screen towards Su Xin.

The real time at the top right of the display screen is past five in the morning. In the picture, a large trailer with a huge steel bracket is coming from the left side of the intersection, turning on the right turn signal and driving towards the direction of the camera.

Before the trailer had fully turned the corner, the deceased came running in a hurry, rushed into the intersection, and was caught in the rear wheels.

Wei Yan: "Later we investigated, and the deceased received a call from his girlfriend, saying that he had a stomachache, and he sent medicine."

Then, Wei Yan clicked on another audio file:
"Quick, save me, it's here, I don't want to die..."

"May I ask what happened and where are you now?"

"Ah, no, don't..."

"Please tell me where you are"


"Hey, hey-"

The entire call lasted only a few seconds, and the person inside could hear the heavy panting, and the tearing sound of fear pierced the eardrums.

Wei Yan: "This is an alarm that was received a week ago. The family was wandering on the street when suddenly a piece of glass fell from a nearby tall building and hit the dead man's head, splitting him in half."

"So, I deduce that these two accidental deaths are not simple, and I want you to take a look."

Su Xin replied bluntly: "No problem. By the way, just now you said that a girl came to report the crime yesterday. She must know more information. Let's ask her first."

Wei Yan's face became even uglier, and it took him a while to hold back a few words: "She...was found dead in a manhole this morning."

Hearing what Wei Yan said, Su Xin immediately thought of the previous Yin Division's "Tian Dao crushing".

The deaths of those people seemed to be accidents one after another, because of the bad luck of the deceased, but after careful analysis, it will be found that there must be some inevitable factors in it.

But what is the specific situation, whether it is "the way of heaven crushing" or a little ghost is causing trouble, you can only know if you go to see it.

Su Xin's current case basically has a clue, now he only needs to dig out all the truth, and the voicing will be separated naturally, so that their karma can return to the original track.

But Wei Yan's case is a bit weird and tricky. If it is true as the girl said, if the truth is not found out in time and more people die, how can I feel at ease.

Su Xin said: "Do you still have similar reports?"

Wei Yan: "Not yet."

Su Xin: "In this case, let's go and see the situation of the deceased first."

Seeing that Su Xin was still so straightforward, Wei Yan felt that he was always bothering the other party, and the cases were all very difficult, and he was really sorry that he only paid two to three thousand "informant" fees every month.

"That Su Xin, I trouble you every time..."

Su Xin turned her head and smiled at him: "It's really outrageous for the guards to say that. It's my honor to help maintain orthodoxy. It can also remind me of my own perception and judgment of many things, so you really Don't talk about that."

Wei Yan didn't understand that cultivation required a strong state of mind, but seeing Su Xin being so open-minded, he stopped worrying about this issue.

Wei Yan took Wang Yang with him and went to the first deceased: Zhen Tao, male, a third-year student at Pu'an Middle School.

He was run over by a trailer while crossing the road and died two weeks ago.

Because he ran a red light, he was the main party at fault, and the trailer driver also paid certain compensation.The corpse had been crushed to pieces, so it was cremated quickly.

As far as this case is concerned, it is already closed, and it is inevitable that there will be extra problems. They brought some gifts in the name of the school teachers to express their condolences to the parents of the students, and then asked about the situation of the family to let them mourn and so on.

The main purpose is to let Su Xin "take a look", go to the place where the deceased lived, the place where the crime happened, and the place where the columbarium is placed, mainly to see if there is any remaining soul of Zhen Tao, and if there are any ghosts left behind. Under the traces and so on.

After walking for a while, Su Xin shook his head at the two of them: No, there is no trace of the little ghost, let alone Zhen Tao's soul.

It shows that his death is really just God's will.

Visited the second family: Xue Yin, female, 17 years old, a sophomore in Pu'an Middle School.

A week ago, the glass fell from the sky and cut the person in half from head to toe. The death was extremely tragic.

The three of them took a routine trip, but still found nothing.

Then came the third family, that is, the girl who went to the police station to call the police, Mu Yue, female, 17 years old, a sophomore in Pu'an Middle School.

The beloved daughter was newly mourned, and she was in grief. She sued all the departments related to the manhole to court, but the problem was that Mu Yue lifted the lid of the manhole by herself through the surveillance video on the road, and then got into it. Obviously you can't blame the manhole.

Wei Yan and Wang Yang entangled with their families, Su Xin stayed in the mourning hall.

As soon as she entered, she felt a monstrous resentment condensed and lingering. The strange thing was that, like the previous few times, she did not sense the soul of the deceased, nor did she have the ghost's yin energy left.

Soon, this strong resentment slowly crept under the white cloth on the mortuary table.

But after a while, most of the resentment disappeared.

Su Xin's heart moved, there was something wrong with the corpse.

She stepped forward and lifted the white cloth.

The dead man's face was black and purple, his eyes were wide open, his mouth was split open, and he was actually smiling.

In the left eye, the resentment was like a puff of black smoke, curling in from between the eyebrows of the deceased.

it's wired.

"What are you doing?" A shrill woman's voice came from behind.

Su Xin covered the white cloth, turned her head, and saw a middle-aged woman in her fifties, her hair was disheveled, her face was very haggard, her eyes were red and swollen, she was supposed to be the mother of the deceased.

So he said, "I'm Mu Yue's music teacher. We were very sad to hear that something happened to her, so we came to visit her specially. No offense intended."

The woman showed a hostile expression, "She is dead, I hope you don't bother her, you can go."

When Su Xin passed by her, she couldn't help but said: "May I ask, when do you plan to do things?"

The woman immediately became alert, and asked with squinting eyes: "Why do you ask this? A daughter who is as beautiful as a flower, I worked so hard to bring it up, and died like this for no reason. How can I live now? I must get it back for her." Fairness, those damned ones know how to team up to deceive me, a woman, the conscience of heaven and earth..."

(End of this chapter)

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