Chapter 335
The woman began to cry as she spoke. It seems that what the guards said earlier was correct. She really wanted to sue everyone related to the manhole.

Su Xin fully understands the grief of losing a child in the middle age, as if the support of life collapsed at once, but if the corpse is not resolved as soon as possible, something will happen sooner or later.

Even if there is no soul left, a corpse filled with resentment can easily undergo a deadly transformation, and then...

Su Xin said: "Heaven and earth have their own justice. No matter who it is, they must be responsible for their actions. I advise you to cremate the body as soon as possible, so that the dead can be buried in peace."

"Who are you? Why do you teach me a lesson? You are all conscientious lackeys, get the hell out of here..."

Su Xin was kicked out by that woman.

Seeing Su Xin's solemn expression, Wei Yan looked at the woman who was still screaming, and asked in a low voice, "How is it? Do you want someone to come..."

Su Xin was noncommittal, "You can do whatever you want, some things are not good for others if you think they are good for others."

"I know."

The two went over to persuade.

It is true that a woman suddenly ran to the road in the middle of the night, lifted the cover of the manhole, and got into the sewer, which is a very abnormal thing.

But this is all the facts, and it can only be attributed to the fact that the deceased may have suffered from some kind of mental illness. At that time, he suddenly fell ill, and no one can blame him.

Not surprisingly, the two touched one nose.

Wei Yan intends to ask the civil affairs department to enforce it, but the reply from the people there is similar to Su Xin's attitude: they have already negotiated with this woman before, and there is no reason at all, and they feel that the whole world is her enemy The one who killed her daughter can only let her make trouble, anyway, the body has been parked for a long time, let's see if she can bear it...

Don't mention it at this time, someone will naturally worry about it.

Let's say that Suxin walked through the homes of the deceased, but nothing was gained.

We can only visit classmates related to these students to see if we can find any clues.

Wei Yan has a lot of work to arrange and deploy, and the few days of Chinese New Year are relatively "relaxed", so he arranged for Wang Yang to follow Su Xin to investigate.

Wang Yang soon got the information of several classmates of the deceased.

Asked one by one, they all said that the sudden death of the three people was a bit unexpected, and there was no abnormal behavior in normal times.

Two days later, the investigation still made no progress, but there was news that Mu Yue's body had turned into a corpse. Everyone around her was infected and entered the intensive care unit, where the body was urgently destroyed.

Wei Yan and Wang Yang both sighed and blamed themselves very much.If the attitude was a little tougher at the beginning, maybe...

Su Xin said: "No one has the obligation to take responsibility for the life and death of others. A person who is full of guilt towards his daughter, but puts all the responsibility on others to blame the society, no one can save him."

She was worried about Shi Feng and the two, and she had already asked the direction of Huaishugou, but she still had to walk into the mountain, and it would take nearly a day to get there...

I don't know why, Su Xin always felt a little hairy when he heard it.This, this is too remote.

The more derailed the place is from the outside world, the more unpredictable dangers there are.

Su Xin glanced at the roster, most of the visits have already been made, and the school will start in two days.

Now after six o'clock in the afternoon, there is still one student to visit. Wang Yang drove to the downstairs of the community soon.

Su Xin, who was absent-minded at first, suddenly smelled a sinister energy, and stopped Wang Yang who was about to knock on the door behind him. With a flip of his wrist, a defensive talisman fell into the palm of his hand, and he slapped Wang Yang with his backhand.

A festive couplet was pasted on the door. Su Xin rang the bell, and it took a while for someone to open the door.

A middle-aged woman with a very haggard face looked at Su Xin warily, and then swept her gaze over Wang Yang: "Who are you looking for? Hey, you..."

The moment the other party opened the door, Su Xin's eyes flashed with surprise.

Then he pushed the door open suddenly, got in, and rushed to the half-closed bedroom door.

Darling, there are actually three ghosts!
One lay on the girl's head, fiercely grabbing the girl's hair.

One jumps and jumps on the girl's body.

And keep blowing cold air at her...

Seeing Su Xin coming in, they all changed into the same way they had just died. A female ghost's head was suddenly split in the middle, dividing her body into two halves, with a smile on her mouth, she walked towards Su Xin step by step.Behind him was a bed of red and white ones.

The other is that a piece of his body fell off with every step he took, and finally broke into a puddle of minced meat, from the bedside bunk to Su Xin's feet.

The last one is black and purple all over...

Suddenly, there was a whirring whirlwind in the room, full of strong resentment.

Just now Su Xin deliberately restrained her spiritual power, and didn't put up an energy shield, because she was afraid that the energy fluctuations on her body would arouse the other party's vigilance.

Taking advantage of the three ghosts rushing towards them, Lingli wrapped his hands in an instant, stretched out his hands and grabbed them away.

The ghost's hatred and madness at the beginning suddenly turned into fear and wailing.

Su Xin was unmoved, and increased the output of spiritual power, and soon refined only a small ball, and then collected it into the spirit inkstone.

The souls of the dead were never found before, so they all gathered here to harm people.

The past few days of running around have finally yielded something, and I still need to find out more information from them, so I can't destroy them for the time being.

Let's say that the middle-aged woman saw Su Xin rushing directly into the house and was about to stop her when she was stopped by Wang Yang who followed her.

At this moment of hesitation, Su Xin had already dealt with several ghosts.

The three ghosts were taken into the spirit inkstone by Su Xin, and they wailed mournfully, just replaying their tragic death over and over again.

It was the souls of the three students who died unexpectedly before.

It stands to reason that such ghosts without any intelligence would harm people indiscriminately, but they just came to pester this girl.

Could it be that there is any relationship between them?
The skinny and sallow girl was lying on the bed, with big eyes staring at Su Xin in horror.

His lips trembled, and he said "you" a few times without uttering a complete sentence.

In order to scare the girl, those ghosts deliberately appeared, so she also saw the scene where Su Xin took them away.

Su Xin knew from the roster that this girl was named Qiu Min, and she was in the same class as the three deceased.

Su Xin walked to the bed step by step, and said, "You must already know what happened to you, right? Yes, I can help you solve it, but you need to tell me all the ins and outs of the matter before you can completely solve this paragraph. Nie Yuan."


Qiu Min's mother, Dai Yunxiu, came in and was about to scold Su Xin. Seeing that her daughter didn't cry with her head in her arms like before, the words on her lips turned into concern for her daughter: "Minmin, how are you? You..."

(End of this chapter)

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