her left eye is unusual

Chapter 350 Wizard

Chapter 350 Wizard
Seeing the two arguing, Uncle Cai was very embarrassed. He always felt that he was sabotaging other people's affairs, so he quickly said: "You are together, since she knows the way, then... I will refund the money to you, don't worry, your car Put it here and I will take care of it for you, what happened when you left, and what happened when you came back."

Su Xin turned her head and said to Uncle Cai: "Uncle, she and I are not going the same way. We have an appointment first, you only need to take me to the destination and then you can come back. Of course, if you feel that it is not safe to walk at night, you can go back again." Take a companion and I'll pay the same as you."

"This this……"

Su Xin has already talked about this point, regardless of the relationship between the two women, but a discerning eye can see that Su Xin is in charge.

So he said: "In this way, I will bring my son with me, and you don't need to pay more..."

Xu Hua originally thought that Su Xin was arresting her to lead the way. On the one hand, she felt conflicted, but at the same time, she felt that she was important and indispensable. Maybe it would be difficult at that time, but unexpectedly, the other party did not follow common sense at all. Playing cards, I would rather spend money to find a stranger than use her.

The resentment and loss in her heart deepened, and her desire to go back became more determined.

Deep in her heart, she thought that maybe she could still make a contract with something like ten years ago... She didn't care if it was a god or a ghost in her heart, she was used to the convenience that those things brought her.

As long as anyone is not pleasing to the eye, the little ghost can make trouble.

Uncle Cai's son, Cai Yongjun, is about seventeen or eighteen years old. He is thin and dark. He doesn't talk much, but he does things smartly.

Both of them lived in mountain villages, and they had already practiced uphill and downhill, but they found that Su Xin, a quiet-looking city girl, had no worse foot strength than them. Hong followed without panting.

Instead, another girl was running behind, out of breath.

Uncle Cai asked Su Xin: "Well, Comrade Su, should we wait for the lesbian in the back?"

Su Xin said: "I have already said, I am who I am, you just need to take me to the destination."

Cai Yongjun walked a long way in front, turned back and shouted to his father: "Dad, you go back first, and I'll take her there. She seems to be in a hurry, I'll go faster, you go back first."

Uncle Cai always felt that what happened tonight was a bit sinister, but he had come to this point, he couldn't give up halfway, so he thought about it, so he replied: "Okay, bastard, you should be careful, this lesbian is not familiar with the mountains, Take care of her more, if there is anything to do, I will call the guest house."

When he turned back, he met Xu Hua who was still walking the mountain road in the dark, trembling with fright, and felt pity in his heart, why did this nice girl have to go to that mountain in the middle of the night.

Xu Hua begged hard, she must follow.

Said that she used to be the daughter of Dagen's family in the mountains, and she went out to work, but unexpectedly met a human trafficker.

Said that Su Xin was the human trafficker who forced her to come back. He felt that the people in the mountains were easy to bully, and wanted to take more girls out for sale.

It's good that Su Xin coerced her, but not a trafficker.

Although Uncle Cai didn't believe it, he felt that the older lesbian didn't look like that kind of person.However, he vaguely remembered that there was indeed a family living in the mountains, and there was a little girl named Fu Xiaobei, who looked familiar to Xu Hua.

The main reason is that Fu Xiaobei has changed too much in the past few years. If Xu Hua didn't mention it, he wouldn't be able to recognize it at all.

Uncle Cai thought for a while, and then accompanied Xu Hua towards Yinshan Mountain, stepping deep and shallow.


From five o'clock in the afternoon until midnight.

There are almost no roads in the mountains, and most of them can only vaguely see the traces of vegetation being crushed, and there are mountains and forests everywhere. Without a guide, it is really difficult to tell the direction.

The moon is dark and the stars are hidden, the gray sky contrasts with the rolling black mountains, and the shadows of the trees are heavy.

The wind blowing on the ground shakes the branches and makes a rustling sound, like wandering ghosts whispering to you.

Besides, as Suxin walked, he felt that the yin in the air was gradually increasing.

Those windless and automatic tree shadows whirling are indeed ghosts shuttled and played among them.

Su Xin saw that these ghosts floating around were basically dead villagers, some were old and some were young, some died of old illness and some died violently.

Most of them stared blankly at a place, their consciousness worn away by time, leaving only an instinct to watch over their families until their souls dissipated.

Because of the stranger's arrival, their eyes turned to Su Xin one after another, and then turned with Su Xin's movement.

Su Xin didn't shine the flashlight, but in the line of sight of the left eye, because of the strong yin energy, the line of sight became clearer.

These are the ghosts of ordinary people after death, and they have no malice towards her, so she doesn't want to disturb their peace. In Lu Junsheng's words, it's good to live in peace with each other.

But one or two ghosts followed, hovering around Su Xin, grabbing her hair or tripping her feet.

Although these are just two very weak and ordinary ghosts, they can't cause much harm to people.

But for this kind of active attack, no matter how weak or strong you are, you will not let one go.

Just reach out and grab it, throw away the Lingyan, and practice.

Walking and walking, as the Yin Qi became thicker, the ghosts became more and more powerful, and the resentment on them became stronger.

This kind of ghost is not just trying to play tricks on strangers, but actually wants to kill people.

It devours living organisms and even invades the body.

Su Xin didn't want others to just show her the way, instead of harming others, and the destination was approaching.There is no specific road in the mountains, as long as you know the general direction and find a place where you can set off.

So it was decided to let Cai Yongjun go back the same way.

Su Xin suddenly stopped, and said to Cai Yongjun: "Okay, here is enough. Your father has already given you the money, and this is your reward. You can go back first."

Su Xin said and took out a red note and handed it to the other party.

Cai Yongjun refused to pick up, "My dad said you don't need to take more money, and I haven't brought you to your destination yet. Uncle Gen's family lives behind that mountain, and I will take you to the place where they live. Let’s take a look at Shan Pass, and I’ll take you back. The mountain road is not easy to walk, and it’s so dark. You don’t feel at ease by yourself. Their house is next to the boundary of Yinshan Mountain. My dad said it’s very evil there. You can’t go in even during the day.”

Su Xin grabbed the other party's hand, stuffed the money into his hand, and said with a serious expression: "Go back if you are told, and before I come out from there, none of you should go in again, understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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