her left eye is unusual

Chapter 337 "Private Contract"

Chapter 337 "Private Contract"

No matter how harsh the way of heaven is, it is impossible to punish the world because of these, otherwise there will be few people in this world who can breathe.

Therefore, the root cause is still on the statue.

Su Xin asked: "Just now you said that you swear to a god statue, do you know who brought the god statue?"

Qiu Min recalled: "Well, it seems to be...Zhu Qingshan, he said that the statue was consecrated by a respected elder of the temple, it is very spiritual, and it can protect us."

As Qiu Min talked, he lowered his head in shame, and his voice was weak: "Actually, our so-called sworn brotherhood was to a large extent because we wanted to have a good relationship with him. It can be regarded as pleasing him. He said, in the future If someone troubles us, say that it is his brother and sister with different surnames, just... you know, although the students in the school are very simple, behind each student is a family and the status of the family in society. And it is also very This kind of worship is popular, so I really didn't think so much at the time..."

Su Xin nodded, she knew about the gang formation in the school.

In the dormitory she lived in the past, there were a few girls who played better with others, so they went to marry each other, but they didn't arrive for a semester, and it was rumored that "you stole her boyfriend, and she pried her The "foot of the wall" incident created a miasma.

But if someone proposes not to worship, at least at that time, he will be excluded by the rest.

The situation has been investigated almost, and the souls of the three deceased have been collected, at least no one will die because of the ghost's death.

But that contract is still there, so the binding force of the contract is still there.

Now they even vaguely remember the specific oath they said at the beginning, so they don't know if they will inadvertently violate something in their daily actions, so they burp.

I can only go out as little as possible, talk less and do less.

Now Su Xin has finally figured out that what they concluded was just a "civil contract".

It's like a loan between private individuals, and then write an IOU and sign it with your thumbprint. Although it is also protected by law, if the written note is destroyed, the loan will not stand.

For the current plan, the only way to completely break the contract is to find the statue.

Su Xin stood up and said to Qiu Min: "Oh, by the way, just now your father asked me to tell you: When looking for a boyfriend in the future, you must keep your eyes open, and you must find someone who is right for you."

Su Xin's words made Qiu Min lie on the quilt and cry again, but she turned around and opened the door quietly to leave.

As soon as he came out, he met Dai Yunxiu, who was wiping his hands on the apron while staring at Su Xin eagerly, "Well, the home visit is already done, Minmin... the two teachers stay and have dinner together, I'm ready..."

Su Xin followed the other party's words and said: "Minmin is fine. To be honest, Minmin was indeed entangled by those dirty things this time. Fortunately, her father has been helping her in secret. But everything is over now. During this time You tell her to stay at home as much as possible, less contact with outsiders, and read more books and the like."

Dai Yunxiu's body trembled slightly. In the past two days, she had indeed heard her daughter keep calling some people's names, asking them to leave and not taking her away. She originally wanted to take her daughter to the temple to ask for a safe talisman, but her daughter always Refuse to go out.

In fact, it was fortunate that she didn't go out, otherwise, in an unfamiliar magnetic field, her father's ghost power would be weakened, and she would definitely not be able to compete with those three ghosts, and would definitely die if she went out.

She also invited a famous sorceress to come to see her at home, but she ran away after meeting her...

She really had no choice, so she kept guarding her daughter until Su Xin and Wang Yang came.

She didn't dare to say these things casually, facing being told that she had a mental problem.

So I didn't say anything about the two young people who came to visit suddenly, but I didn't expect this young lady to say all of them at once.

I don't know if it's excitement, fear, or unspeakable sadness.

Dai Yunxiu couldn't stop touching her eye sockets, and it took a while for her emotions to ease up. She asked Su Xin with red eyes: "Well, you said just now that her father is always there?"

Su Xin nodded: "That's right, he has been guarding your mother and daughter all the time, but this time, in order to fight against the three ghosts, the loss was too great and he had to leave. He asked me to give you a sentence."

Su Xin looked at Dai Yunxiu's expression, if she and Wang Yang weren't there, she might have been like Qiu Min, throwing herself on the quilt and crying loudly, in order to vent out the emotions that have been pent up for many years.

"He, what did he say?"

"He said that he was really sorry that he didn't grow old with you, and let you take care of the children alone to support the family. If he finds the right one, as long as he treats you well, he still hopes that you can have someone to rely on. He will wait on Huangquan Road You, no matter how long, he will wait for you."

It was so far away from Qiu Min's house, it seemed that the hearty crying of mother and daughter could still be heard from inside.

Wang Yang blinked with moist eyes, and asked Su Xin: "Well, is what you said just now true?"

Su Xin replied: "Of course it is true, I just changed the name."

Wang Yang: "Then tell me, will she do that..."

Su Xin said with a smile: "No, in fact, physical fatigue will only make people eat better and sleep more sweetly, but mental fatigue will feel unbearable. When the soul has sustenance, they will feel that no matter what life is like, If there is care and waiting in the distance, you will not feel lonely and helpless."

Su Xin thinks about the year she was in a coma... Originally, when she woke up, she seemed to feel her soul trekking in a space, but as time went by, she almost completely forgot about the time she was in a coma. What exactly did my consciousness go through that year.

But just now, she seemed to have some comprehension and found a sense of familiarity.

That's right, in that place without any sense of direction, she felt the call of her parents' love for her.


The two sat in the car, and Su Xin gave a general account of what he had just learned.

When Wang Yang heard the name "Zhu Qingshan" mentioned by Su Xin, he blurted out: "Zhu Qingshan? Is it Zhu Qinghai's youngest son?"

Su Xin didn't know the upper class situation in City S, so she asked, "Is there any problem with this person?"

Wang Yang glanced at the list, Zhu Qingshan was not in this class, and replied: "It's nothing, his father is the leader of food processing in S City, and several times he received reports from the masses that they used inferior raw materials for processing, but the industry and commerce When the quality inspector passed by, they found nothing. I heard that there are some tricks and some forces... If you have money, naturally there will be forces who will take the initiative to come to the door and cling to each other."

He sighed and ended the topic.

(End of this chapter)

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