her left eye is unusual

Chapter 349 Yinshan

Chapter 349 Yinshan
Xu Hua's expression was a little evasive, Su Xin had made their current relationship very clear, if she kept hiding it, it would not do her any good.

If it was because she knew it and didn't say it, and caught herself off guard, Su Xin would not hesitate to throw this burden out.

"What is there in the mountains?"

"I can't say, I don't know..."

Su Xin glanced at the rearview mirror, then withdrew her gaze, concentrated on driving, and didn't bother to ask any more questions.

After a long time, Xu Hua felt a little disappointed when he saw that the other party didn't ask any more questions.

In fact, she is eager to share in her heart, and she just wants others to ask more questions, so that she can feel the urgent need and enjoy the process.

In Su Xin's view, if she is really "overpowering others", she will never continue to entangle her.

The silence in the carriage was eerie, and the layers of trees outside the window rushed forward one after another and then flew away.

"That, I..."

Xu Hua broke the silence, cleared his throat and said in a staggered manner: "...I know you must have gone to check my details. If you want to know my secrets, you will enter that mountain. So..."

She looked up at Su Xin cautiously, and seeing that the other party still had no response, she continued to whisper: "It's really evil there, even if I have a statue later, I dare not step in again."

"That place is really scary. Even in broad daylight, it looks gloomy and covered with dark clouds. I always feel that there are people everywhere, and sometimes there is the sound of fierce fighting with knives and guns. I always feel like I am being watched all the time. .”

Su Xin asked suspiciously, "Could it be the legendary soldier who passed the shadows?"

When Xu Hua heard Su Xin's response, he immediately got excited, and started to talk more actively: "Maybe, the older generation there called it the Yinshan Mountain. I also stayed there for a long time, and talked with the neighbors around me. I only found out after I became more and more familiar with it. I heard that in the depths of that mountain was an ancient battlefield. Although the products in the mountain are rich, they dare not go into that mountain. Once they enter, they cannot get out. , or a big change in temperament."

"The man who bought me was like this. He once went in, but he was like a different person when he came out. I heard from an old man that he was originally a very filial and simple person. But after he came out, his temperament changed drastically. Before his mother died, he carried his old mother to the mountain. Since then, he has never seen his old mother again. But he himself lives near the edge of the mountain, and occasionally buys some game or medicinal materials. Selling in the town ten kilometers away, I have a little savings, and then..."

Then I used the money to buy a city woman with a bottle of oil.

As Xu Hua spoke, he began to cry again: "Wow, I'm really miserable. I was framed like that by my own sister. I'm really not reconciled. I..."

Su Xin asked: "Then what do you think, if you treat your sister like that, how should she treat you to be worthy of you?"

"I...I never thought of harming her..." Xu Hua said incoherently: "I mean, I never thought of selling her to the mountain people, I..."

Su Xin didn't answer.

Xu Hua paused for a moment and continued: "But look at me, what kind of suffering did I suffer there? It's a life that is worse than that of a pig or a dog. How can she be so cruel? Even if she is dissatisfied with me, she can still say Come out. What's more, Anyang loves me, we are a couple, she stole my happiness..."

Su Xin: "Everyone can say that their own is true love, and their happiness is robbed. But it is not what anyone says is what they say. We have a unified orthodox recognized yardstick, that is marriage. Whoever deliberately interferes to destroy others marriage, that is robbing, hurting others first, and others can fight back. What's more, your sister just wanted to send you far away, but met such a man, it can only be said that the law of nature recurs. If I guessed right, you were also responsible for your sister's car accident."

"That's right, I did it. She caused me to be like this. Damn it, it's too cheap for her. Anyang was so kind to her when he became a vegetable. Anyang only did that because of guilt. He was just too soft-hearted. "

Su Xin didn't expect that until this moment she was still speaking for that man, the two sisters fought so much for a man, one was born after suffering all kinds of disasters, and the other was about to dissipate her soul, but she was still full of friendship for this man .Can't help but feel a little heartbroken.

If Fu Anyang had true love and sense of responsibility for Xu Hua or Xu Feng, it would be impossible for him to do such absurd things.

Su Xin said indifferently: "Your sister's soul has not completely disappeared, and part of it has entered a protective jade pendant, so you asked that male ghost to pester Fu Xiaohe several times, but if you didn't succeed, it was blocked by your sister. Because of this, she almost exhausted her soul power, and she was close to the point where her soul was scattered..."

Xu Hua's voice suddenly rose and became sharp: "She deserves it all, she asked for it..."


Xu Hua burst into tears suddenly, probably because he thought of his daughter's situation, and the other party also went to the point of despair in order to save her daughter.

It was past four o'clock in the afternoon when we arrived in the town. It seemed that it was getting dark earlier in the mountains, and the sky had already darkened.

Su Xin decided to leave Xu Hua in the town, untied the rope, and left a few hundred dollars.Her purpose is to find out the evil god.Now that it has been done, it is necessary to solve it thoroughly and find the source.

Even though Xu Hua doesn't have six-armed gods and little ghosts now, her adult soul and the money are enough to deal with it.

After all, Su Xin's intention was not to deal with her, the reason why she was brought here was purely because she threatened Shi Feng and Mo Li.

Now Xu Hua has basically said what she knows, and bringing it with her will only drag herself down.

Suxin packed his backpack, necessary dry food and water.After some inquiries and negotiations, Suxin asked Uncle Cai, the administrator of the guest house, to lead the way.

Xu Hua regained his freedom, and stood there for a long time, hesitating for a long time, seeing that Su Xin really didn't care about her anymore, instead he seemed a little uncomfortable, and ran over to block Su Xin: "It's a waste of money to ask him to lead the way. Live there, I'll take you there. Anyway, I want to visit that place too, I..."

Su Xin stretched out her hand to block her, and said coldly: "We are clear now, what I do is my own decision. It has nothing to do with me, but if it hinders me, I have a hundred ways The method keeps you silent."

Of course Su Xin knew that Xu Hua was more familiar with the place where she had lived for more than ten years, but she never forgot the holidays between them.

In this completely unfamiliar place, although they are not afraid of the other party leading the wrong way and playing tricks or something, but Shi Feng and the two have lost news for several days, and now every minute and every second is very important, how can they be wasted with this woman.

(End of this chapter)

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