Chapter 336
"Mom, I'm fine, she..."

Although Qiu Min was talking to his mother, his eyes were looking in Su Xin's direction.

"I'm her music teacher, and I'll make a special home visit during the winter vacation." Su Xin took Qiu Min's words and said.

This was an excuse agreed upon with Wang Yang earlier, and Wang Yang introduced himself in this way when he stopped Dai Yunxiu just now.

Qiu Min stammered: "Yes, our music teacher, Mom, I want to stay by myself for a while."

Dai Yunxiu looked distressed, "Okay, okay, I'll get you something to eat."

When I turned around, I realized that there were two more people in the family, and said to Su Xin and Wang Yang, "Well, thank you for coming to see Minmin, you can stay for dinner later."

Wang Yang replied: "No, we're just making a routine home visit, and we'll be leaving soon, so go ahead."

Dai Yunxiu looked into the bedroom worriedly, but Su Xin directly closed and locked the door.

Su Xin sat by the bed, looked in the direction of the corner of the head of the bed, and said lightly: "Don't worry, I will try my best not to let your daughter get hurt."

Qiu Min just calmed down, suddenly turned his head to the side like a frying pan, and there was nothing there.

Turning his head again, he looked at Su Xin with a horrified expression, "You, who were you talking to just now? Could it be?"

Su Xin said frankly: "Don't be afraid, he is your father. Presumably it is because he has been secretly guarding you, otherwise, you would not be able to persist."

After listening to Su Xin's words, Qiu Min's eyes turned red all of a sudden, tears fell down, and he shouted "Dad, Dad..."

He rushed towards that direction while shouting, "Dad, show up and let me see. Do you know that my mother and I miss you so much, woo woo, I saw my mother sleeping with a picture of you alone several times ,dad……"

The frail shadow in the corner trembled slightly, and floated towards the girl. He wanted to reach out and touch her, but it passed over her.

What he said in his mouth turned into a whimpering wind that blew across the girl's cheek.

Su Xin passed the microphone and said to the girl: "Your father said, he knows it all, he has seen it all, and he misses you very much, and can't bear to part with you, that's why he hasn't crossed Huangquan Road for a long time."

Qiu Min was very excited, lying on the quilt and crying loudly.

The male ghost was also very surprised, unexpectedly, Su Xin could still hear the ghost language, and said excitedly: "Thank you for helping my daughter get rid of those things just now, I don't think I can watch her get married, and I can't entrust her to her with my own hands." Another boy took care of her and took good care of her. I want you to help me tell her that when looking for a boyfriend in the future, you must keep your eyes open and find someone who is good to her..."

"I would also like to ask you to tell Xiuxiu for me. I... am really sorry that I didn't grow old with her and let her take care of the children alone to support the family. If I find the right one, as long as I treat her well, I still hope that she will If there is someone to rely on, I will wait for her on Huangquan Road, no matter how long, I will wait for her."

Su Xin replied: "Don't worry, I will definitely convey it to you."

The beauty of adults is fragrant in the heart.

After the male ghost finished speaking, it was as if all his wishes had been fulfilled, the belief supporting the soul disappeared, and the ghost image completely dissipated in the air.

Qiu Min's emotions finally stabilized, she quietly narrated:

"A few times, those people tried to tempt me, telling me to commit suicide or jump off a building... I felt like I was in a daze, and I couldn't help but follow their instructions."

"Fortunately, that voice stopped me. It was so kind. It turned out to be my father, woohoo... Later, they probably couldn't shake my will and had nothing to do, so they..."

As Qiu Min spoke, tears fell silently again.

Su Xin asked: "Those ghosts showed their figures, you have already recognized them, they are your classmates, they used to be. What is the relationship between you, or what happened to make them linger so persistently?" you?"

Qiu Min was pestered for the past two days, thought a lot, and fully figured it out.

It was all because of the alliance proposed by Xue Yin at the end of last semester.

She said that since they are good friends with each other, they will also be good friends for a lifetime in the future and never betray.

So one night, the six of them swore to a statue of a god.

The content is roughly: live and die together, never betray, otherwise you will be sent to the eighteenth level of hell, and you will never be reborn.

"We also followed the example of the blood alliance on TV. We prepared money for incense candles, wine and bowls. After we all took the oath, we pricked our fingers with the tip of a needle, squeezed out a drop of blood into a bowl of wine, and then each Take a sip."

As Qiu Min spoke, the tears in the corners of his eyes silently rolled down into the messy hair on his temples.

"Actually, we just thought it was fun and mysterious at the time. Really, really didn't think so much..."

Until the end of the final exams, the holidays, everything was flat.

Just two days before the Chinese New Year, she suddenly read the news that a boy ran across the road in the middle of the night and was hit and killed by a trailer. The cause of death turned out to be to deliver medicine to his girlfriend in the early morning.

Qiu Min said: "Zhen Tao originally played with a girlfriend, and later changed to pursue Mu Yue, but he didn't expect that it was to deliver medicine to Mu Yue..."

After Qiu Min finished speaking, he comforted himself: "Actually, most of them are playing one today and changing the other tomorrow. If it suits them, they stay together, and if they don't suit them, they separate. It's not marriage. Why did it become like this?"

Seeing that Su Xin didn't respond, she said to herself: "At that time, I felt that something was wrong, but I couldn't explain why. Then Xue Yin died unexpectedly. When she was in school, Xue Yin liked to tell stories, but I like to tell some gossip, but this is not an unforgivable mistake."

"The day before she died, she called me and said that another girl was too bitch and wanted to break up with her. That girl was also one of the people who swore with us. I think there is no need to be so serious about some trivial matters. Persuaded her to come, then hung up the phone. The next day I heard..."

"As for Mu Yue, I only know that she is a very shy girl, and very timid, who needs protection. I don't know why she ran into the sewer by herself..."

Su Xin knows.

Because Zhen Tao led her to that place, she just wanted to seek a safe and warm haven, but she never thought that her boyfriend who died trying to deliver medicine to her would come to claim her life.

Until she was dying, she felt that she was still nestled in the generous and firm arms of her boyfriend, so she was the most peaceful among the dead.

After listening to Qiu Min's narration, Su Xin finally figured out the clues behind these serial accidental deaths.

Swear, Idol.

At a specific time, they have reached a contract with a certain "ritual" that can resonate with the mysterious power, so they will be bound by that power.

(End of this chapter)

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