her left eye is unusual

Chapter 342 Ruthless

Chapter 342 Ruthless
The head of the little radish was circling around the statue, and the two small leaves were shaking back and forth, muttering something in their mouths.

It's a pity that it still has the "huge" knowledge base, but its power is very small. The key is that it itself is an energy body, without the protection of the body, once it enters, it will be directly fused by those Yin Qi of.

Therefore, it can no longer fight with Susu. The only thing it can do now is to create a barrier around the statue to completely isolate all information and breath here.

Let's say that Su Xin finally got rid of the Yin Qi around him, and the whole space finally became quiet.

Although those depressive atmospheres still make people want to explode, but compared to the mania when she first came in, at this moment her willpower can completely control her emotions.

Looking up, there is a huge black shadow indistinctly appearing in the Yin Qi, like a square mountain.

Su Xin just wanted to get closer and take a closer look in her heart, but suddenly found that her body was shifted in an instant, and she quickly controlled her thoughts.

The body finally stopped, and found that the shadow in front of Han He was only three steps away.

Looking at it, this is not a square mountain, but a huge prison.

This is the center of the entire "field", the hub heart where the energy pulses.

Just like the prison carts in ancient times, the cages were made of individual pieces of wood, but they were magnified a hundred times.

It was stuffed full of people layer upon layer, like a giant can!
Their heads squeezed out of every wooden grid, retaining the appearance when they died, looking at all the people who entered here with great hatred and indifference, trying to catch Su Xin in and become one of them, never to be Chaosheng, constantly, uses the evil thoughts they radiate to continuously generate more evil energy for this domain.

The death conditions of these people are all kinds of strange, pale, rotten... In short, all the states that the corpses can appear, and the degree of incompleteness, are all presented here without omission.

Just a little bit, she just put it on...

It turns out that this is the realm of the evil god, who has absolute control over his own space.

When the opponent's will is weak, it will completely control the opponent's actions.

Just now she wanted to get a closer look because she was completely relaxed in her heart, so she almost...

Even Su Xin has experienced a lot before, but at this moment, facing so many things that don't know whether they are rotting corpses or ghosts, she can't help feeling panic.

A thought rose up that wanted to sweep away the oppressive air and decaying atmosphere, and it spread uncontrollably throughout his thoughts.

Su Xin quickly closed her eyes, no, don't be impulsive!
My mind gradually calmed down, and when I came back to my senses, I felt a faint sense of weakness coming from my body.

Feeling uncomfortable, he quickly sat down cross-legged.

At this time, she was a little bewildered. When she entered this space, she could not feel the passage of time or hunger at all.

Wave after wave of those demons came at her. From the very beginning, there was a bit of tactical thinking about how to deal with it, but later on, they were parrying completely by instinct.

Just now, it was only at the moment when her mind returned that she felt tired. Otherwise, she might have to continue fighting... I dare not imagine that when my physical strength or life force is completely overdrawn, I am afraid that I will just confess here it is...

Thinking of this, I couldn't help being afraid for a while.

Fortunately, there were a few sticks of ginseng and chocolate in her portable space, and she ate them all. There was no water, so she could barely swallow them.

After a short rest, Su Xin began to deal with the cage.

The soul-slaying ring turned into a big ax and landed in his hand. Su Xin swung it twice in the air, and then suddenly chopped towards the wood of the cage.


Seeing the god statue standing still on the table, Xiao Tao suddenly vibrated by himself, he was overjoyed, it seems that Susu has found a way to crack it.

To be honest, every domain of God is different, and the rules of operation in it are also different, so even if I want to give Susu some advice in advance, I don't know how to say it.

Unexpectedly, this time Susu found Yu's heart completely by relying on her own ability.


"Susu, what are you doing? Hurry up and stop, look who is that, he is your father, how can you do this to him?"

The wind was blowing, the fog was heavy, and a familiar voice came from the side.

Su Xin looked up, and subconsciously blurted out: "Mom—"

As soon as she yelled out, she always felt that something was wrong... No, just now, just now...

When she turned her head, she found that the pillars of the cage she was cutting down just now turned into her father, who was clutching his legs and sitting on the ground in pain.

A hideous wound was exposed on the leg, bleeding profusely.

Just listening to my father suppressing his pain, instead of blaming Su Xin, he persuaded Xin's mother: "Don't talk about the child like that, she must have been bewitched by something just now..."

When Xin's mother heard it, she suddenly realized, and said: "Oh, it must be like this." Then she turned her head and said to Su Xin: "Susu, have you forgotten that you were helping Brother Donghai to exorcise evil spirits, and then suddenly After passing out, your dad and I have been guarding you day and night. Unexpectedly, you just woke up suddenly, rushed to the kitchen, took a kitchen knife, and went to kill your dad... Alas, Susu, wake up soon Bar……"

All this is too real... Is it true that I have always been in my hometown and haven't returned to S City?
Could it be that he fell into hysteria and imagined all this?
Su Xin lowered her head and saw the kitchen knife in her hand, the knife, her hand, and her body were covered with blood, which was still falling drop by drop.

Could it be that she would really pick up a knife and slash the parents who raised her and never gave up to protect her?
Almost subconsciously, she was about to throw away the knife and rush over to stop the bleeding for her father...

At this moment, Mama Xin's words came again: "Susu, don't put down the knife and help your father up..."

Father Xin stretched out his hand to her, "Quick, come and give me a hand."

The muscles around Su Xin's eyes twitched slightly, and there was a strange feeling.I wasn't just now, I was...

A moment of hesitation reminded her of what she was doing just now:

By the way, didn't I just enter the domain of an evil god statue, and was cracking the domain's heart?
Is all this an illusion created by it?

But she has also experienced the illusion arranged by Hanhe before, and everything in front of her is so real and real... The key is that she even cut her parents with a knife!

She suddenly remembered that she had seen many movies and TV shows, those murderers who committed horrible cases, they justified themselves, saying that they saw terrible demons, and they just wanted to get rid of the demons...

And now, is it the same for him?
In front of them, the expressions of the parents became anxious.

"Why don't you hurry up and help your dad up?"

"Come and pull me, hurry up"

"Come here, you rebellious and unfilial thing"

"You should have died in the hospital back then, so you wouldn't have committed so many sins..."

...the flaw, she finally discovered the flaw in this illusion.

There was only one point in all their talk—let her pass.

what's ahead?
It's that cage, and in the cage are countless ghouls full of resentment, stretching out their hands and grabbing out, grabbing everything that can be grabbed, bringing it in and suffering from purgatory together with it.

What happens if we go one step further?Naturally, it was dragged in by countless outstretched hands!

There was a sneer on the corner of Su Xin's mouth, with a hint of cruelty and determination.

You actually used my parents as bait, evil god, I will make you regret everything you have done now!
Su Xin looked up to the sky and let out a long roar, and picked up the kitchen knife, oh wrong, it was an axe.

Then he slashed down on the "father"'s leg!

Even though she knew it was an illusion, she knew that it was actually the pillars of the cage, but at this moment, Su Xin couldn't help crying as the ax fell.

(End of this chapter)

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