her left eye is unusual

Chapter 347 Rough

Chapter 347 Rough
Su Xin called Shi Feng and Mo Li again, but the phone was still turned off.

Feeling uneasy.

It has been more than a week. If it is really deep in the mountains, either the satellite positioning phone is out of battery, or it has to be turned off because of the need to save power. It will only be turned on when necessary.

Both of them are very cautious and careful in their actions. It is impossible to force themselves to a situation where even a mobile phone is out of battery in just a few days.

According to the tacit understanding between them, it is rare for them not to reply for more than three days.

So, there is only one possibility.

They're in trouble, big trouble.

Su Xin thought that the matter here had basically been resolved anyway, and planned to follow up in the mountains to take a look.

Glancing at Fu Xiaobei, this woman came from there, so she must be brought along.

Fu Xiaobei was gagged again, looking at Su Xin, just in time to meet the other party's cold gaze, as if she understood Su Xin's plan at the moment, she whimpered and shook her head.

Early the next morning, Su Xin made a big purchase and made full preparations, took Fu Xiaobei with her, and drove the van on the road.

As soon as Fu Xiaobei heard that he was going to take her back to the mountain village where she used to live, he immediately became extremely terrified and refused to go, so to speak, resisting with dying struggles.

But who is Su Xin, a reckless man.

Regardless of his delicate body, he just threw it on the back seat of the van and drove away.

Fu Xiaobei was really desperate at this moment. She once swore that she would never have the slightest contact with that ghostly place, and would never return there.

This woman is simply inhuman, how could you treat her like this?How could I provoke such a terrifying woman?

No matter how much she regrets, it's too late now.

Shi Feng and the others had previously sent Su Xin the road map for entering the mountain, so there were map guides from S City to the nearest town to the mountain village. Except for the rugged mountain roads that require careful driving, there is nothing special about it.

Su Xin drove out of the city, and when she heard that Fu Xiaobei in the back seat had finally stopped struggling, she tore off the cotton towel from her mask, only to see that her pretty face had already been covered with tears and snot.

Su Xin wiped her with a wet tissue. Although this guy wanted to use Shi Feng and the others to blackmail her, and even kill herself, but she has always been lenient. Adults don't care about villains, and they don't have the habit of abusing prisoners.

Su Xin said: "Hey, now you should understand, thanks to you, this trip to Huaishugou is imperative for me. And I will take you with me, I will take you wherever I go to where, so you better pray for me and bless me and let me find them all the way..."

I know you old man, but I still need to pray and ask you old m.

Fu Xiaobei stared at Su Xin with resentment in his eyes, and cursed: "You devil, you are the scariest devil, is there anyone more sinister, cunning and cruel than you? No, no more——"

Su Xin is just like listening to others tell her own story, smiling, kind, full of patience and tolerance.

Fu Xiaobei cursed and cried, "Do you know where it is? People will die, woo woo..."

Su Xin restarted the car, turned her head slightly and said to Fu Xiaobei: "Okay, it's less than a hundred kilometers away from Yushugou. You'd better sort out your thoughts and complete the matter of how people died." Tell me the whole thing. I can make a promise to you, as long as I don’t encounter completely irresistible factors, as long as I am alive, I will bring you out completely.”

After all, Fu Xiaobei's body is a mature soul that has gone through ups and downs. Now that she understands that she can't escape no matter what, and has been tied to a rope by this hateful woman, then the last words the other party said became her at the moment. Peace of mind.

Emotions gradually calmed down.

Needless to say, the journey along the way, with the farther and farther away from the hustle and bustle of the city, the mountains rushing towards the face, the inexplicable depression, Su Xin's mood became more urgent.

On the other side, Fu Xiaobei, or Xu Hua's psychological defense completely collapsed.

It may also be because she has been planning alone all the time, whether it is success or failure, pain or joy, she needs people to share and vent.

Finally spoke up.

"That... where did you get my things?"

Su Xin glanced at the rearview mirror, with a faint smile on her lips, and replied, "Do you want to ask where the little ghosts you took in are gone? Do you want to go back?"

Xu Hua gave Su Xin a hard look, knowing this woman's ability and vicious methods, he didn't dare to continue to contradict, but said: "I didn't accept those, I just controlled them through the contract of the six-armed god."

Su Xin: "Because you sensed how these little ghosts are getting more and more out of your control, so you thought that something happened to the six-armed god, and then came to trouble me? Use them to blackmail me?"

"Yeah, that's it. I didn't say I wanted them back…"

"It's still a bit self-aware. Those little devils are already on the verge of breaking out, and they almost turned against you. So don't worry, I've dealt with them all."

"It's been dealt with?" Xu Hua's voice was trembling, shocked, and indescribably excited, or finally relieved.

There are at least hundreds of little ghosts in those bottles, because they did not directly sign a master-servant contract with Xu Hua, but controlled them through the six-armed god.Used to help her accomplish those shady things, but in fact she is still serving the six-armed god.

For example, by means of making wishes and promises, a "civil contract" is concluded with some people.

However, people inevitably have some mistakes in their daily speech and deeds, and it is impossible to keep in mind every word they have said and fully implement it in every word and deed.

So these little ghosts rely on this "civil contract", like a ghost hiding behind those people, always pay attention to their words and deeds, once they violate the contract, they will be crushed by the "law of heaven".

The little ghost will pull the souls of these people into the realm of the gods, lock them in that prison, and suffer eternal pain.And the emotions of unwillingness and resentment that they exude are transformed into the energy source of the six-armed god.

Now that the domain of the Six-Armed God has been destroyed, the little ghost will riot sooner or later without restraint, and Xu Hua himself will be the first to be killed.

The "handling" that Su Xin said means a thorough solution:
She planned to throw all those little ghosts into the Lingyan, including the one that was entangled with Mo Yao before, and practiced all of them.

Rough, simple, but worry-free.

Xiao Tao said: "These little ghosts are worthy of having concluded a contract with the evil god. It is really not easy. You can put them into the five attribute spaces of the gold, wood, water, fire, and earth of the Lingyan to promote the operation of the Lingyan, so that it can automatically absorb the aura of heaven and earth. At the same time, it can also make the Lingyan automatically advance."

It is enough for Su Xin to hand these over to Xiao Tao.

(End of this chapter)

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