her left eye is unusual

Chapter 340 Step by Step...

Chapter 340 Step by step...

In the past two days, Fu Xiaohe followed Su Xin's suggestion and stayed at home behind closed doors, reading books, listening to music, and shutting down all communications, fearing that too many words would lead to mistakes and offend something.

With a "bang", the bedroom door was suddenly opened. Even though she was wearing earplugs, she was shocked. She raised her head, looked at Fu Xiaobei blankly, took off one of the earplugs, and asked, "What are you doing here?"

Fu Xiaobei smiled sinisterly, "Oh, I really underestimated you, my good sister. I didn't care about you all these years, and let you eat, sleep and live well. I didn't expect you to treat me like this. "

Fu Xiaohe didn't understand why the other party said such inexplicable words, but seeing the other party's expression was strange, it was not as pure, lively and playful as the girl in the past.And the tone was also very unfriendly, so he couldn't help becoming alert, put down the book in his hand, stood up, and asked, "Xiao Bei, what do you mean? I..."

Fu Xiaobei interrupted the other party, and asked coldly: "Who is she?"

"Which her?"

"Stop pretending to me, who was the woman you brought back that day?"

Fu Xiaohe finally came to his senses, it turned out that she wanted to ask Su Xin about her identity.

My mind turned, I have been fine for the past few days, I think Su Xin is helping her, and it has already had an effect.

Fu Xiaobei's impatience this time confirmed his previous suspicions.

His tone also turned cold, "Oh, seeing how anxious you are, you must be in a hurry. To tell you the truth, I invited her here, but I just won't tell you. If you have the ability, you can bite me. ah."

Fu Xiaobei's chest heaved violently in anger, pointing at Fu Xiaohe, you didn't say a word for a few times.

Such a scene made her think of that hateful woman back then!

Damn it, I should have killed her right from the start, but I didn't expect to make her comeback so soon.

In fact, it wasn't that she didn't want to get rid of this thorn in her flesh sooner, but because that ghost hadn't succeeded for a long time.

Fu Xiaobei narrowed his eyes and snorted coldly: "Hmph, Fu Xiaohe, even if you don't tell me, I will find out. At that time, I will make you regret every word you said to me today. Also, She, what happened was because of you!"

After speaking, he slammed the door and left.

Fu Xiaohe felt a layer of cold sweat on his back, and quickly called Su Xin.

A beeping sound came from the receiver until the sound ended.

This happened several times in a row.

The premonition of uneasiness in Fu Xiaohe's heart became more and more intense. He paced back and forth in the room, finally gritted his teeth, gave it up, changed his clothes and hurried to the detective agency.

She had to tell the other party about Fu Xiaobei's situation as soon as possible so that she could prepare in advance.

Naturally, her trip was in vain. The door of the detective agency was closed, and no one responded after ringing the doorbell for a long time.

Let's say that after Su Xin got the statue from the bank vault, he rushed to the graveyard of the last of the three "Qin Wu" he investigated first.

Sure enough, the ghost that haunted Fu Xiaohe was found there.

According to Xiaotao's guidance, Su Xin finally found another marriage lock under the stone slab in front of the cemetery. The carving on it was exactly the same as the one Su Xin got from the marriage bridge.

Although I still don't understand how to do this without Fu Xiaohe's eyes, I can already conclude that these two marriage locks really combined Fu Xiaohe and a dead male ghost.

Therefore, judging from the law of marriage, they are a couple who live and die in the same hole.Although most of the parties do not ask the other party to die with them after death, but if the other party insists on insisting on death with them, it is difficult to get rid of it.

Of course, in reality, ordinary marriages do not have such constraints, and only under special conditions can a life-and-death contract be formed.

Su Xin burned the two locks with a fireball talisman, and blurred the writing on them, so that they no longer have binding effect.

In this way, even if Qin Wu's ghost is still there, if he wants to haunt Fu Xiaohe, it means that he has destroyed the order of Yin and Yang, and any party can get him and punish him.

At this moment, Qin Wu's soul is shrinking in his columbarium.Slowly absorb the Yin Qi coming from all directions, and force your own soul.

However, Su Xin's two attacks didn't break him up because Su Xin intentionally kept a line, and wanted to capture him alive, otherwise he would have been out of his wits.

Therefore, how can the serious loss be recovered in a few days.

It can't even leave its own columbarium now.

The marriage contract in his hand is gradually dissipating, that is to say, he has no right to stay in the yang world, let alone turn such a flowery girl into his wife...

"No, don't, give back my woman. She is mine, she is my woman..."

Su Xin snorted coldly, she was really brazen, fuck your "your woman", women are not goods, and no one belongs to anyone!

Stretching out his hand to capture it, a big handprint was pressed, and Qin Wu's ghost was directly taken out of the columbarium and thrown into the Lingyan.

Qin Wu was not bound by a contract, because of the resentment he had had during his lifetime, his soul changed from an ordinary black mist to a surging black cloud full of resentment almost in an instant.

Those resentments and resentments were conveyed to Su Xin's consciousness like pictures:
Qin Wu, a worker in a factory, lives a simple life and is an honest person in people's eyes.

Probably because of his mediocre appearance, mediocre family background, mediocre salary, and poor speech, he didn't get married until he was 30 years old.His wife, Yulian, is a high-educated woman with good looks and high salary. People think that a flower is stuck in cow dung.

Although he feels inferior in his heart and feels that he is not good enough for the other party, he doesn't want to improve himself or treat the other party well.

Instead, the wife is required to give birth to a child, and then quit her high-paying job on the grounds that she is allowed to take care of the child at home. The wife is not allowed to wear those high-end clothes, and the wife is not allowed to make up, saying that it is indecent.The wife is also not allowed to have contact with other men. In the end, I feel that she will lead her into ruin if she chats with other women...

Yulian had indeed played with several boyfriends before, all of them were career-minded people, but in the end they all broke up due to one reason or another.It made her feel that those excellent men were unreliable, and she was thirty, and wanted to find an honest man to live a good life.

So, at first, when Qin Wu showed control over her, she took it as his self-esteem, thinking that he cared too much for her.

Moreover, she also felt that she had little savings and had just given birth to a child, so she should be responsible for the child and take good care of him.

She never expected that behind the seemingly caring, she would pluck her feathers step by step, turning her from a bird soaring in the sky into a chicken on her plate.

(End of this chapter)

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