her left eye is unusual

Chapter 351 Ghosts Are Different From Ghosts

Chapter 351 Ghosts Are Different From Ghosts

Cai Yongjun felt that he was usually agile among the mountain people, but he didn't expect to be grabbed by the other party and forced to pay a hundred bills.

Immediately at a loss, she still insisted, seeing that Su Xin had already left him and walked forward.

He was stunned for a while before he came back to his senses, "Hey, big sister, you..."

"Huh? What?" Su Xin paused, and turned her head to look at him.

"Uh, auntie..." Cai Yongjun inexplicably felt very guilty. Even though the other party looked very young, he inexplicably gave off a very strong aura, more pressure than the village head, and quickly changed his mind.

Su Xin stopped because she thought the other party had something to say, but seeing that the other party had nothing to do, she turned her head and continued on her way.

Su Xin walked for about half an hour, and the pass leading to Yinshan Mountain was far away, and a simple stone house was vaguely seen in the forest.

Under the gray moonlight, it seemed to be covered with a thick layer of fog.

Su Xin knew that those were all condensed ghost energy, full of resentful power.

There are also countless wandering ghosts floating in the air, like a ghost land.

Thinking of Shi Feng and Mo Li, Su Xin couldn't help feeling more anxious.

At this moment, a scream of "Ah—" suddenly came from behind.

The voice was Cai Yongjun who had led her the way earlier.

I was a little depressed in my heart, I didn't expect that this guy was also a muscle, and he still followed me.

Just now Suxin was in a hurry to hurry, and because she was walking alone, her speed was very fast, even Cai Yongjun had to run to barely keep up.

The further back, the greater the distance between each other.

So she didn't notice that he was still far behind her.

Then I thought that the other party was also out of good intentions. After all, they didn't know themselves well, and what they said was a bit hasty, so it was reasonable to make the other party worry.

People with this simplicity and kindness should never suffer bad luck for nothing, and they are here to save their companions. If innocent people are involved at this time, it will also increase karma invisibly.

Thinking of this, Su Xin hurried back without hesitation.

When she arrived, she saw a few vicious ghosts pounced on Cai Yongjun, their fangs opened and they were about to bite down.

A female ghost whined, and suddenly turned into a bloody figure with half of her head smashed, screaming and knocking those ghosts away.

Several ghosts thought it was the female ghost who wanted to monopolize this stranger, so they entangled and fought each other, biting each other.

You tear off a piece of my soul, and I bite off a chunk of your soul.

Although the female ghost was ferocious, she was outnumbered and quickly lost, so those ghosts rushed forward to bite Cai Yongjun again.

Biting the fresh flesh and blood of a stranger is devouring the life energy of a stranger, which will not only enhance their ghost power, but also enhance their ability to perceive the outside world.

Otherwise, in the end, all perception of the world will be gone.

While running, Su Xin condensed several energy arrows in the palm of his hand, and threw them out with a wave.

The energy arrow went straight through several evil ghosts, and a blank hole appeared in the middle of the ghosts, which almost dissipated.

But at this moment, Su Xin came closer, only three or four meters away, and stretched out his hand to catch them, and a few ghosts that were about to collapse were pulled into Su Xin's hands by a strong suction.

"I didn't mean to, let me go"

"I was killed too. I was wronged. I still have an [-]-year-old mother in my family who has been offering incense to me. I still have to guard my mother. Please let me go."

"I know I was wrong, I don't dare anymore, please give me a chance, I..."

No matter how these evil ghosts scream, they are directly thrown into the Lingyan.

For this kind of aggressive ghost, you must refine your heart to be at ease.

All the incense offered by relatives turned into ghosts, which shows how evil it is.

Su Xin felt for Cai Yongjun's pulse, but his vitality was a little damaged, but the young man's blood is young and he will recover in a short time.

Cai Yongjun staggered to his feet, looked at Su Xin, and explained embarrassingly: "For some reason, I stepped on something and slipped all of a sudden, I'm really sorry..."

Su Xin wanted to say that it wasn't that you stepped on something, but that those ghosts tripped you on purpose.

The premise for them to infringe on people is to defeat people's spiritual power and willpower, or to put out the yang fire on people, so that they can get close.

Fortunately, there was that female ghost nearby to delay the time, otherwise...

At this moment, the bloody and dilapidated appearance of the female ghost gradually recovered, and she became a normal female ghost.

About forty years old, looking at Cai Yongjun lovingly, with a loving and protective look on his face.

It should be his mother.

She said something grateful to Su Xin, and was about to kneel down.

Su Xin waved her hand lightly, a soft force stopped the other party from kneeling, and said: "You can protect your son and go back later, don't come here."

She noticed that there was a faint layer of white light flowing around the opponent's body. It seemed that there was something unusual about this female ghost.

But as long as it doesn't hinder and infringe others, Su Xin doesn't want to interfere too much.

Cai Yongjun looked around, "Who are you talking to?"

In his eyes, Su Xin was talking to the air next to him just now, and he looked serious and serious, and he couldn't help but feel a little hairy.

Su Xin said: "Your mother. Go back, immediately, immediately. Don't come near here until I come out."

Cai Yongjun: "Then... you, what if you didn't come out?"

"If I don't come out...you tell everyone not to come to this place." Su Xin said firmly.

Cai Yongjun looked at Su Xin's serious look, and then looked at the shadows behind him. Inexplicably, he was afraid of Dashan for the first time, "Then, what do you do?"

"You don't have to worry about that."

"Then... where is my mother?"

"Ten years ago, she went to the mountains to gather herbs, but never came back. My dad and I have been looking for her. My dad even set up an incense burner at home and prayed every day."

Su Xin understood, no wonder the female ghost was able to change back to her original appearance freely after transforming into a fierce ghost. It turned out that she had incense offerings from her relatives, and now she has become the guardian of her family.

"She is right next to you." After a pause, he added, "She has been silently guarding you."

Cai Yongjun is going back now, with her mother's ghost guarding him, so he should be fine.

One sentence from Su Xin made a young man cry. Cai Yongjun called "Mom" and cried loudly while looking at the surrounding air.

Su Xin didn't intend to comfort her, since her mother was there, when he calmed down, he could just go back by himself.

Just two steps away, the female ghost followed.

"Less comrade, don't go in any more. It's the realm of Yin soldiers. All the people and ghosts who enter will be left behind, and they will never come out..."

When Su Xin heard this, his heart moved. It seemed that the other party knew something, so he asked, "Where have you been?"

(End of this chapter)

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