Chapter 346

Fu Xiaobei?
"I didn't expect it was really you!"

"It's really you!"

Fu Xiaobei and Su Xin said at the same time.

Fu Xiaobei stretched out his hand and flicked aside casually, and Mo Yao's body collapsed limply by the door.

At this moment, although she still looks like a young girl of seventeen or eighteen years old, her eyes and breath are full of monstrous hatred.

Seeing that Su Xin looked on guard and wanted to do something, he sneered and said, "Don't move, I advise you to listen to me. Unless, you don't want to save them..."


The only "they" who are related to her and who are still not sure are Shi Feng and Mo Li. Coincidentally, after she came out of God's Domain, she called several times but couldn't get in touch.

"Okay, tell me, how can I save them?"

Su Xin came out from behind the wall, and approached the other party seemingly unintentionally while talking.

Su Xin is calculating the distance, while Fu Xiaobei is also waiting for the opportunity...

Five steps, four steps, three...


At this moment, without any warning, Su Xin rushed towards Fu Xiaobei with all his might, and flicked his right hand to the side, adding a hammer out of thin air.

At the same time, Su Xin also happened to get close to the other party, and then hit the other party's head hard without hesitation!

This is the hammer of souls, it has no lethality to real objects, but it has the potential to kill souls and other infernal objects.

A phantom of a soul popped out of Fu Xiaobei's body, and then quickly shrank back.

Just a little bit, Su Xin caught it.

If the soul is separated from the body, she will not receive the karma of the other party if she catches it, but if she forcibly pulls the other party's soul out of the body, she will pay a heavy price.

In a blink of an eye just now, Su Xin found that the soul was somewhat similar to Fu Xiaobei's body, but at first glance, it was the soul of an adult woman.

Explain that this is a seizure.

But the body and the soul can fit so perfectly, there is only one possibility - the close relatives of life inheritance.

Su Xin suddenly realized.

She thought of the first time she came to Fu's house, no wonder she always felt something was weird.

At that time, she felt that the relationship between the adopted daughter and the adoptive father was a little too close... Even Fu Xiaobei and Fu Anyang knew in their hearts that it was their biological father-daughter relationship, but what if they were sitting on their arms and rubbing their breasts?

It would be understandable if she was only a little girl of three or five years old, but she is already a big girl of seventeen or eighteen.

In many places, people are married and have children. It is impossible for her to have no awareness of the difference between men and women.

Now, it was discovered that Xu Hua's soul was originally contained in this skin, so all of this made sense.

Su Xin failed to take down the opponent's soul all at once, but took advantage of his trance, immediately pulled out the rope and tied Fu Xiaobei up, put a cotton towel in his mouth and put on a mask.


Two small things fell from Fu Xiaobei's hands. Su Xin picked them up and saw that they were high-concentration anesthetics and an electric shock device... Heh, it's very similar to my own style.

Just now, the other party was probably waiting for him to get closer, and then restrain himself.

Fortunately, I acted first, otherwise I would be the one who is tied up now.

save them?
Of course he has to be rescued, but it's not to be rescued by the other party leading the nose like a monkey.

Fu Xiaobei never expected that this woman was really a ruthless and ruthless character, she didn't play cards according to common sense at all.

She didn't even ask who the "two people" were?Where?How about it?If it's like that, fight as soon as it comes up.

After finally regaining his senses and regaining his sanity, he found that he was completely tied up by the other party, and all the bottles and cans on his body were also searched by the other party.

She wanted to call for help, but there was only a whining sound from her throat, which was so weak that it could be ignored two steps away.

The so-called remote command threat can be nothing more than two situations:

Either a time bomb was tied to Shi Feng and the others, which could be controlled remotely, or it was a high-tech one that connected the bomb with his own pulse or something;

Either she put some curse on the two of them, chanted a spell or something, just chanted a spell or performed some kind of spell.

Su Xin doesn't believe it anymore, now that your hands and feet are tied, and you can't speak, let's see how you threaten me!

Countless life and death experiences, and climbing out of the sea of ​​corpses and blood are different.

I'm afraid Su Xin didn't even realize it. At this time, her skill and reaction ability are far different than those of half a year ago.

Su Xin pacified Fu Xiaobei in twos and twos, glanced at Mo Yao who was limp on the ground and hadn't woken up, and stretched out her hand to feel for her pulse...but she passed out.

So he took out Mo Yao's cell phone, pinched his nose and called the emergency call, and then helped Fu Xiaobei into his van.

If Fu Xiaobei wanted to do these shameful things, he would definitely avoid people and find an excuse for himself. At this time, Su Xin had an opportunity to take advantage of it.

After getting back to the courtyard, Su Xin tied Fu Xiaobei to the stool again, and took off the mask and the cotton towel in his mouth.

Su Xin said: "Okay, Fu Xiaobei, or I should call you...Xu Hua, now let's talk about how to rescue them."

Fu Xiaobei's body trembled violently, his face turned pale, and he looked at Su Xin as if looking at a terrifying monster.

"You, how did you know?"

Su Xin said: "Who you are has nothing to do with me. You just need to tell me where the two of them are now? How are they? And how can we rescue them? It has been completely completed. I don't care about the grievances between you, so there is no conflict of interest between us. However, if you want to use the two of them to blackmail me, or do anything that hurts them , let me tell you, I will definitely make you regret coming to this world."

The tone of Su Xin's speech was not sonorous or full of righteous indignation, and even a little flat, as if talking about an ordinary thing.

But Fu Xiaobei felt a bone-piercing chill locking her firmly.

"No, I don't know, I don't know them..." Fu Xiaobei said tremblingly.

"Huh?" Su Xin looked at her coldly, her voice slightly raised.

Fu Xiaobei became even more terrified. Seeing that Su Xin didn't believe her, she became impatient and repeatedly argued: "What I said is true, I really don't know where they are now. You must believe me, I just I found out that you are in a detective agency and have handled many cases together, saying that you are a very protective person, so, so..."

Su Xin narrowed her eyes slightly, and her mental power firmly locked on to the other party's mental fluctuations: she wasn't lying.

It turned out that the woman was just lying to herself, trying to make her fall into a trap.

It's a pity that Mo Li is not here, otherwise her memory could be read...

Uh, it seems that there is something wrong with my thinking logic.Isn't he checking the situation of the two of them now?

Well, since you don't know, don't waste any more time on her.

Su Xin picked up the cotton towel and stuffed it back into Fu Xiaobei's mouth again, and put on the mask.

(End of this chapter)

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