her left eye is unusual

Chapter 338 Skynet is sparse but not leaking

Chapter 338 Skynet is sparse but not leaking

According to the sworn list provided by Qiu Min, Su Xin found six people, besides the three who had died, there were also Zhu Qingshan and Zhang Hui.

The two decided to go to Zhang Hui's house first.

Because it came according to the order in which each of them swears, so nothing happened to Zhang Hui now, but because she heard that several classmates had accidents one after another, and she also thought that those people were all the people they swore together before, so she was very panicked.

Staying at home even during Chinese New Year, not going anywhere.

Su Xin sensed a wave of energy that surpassed both Zhang Hui and Qiu Min, which was the power of the contract they reached at the beginning.

Like a ghost hiding in the dark, watching their every word and deed all the time, if there is a slight mistake, bad luck will befall them.

On the way to find Zhu Qingshan, Wang Yang, who was driving, looked solemn, and said falteringly: "Well, Su Suxin, do you really think you can get retribution if you swear casually?"

Su Xin said with a smile: "It's not that easy, it's just being tampered with by someone with a heart. It should be to let them reach some kind of agreement with some evil forces. Of course, it's better to swear less. Maybe they didn't curse others. Instead, put yourself in."

Zhu Qingshan's home is in a high-end apartment. He is slender and handsome, but in Su Xin's view, his body is depleted of vitality and full of yin and yang.

He crossed his legs and joked to Wang Yang: "Oh, I said that the school has never done any home visits, and I am still wondering which teacher came up with such a clumsy excuse to make a relationship. It turned out to be Team Wang. .”

Wang Yang has been involved in many cases, and has seen many dandies who are even more arrogant than this one, but their purpose of coming here is not to be someone else's guest, but to investigate the case.

Since the opponent pierced directly, he didn't make any detours.

Wang Yang asked straight to the point: "Tell me, last time you summoned a few classmates to worship, where did the idol you used come from?"

Zhu Qingshan spread his hands, and exaggeratedly said: "Hey, Wang Dui, what are you talking about about gods and gods? It depends on...whether this beautiful woman's face is good or not."

He also whistled towards Su Xin, "Hey, isn't it, my beautiful music teacher. Hey, don't be so serious, just smile."

This is purely a casual play, and she, Su Xin, would not be irritated by a little kid's few words.

She didn't feel the power of the contract in him.

Secretly, this guy really has a problem.

Therefore, it can be confirmed now that Zhu Qingshan must know the secret of the statue.

So he asked: "If you tell me about the statue now, maybe you can save your own life, otherwise, it will be too late to regret it."

Su Xin's tone was calm and cold, but Wang Yang knew Su Xin's tricks. She said that people would "regret", and there was really no room for regret.

Although he doesn't like this fledgling brat who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth because of his family status, but...in his opinion, he is not broken to the bone, so he still hopes to make him reform.

"All you have to do is tell me where the statue is, and where you learned the rituals from."

Zhu Qingshan raised his eyebrows and replied directly: "I don't know, I don't know what you are talking about. If there is nothing else, I have something to do, so I will not accompany you."

Su Xin can only judge whether the other party is lying, just like when he said "I don't know" just now, she obviously sensed that Zhu Qingshan skipped a very complicated memory information, but it's a pity that she can't directly read the other party's information like Mo Li. The memory is read out.

He couldn't help thinking that it would be great if Mo Li was here.

Several students who performed the ceremony together had accidents one after another, and he was still indifferent, either because he really didn't believe in evil, or because he knew more about the inside story and was sure that nothing would happen to him.

That's right, Zhu Qingshan did not complete the whole set of rituals at the beginning, so he was sure that he would not die inexplicably like them.

Zhu Qingshan didn't cooperate at all, and he looked like he was fooling around. Wang Yang grabbed his collar angrily, and said angrily: "Do you know that all the people involved in that incident are dead, don't you worry about retribution at all?" to yourself?
Zhu Qingshan tilted his head, looked at Wang Yang contemptuously, and sneered: "Oh, I didn't expect you to believe in retribution as a dignified policeman? Can I understand that you are promoting superstition? I heard that your department is now in the entire S The city is very beautiful, and he is the most obedient dog."

"You—" Wang Yang was so angry that he almost punched him down, but he finally held back. After more than half a year of experience, he is no longer the tender-headed young man who ignored all consequences.

"Boy, let me tell you, don't think that having a rich father is a big deal. If you don't restrain yourself, sooner or later your shitty affairs will make a big fuss, and even your father can't help you..."

"Hehe, look, are you threatening me? Arrest me if you find the evidence if you have the ability, oh yes, even if you can find it, but I'm not full yet, and I still have a psychiatric certificate. "

Su Xin raised her eyebrows slightly, heh, I didn't expect there to be another person who was proud of having a "certificate".

There was a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth, so even if his mind is not normal in the future, there are certificates to prove it.

Thinking of this, Su Xin directly asked Xiao Tao to go out - search for the soul!
As I said before, searching for souls is extremely harmful to the soul, but now that people are mentally ill after living, there is nothing to worry about.

Little Tao has also been displeased with this guy for a long time, dammit, you dare to adjust the interest of my family Susu, she is simply impatient, search!
What's the matter, a gust of wind blew, and Xiao Tao swayed around from the outside and returned to the Lingyan.

Su Xin asked, "So fast?"

Little Tao lazily replied: "Is it necessary to be cautious when dealing with such a person?"

Soon, Xiao Tao passed the organized information to Su Xin.

Su Xin smiled lightly.

All of this was really done by him.After all, for a man with a wealthy family and an influential figure on campus, there are too many people who want to please him.

As soon as he mentioned who he wanted to be sworn brothers with, how could the other party refuse?What's more, if you refuse, won't you just make enemies for yourself.

So it was very easy to hold a sworn ceremony.

As for the statue, it was given to him by a woman, Su Xin was no stranger to this woman, she was Fu Xiaobei they were investigating.

The sworn marriage last year was just an "experiment", I wanted to see the effect.

What Fu Xiaobei told him was that if everything goes well, the next round can proceed.

Unexpectedly, Wei Yan followed this case, found clues from the clues, and realized that there might be a mysterious power beyond ordinary people manipulating all this, so he called Su Xin...

It really is that Skynet is so sparse and not leaking!
(End of this chapter)

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