Chapter 339
The statue was hidden in the bank safe by Zhu Qingshan.

He had already seen the power of the "contract", so if Su Xin and the others didn't come today, he was going to use it to trick those people who often opposed him.

Those candles and paper money placed on the incense table were just a form of bluffing. She told him that in fact, as long as the other party offered his blood wine to the god statue, the contract would be considered complete.

This is easy to handle, as long as he speaks provocatively, those people will be easily hooked...

Now, he never has this chance again.

Of course Wang Yang saw the murderous intent in Su Xin's eyes. If it was someone else, he thought it was a bluff, but Su Xin was different.

Although he also felt that this bastard was too ignorant, but when he thought that he did not know how to get into trouble, it was the guards who gave him a chance to stand up again, so he felt a little pity at this time.

Assuming that he wanted to "fix" Zhu Qingshan, he scolded: "What kind of attitude is this, why don't you apologize!"

How did Zhu Qingshan understand what he meant? His mind is now filled with the fantasy future, longevity, and powerful abilities promised by "she" to him, and he even fantasizes about how he will pretend to be a b and take revenge on this society. Do some earth-shaking business.

Contemptuously said: "Hey, uncle policeman, are you trying to enforce the law violently or something? I'm so scared..."

Wang Yang was just showing off, but he almost dropped his fist when he was angry, what a bastard who doesn't know what is good or bad!
Su Xin blocked his hand and said: "The so-called self-inflicted crimes cannot live, let's go."

The incomplete soul will make people lose the corresponding perception, such as kindness, conscience, gratitude, family affection will be more indifferent, and the previous evil thoughts will be intensified.

So it's not obvious at first glance.

Of course, if one can tell at a glance that Zhu Qingshan is different from before, it may be difficult for the two of them to get out of this house, and it will cause a lot of trouble for the detective agency and the police station.

After Wang Yang took a few steps, he couldn't help turning his head and pointing at Zhu Qingshan, "You, let me tell you, you'd better do it yourself!"

Zhu Qingshan still looked provocative.

After leaving the door, Su Xin said to Wang Yang: "The investigation of the situation is almost done, just leave the rest to me, and I will go to the bureau to explain in detail to the guards."

Wang Yang hesitated, "Then, I'm leaving...Call me and the boss if you need anything."

Su Xin nodded, and after seeing him off, she turned into an alleyway, took an invisibility talisman on her body, and walked towards the bank vault where Zhu Qingshan kept the statue.

She couldn't wait to find the statue, for fear that things would change if she was too late.

It's just late at night, but the bank's external safe is still on duty.

Fortunately, the customer service manager happened to be dealing with a VIP customer.

Su Xin obtained the key by means, entered the safe, covered several cameras with the things prepared earlier, and then found the safe in Zhu Qingshan's memory.

As soon as Fu opened it, Su Xin felt a strong killing intent enveloped him.

Presumably, I sensed the danger, but no matter how powerful your killing intent is, it has no substance. Su Xin has a firm will and is not afraid at all.

Su Xin sneered, unequivocally, and stretched out her hand to wrap the black thing with spiritual power, and put it into the universe in her sleeve.

When I was about to close the door of the safe, I saw several stacks of banknotes and a black bag inside.

The banknotes are conveniently pocketed, and they are used as travel expenses for the past few days.

After carrying the black bag, it was heavy, and when I opened it, it turned out to be some gold and jade jewelry.

He thought to himself, how could he, a high school student, have so many jewelry?And the color is very good at first glance, but the style is suitable for men, women and children...

Is it...

A thought came to her mind. Some time ago, she read a report on the news on her mobile phone, saying that a jewelry store was robbed.Millions of dollars in property were lost.

Could it be that Zhu Qingshan found someone or did it himself?If she remembered correctly, it seemed that the jewelry store was still under his father's name.

Oh, I wish the family is so beautiful, it is God's will to have such children.Fortunately, they deliberately issued a mental illness certificate in order to pamper and protect their son.

However, the reported loss of the jewelry store must be based on the quotations at their counters. In Su Xin’s opinion, these are at most 40 to [-] yuan, but it is better than nothing.

There was also a kraft paper document bag at the bottom of the safe. Su Xin picked it up and glanced at it, as if it was an agreement about some company's share property.

It was useless to me, so I swept it and threw it back into the safe, closed the door, and left quickly.


As soon as Su Xin left, the two hurried to the vault.

It was Zhu Qingshan and Fu Xiaobei.

Although Zhu Qingshan didn't know why Fu Xiaobei suddenly came to him to ask about the god statue, he still looked like he was facing a big enemy, so he still accompanied her here at night.

But when he opened the safe, he suddenly froze.

"This this……"

Zhu Qingshan was stunned all of a sudden, "I just put it here, and I took it from the store last time...why..."

Turning her head, she saw that Fu Xiaobei's delicate face suddenly became terrifying, her face was pale, her body trembled involuntarily, and she muttered: "No, no, no, this is impossible..."

"Babe, what's wrong with you?"

Zhu Qingshan's words brought back the distraught Fu Xiaobei, and suddenly turned his head to stare at him, "Zhu Qingshan, how dare you play tricks on me?"

Zhu Qingshan, who was so arrogant in the face of Su Xin and Wang Yang just now, is now like a big boy who has made a mistake and is extremely wronged, defending: "Bei, Beibei, you have to believe me, I really I didn't lie to you, I just put that thing here. Also, I saved some private money and put it here, I plan to give it to you in two days, I"

The hunchback lowered its head, waiting for the other party's reproach.

Fu Xiaobei reached out and took out the cowhide envelope, grabbed the documents inside, "This is indeed your safe, but... what about that thing?"

Her eyes narrowed slightly, her expression was extremely resentful, she was not at all as playful as she used to be, and she was not as pure and lively as the girl who faced Fu Xiaohe and Su Xin before.

The voice was terribly cold: "Zhu Qingshan, you'd better think about it for me. Where did you hide it for me? Let me tell you, it's not something you can control, otherwise you're going to die. Blame me."

Of course Fu Xiaobei didn't believe Zhu Qingshan's words, thanks to the fact that he was selected from so many people earlier, he just felt that his simple mind would be more conducive to his control, plus his identity and background were not high or low, it was convenient to act and not easy to be targeted by others .

She never expected that she would be tricked by such a person after all her calculations!

(End of this chapter)

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