Chapter 341 Copy (addition for Lois·W helmsman)

Su Xin asked: "You don't mean to just smash the statue into pieces, do you?"

Of course it's not that simple.

Of course, Xiao Tao knew that Su Xin was not such a reckless person, especially when he had completely seized the opportunity and dominated the situation, he would never tamper with this statue before he figured it out.

So with a leisurely look, he said slowly: "Of course it's not as simple as smashing it directly. If it's those clones, it's just that it separates out a wisp of thought and stores it in it. Naturally, destroy the carrier it stores, but This is its body, if you directly smash this pottery statue, then congratulations, just like Aladdin's magic lamp, you directly fulfilled it and gave it freedom."

Su Xin wondered: "According to what you said, if the pottery statue imprisons its freedom, and it has such a powerful ability, why don't you just let someone directly or just use some tricks to break the pottery statue?"

Xiao Tao: "This is the way of balance in the Dao of Heaven. On the one hand, it allows it to have extraordinary energy, but for those who control its real body, they must know the fact that they can't break the pottery statue casually. It can't let others Let's break this up. At the same time, you feel that as a person with a little 'brain', you will give up the opportunity to use such a powerful force for nothing, and just let it go. Is it himself? As for those avatars, they are channels for collecting more energy, and they will definitely not be broken."

Su Xin probably understood, and returned to her main question now: "Then, what should I do now?" to kill this guy!
"Are you sure you really want to match it?"

Su Xin smiled, and asked back: "Do you think I still have room for maneuver? What's more, this thing fell into my hands. The way is different. If I don't kill it, do I have to sacrifice it?"

Xiao Tao saw that Su Xin had already set up a posture, and was going to do a big fight, and he was determined to kill this idol completely.

That's right, this is Su Xin.

After thinking for a while, he said, "Okay, there is only one way, which is to crack its divine domain."

Holy area?

Inexplicably, a word popped up in Su Xin's head - copy.

That's right, just as she thought, Xiao Tao wanted to let her enter the divine realm of this god statue and completely destroy the opponent's foundation.

Otherwise, if you directly confront the phantom created by the opponent, you will treat the symptoms but not the root cause.

The other party has God's Domain as its backing, providing it with a steady stream of energy, even if it consumes her, it will consume her to death.

Besides, I don't know how many people have copied pottery statues that are exactly the same as this style. Those copied pottery statues will also constantly absorb people's various desires and provide them with energy.

Su Xin was also aware of this, so he directly took down the phantoms and murderous thoughts emitted by the other party, and calmed down and took it slowly.

Asked: "Then, how can I get in? What will it be like inside? I..."

Before she could speak to Xiao Tao, she felt a black swirl suddenly appear on the idol, and then directly absorbed her into it.

Su Xin suddenly felt a strong suction, and the first thought in her mind was the scene where she used the spirit inkstone countless times to absorb those ghosts.

Unexpectedly, I was lucky enough to experience it myself.

Tsk tsk, the absolute control left her no room to resist.

Xiao Tao watched Su Xin's body being directly absorbed into the black whirlpool in front of him, as if entering an imaginary space, and then his voice came faintly: "I don't know what's inside..."

In an instant, Su Xin found himself in a strange space.

Filled with countless resentments and desires, in an instant, all the negative emotions that had once occurred in her heart rushed to her heart.

For example, the resentment towards that pair of scumbags and scumbags;

For example, the unwillingness to be bullied by those people in school;

For example, I feel aggrieved when someone deliberately wears small shoes at work;

For example, having the superiority over all living beings after surpassing the strength of ordinary people...

All kinds of desires continued to expand and ferment in such an extremely depressive atmosphere, and gradually eroded her main will and beliefs.

I want to vent all the resentment, unwillingness, and aggrievedness completely, and retaliate to those people a hundred times or even a thousand times.

If she wanted to fully demonstrate her sense of superiority after possessing great strength, she had to publicize it in front of those who once underestimated and ridiculed her, and humiliate them severely...

The will of the body and the aroused desire are in a fierce contest in the mind, colliding with each other and fighting.


Going to tm's revenge, lz is not living for the eyes of others and the approval of others!

So, why do I want to use these desires to control my will and life? !

Su Xin finally discarded all thoughts, and the sea of ​​consciousness was clear.

The moment she opened her eyes, a ray of light flashed, and the approaching black clouds were forced to stop in place, only half a foot away from her.

Just now, the contest in the Sea of ​​Consciousness lasted only a breath of time at most, if it was a little bit later, when the black cloud wrapped her, even if her will was not wiped out, she would be completely brought into the center of the God's Domain and held back by all the ghosts , can no longer escape.

Su Xin instinctively stretched out her hand to block it in front of her. When the black cloud hesitated a little and then jumped forward, it happened to hit the soul-killing ring on her wrist.

Immediately, the black cloud like ink was knocked away by a wave of energy, and dispersed like a puff of smoke.

It was too late to say it, and then it was too late, Su Xin took advantage of the other party's unpreparedness and was overwhelmed by herself, directly took out the Lingyan, and took in the smoke that hadn't completely regrouped.

Immediately afterwards, several black clouds with condensed Yin Qi rolled and surged.

Su Xin sacrificed the soul-slaying ring to her side, then pulled out the hammer and swung it.

A flower danced, and all the yin energy that was touched by the soul hammer was dispersed, and then all the yin energy was absorbed by Lingyan.

Fortunately, the Lingyan was upgraded last time, so both the absorption ability and the communication with her consciousness are much stronger, and now she no longer needs to operate it with her hands.

You only need to leave a ray of thought to control it.

Su Xin took advantage of Lingyan.

Because God's Domain is a relatively independent space, that is to say, according to the law of energy conservation, if these yin qi are not completely collected, even if she breaks them up, they will still condense again, eventually consuming her to death.

It's a bit like the Hundred Ghost Formation and Ten Thousand Ghost Formation she encountered before, but this is a domain, which is more advanced in comparison.

Su Xin played hard here.

The little Taoist outside counted the time passing by bit by bit, but he was very anxious.

You must know that her body and soul have been completely absorbed in her now. If she is trapped inside for a few days and nights without eating or drinking, she will die.

 Thanks to Mr. Lois·W for the huge reward, and a special single chapter to pay tribute, I sincerely wish you peace and health, and everything goes well!
  Thanks to LTS911, Huaying Accompanying, and where is the good article for your support, especially LTS911 for your generous rewards many times.

  Thanks to all the friends who cast valuable votes, thank you very much for your support and love.

  Special thanks to the little friends who helped Chili catch the bugs, hugging and kissing one, thank you for allowing Chili to correct his mistakes in time, so that the friends who read the text later can read more comfortably, and Chili will review it more carefully in the future , put more effort into coding... well, but it is inevitable that there will be omissions, so I still hope that everyone can supervise and give pointers, love you~
(End of this chapter)

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